Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 380

Under the public, he did not have pressure to make a despicable behavior with his image!

Obviously, I also looked at the Gangxi College ...

He is more difficult to say more than the Tang three!

In the fog.

The huge fierce war axless!

When the blade is still just a while, the blade is too lightly sideways hiding the past.

In his hand, it is a thin spiritual blade that has been covered!

The sharp hair, this is separated from the body when the warrior that is condensed by the mist is not reacted.

Dissipate, refurbish.

And the people of the Cangxi College were unsatisfactory.

Sky, the rotating gem is dramatic!

The pain comes from the spiritual level, and the integration of the technological insurance is over!

The wounded trauma received by the dead fish eyes is the most eye, and there is a unstable body shape to the ground.

"team leader……"

"I am fine." He wiped the blood of the mouth.

The blood is spread all over the eyes.

I didn't expect this little face to kill the fog!

But, haven't ended yet!

He bite his teeth, drinks low: "Increase the output, and prepare to bear more strong pain!"

Although these people are all aristocrats, the ambiguity is very rare, but the will of non-human training is extremely tough, otherwise they can also use this recruitment of seven-in-one integration skills.

"Come on! Shrek!" Deadfish eye captain looked at the blade that they didn't reach ten meters away from them.

He has risen, and the hands are closed ...

Around the blade, seven samurai condensed with the warrior who had just killed by him!

They will surround the blade group in the moment!

They swim around the blade, swooping around the blade.

The blade looked up at the seven spiritual power and the soul of the warrior who did not have a smile: "I thought I will fly, I can't help you?"

Directly cover the spiritual power ...

Among them, it is simple, and the blade does not even want to say, and the sputum small technique is complete!

First soul technology - the first sword!

Soul strength is covered!

Shaking! Xiao Xi College's young!

The knife with a smile of the educated generations out of the sword.

The Deadfish Eye Captain, the Canghui College, was immediately responded, and the magic danced over a time.

Most of the attacks issued by the blade can hit, there is no way, this is the bad part of the block.

Occasionally, a certain attack is empty and fog brings a lot of comfort to an impatient audience.

The moderator is also finally able to open: "Fast look! This is the attack of the first soul technology of the blade players!"

"In the fog, Shrek and Cang Xi College are fighting! Who will die in the end? Let us look forward to it !!"

I don't know how fierce in playing.

And Zhuzhu Qing and others who have fallen into a fog have gradually emerged ...

The control of the deadfish eyes is not bad, and even after the blade has been more than ten swords, he has not killed any warrior, and occasionally can launch counterattacks.

If it is not afraid that the opposite of the hand is turned acupuncture, the blade has long used them directly with a lot of soul.

However, the battle should also end.

The knife has been coming to the front two meters in front of the Cangxi College!

Dead fish eyes bite teeth, make up the machine, give up the defense.

He controls all the cohesive warriors to launch offense, no more injuries!

"Everyone will hold!" He bodged blood all over, and the team members who were close to the collapse of the collapse.

The thin spiritual power attached to the first sword of the blade is very hit.

The blade did not care about the burly samurai who floated in the sky.

He smiled slightly, and the swords in his hands were aligned with a male compatriots around the Jiehui College.

The second soul technology - weakened version of the spot!

As the team member of the Canghui College fell out.

The seven martial arts integration skills of the Cang Xi College - break!

Because of the anti-anti-anti-two soul main force, the rest of the people have come.

On the other hand, Ma Hongjun looked at this, not in front of him, the body was hot, and the woman smiled at him, wretched smiled:

"Hey, baby, come to my brother, my brother will make you feel comfortable ..."

"Small three? How do you come to Taiwan?" The rabbit was pushed to see Tang I won to him.

Dai Mu is so hard to shake his head, and then look, the beauty around him is still there.

Among them, Zhu Ziqing sagged clothes, and its cold face looked at him with a smile, and the jade pointing on Zhu lip, it is twisted, it is a delicate body that is not dry by the mouth ...

He knows that this is fake, but he could not help but swallow.

Zhu Zhuqing frowned to look at Dai Mu, who came to him.

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