Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 381

She knows that he may be affected by this strange pink fog, but he looked at his eyes as if he hated himself, it really made her disgust.

Suddenly, Dai Mu Bai rushed to her.

Since Zhu Ziqing did not expect him to be like this, and it was nearly near, so he was holding her!

What she consciously conscious is to prepare for her kissed her Dai Mu, a slap in the past ...


Loud slap in the light.

Dai Mu was awake a lot, his face was hot, and it was a frosty Zhu Ziqing.

His throat is being pawned by sharp paws, and the skin has been drawn.

He smiled and laughed to take it in Zhuzhu Qing waist.

"Zhu Qing, you don't misunderstand, I am just affected by this fog, not really ..."

Zhu Zhuqing snorted to the side.

Don't want to listen to his explanation.

She also saw the fiction of the blade, but she knew that is fake, a little feeling of a strong will resist this illusion!


The seven samurai to the blade rushed into the fog in the seven Soul skills fusion skills, dispersed.

The surrounding pink fog is gradually dissipated because there is no power source.

The blade has a blade pointing to the eyes of the dead fish standing: "Directly, I don't want to make a knife."


"Let's see that when the fog begins to disperse, do you mean that the Slack Academy and the Cangxi College have been out of the victory ?!"

"Who is the deer die ?! Is Shrek to continue to win, or a great unique door of Canghui College ?!"

The fog is exhausted.

Sleek is at the edge of the game, Ma Hongjun is holding Oscar, and it is necessary to kiss him ...

The Oscar is disappearing to push this big fat face from him.

The little dance is awake, how can it be stupid Tang San? Nothing!

The blade is holding the blade pointing at the last station of the Cang Xi College.

"Everyone is watching! In addition to the blue balance of the Lanhui University, he is standing with no one, and the staff is distributed. Is this a blade player? !!"

All the sights in the field aggregate on the blade.

Want to watch it! !

"Our Cang Xi College admitted!" The color of the deadfish eyes on the face of the blue world has come to the world, only unable to be hard.

They actually be defeated by one of the opposite people ...

"The Slack Academy wins!" The voice of the referee spread throughout the audience.

"Hey !!!"

"Go to your Cangxi College !! Laozi's money !!!"

"Wanted" !! "

"Blade Male God is so handsome !!!!"

"Men! I love you !! ≧ ▽ ≦"

"Ugly male! I am! I still have money !!"



The scene brush is boiled.

Blue Daba's dead fish eyes looked at the blade: "Why not come over and defeat us, from your most started attack, you are ready to do it, you have the same ability."

The blade closed down and smirked: "Just want to see what the seven integrated integration skills are like, to tell the truth, or encounter us, as long as you use this trick, you really don't have several colleges. "

It's no longer talking again, turning around to Zhu Ziqing and others.

Looking at the crowd of Shrak, the blade was surprised, what is Ma Hongjun? ! !

Do he want to be here to Oscar ...

Wow ~ so stimulation ~

After a while, Hu Hongjun was also awake, and the beauty became an Oscar, which made him a big appetite.

The blade also noticed that there was a red palm in Dai Mu, and he had the golden long hair covered with that. Otherwise it was ugly.

In the cheers, the blade smiled and smiled and said: "It seems that I don't have to be interrupted."

In all the eyes of all participating teams, the blade and others walked into a dim tunnel ...

The next game came one after another.

As long as the brain is not a problem, you know that this smile man will be the most terrible enemy!

Cang Xi College dared to challenge Shileke, then prove that there is enough power to cope with the five souls in the pink fog!

On the VIPT, Sarah nodded slightly, and heard the empress of the empress ...

On the ordinary audience, the roof of the Xueqing river mouth is slightly evoke: "That is interesting."

"No injury." Zhu Zhu clearly said around the blade.

The blade smiled and shook his head: "The small scene will be broken, how can it be injured."

Xiao Dance and others looked at Zhu Zhuqing.

Is this what Zhuzhu Qing said?

Dai Mu's white face came to burst into hot, heard the fierce shining when he heard this sound, and later calm.

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