Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 382

Due to the darkness, no one noted its strange.

When you return to the stand.

"What are you going crazy? Why don't you beat them when you start?" Ning Rong took a smile and got up his face.

"This naturally has my reason, it will not explain everyone, as for others, as long as they will win, others are not important."

Then the blade looks to Qin Ming, smiling and say hello: "The senior is good."

The smile is very comfortable.

Qin Ming said: Maybe he just raided just helplessly, the blade of the school is still very bright.

"Blade, can you say what happened in the fog?" Master opened.

Dead Yuxi College is expected, but what happened, don't say it is him, it is also very curious in the field.

Sit down in the eyes of the blade and no field of view, smile: "Everyone sits and listen to me slowly."

"Sister, he is so strong!"

Ice noddion is nodded.

The fire dance of the hot school, the wind laughter of the Shenfeng College, the foliage flowers and other people of the Plant College have played 120,000 vigilant.

A battle, what information they didn't get!

The only known thing is that this is called a blade, I'm smashing a little white face, one person is destroyed by the Fang Yuxi College! !

And this person will be the opponent in the future and even tomorrow!

It is necessary to visit the Great Strong Academy ...

Chapter 183, his stupid sister

Battle with the Cangxi College, you can say that everyone is soy sauce except for the knife.

"Is this guy not sleeping at night?" Ning Rong looked at the blade of his head.

The blade is added in the addition of reduced, and he has entered the refining of the soul after the fog.

After sitting on the blade, Huang Yuan hesitated, he finally chose to go away.

He is a little afraid.

What I didn't expect that this is sitting in the rear, Zhu Zhuqing, is uploaded to this.

Zhu Zhuqing has a little unnatural, but it is as calm as possible.

Now, her heart is jumping.

In the past, every time, Ning Rong was sitting around him with him, she was very envious.

She also wants to sit next to him, but not to fight with him, just want to stay more close.

But she has been hesitating, but he is hesitant to defeat.

She always got a lot of reasons to find many reasons for themselves, and will cancel the idea of ​​action.

This time I bite my teeth, my heart, I finally did it!

Ning Rongrong mouth, the heart is unhappy.

Sure enough, the guy of Zhu Qing also hiriegate the ghosts like the beads!


The blade has a better life that is hugging in the state of being hugging in the state of the neighborhood.


At the time of retreat, Ning Ronglong touched the blade: "Hey, ready to go."

The blade lifted his head and looked at the battle of the battle.

"Well?" He looked at Zhu Zhuqing on the left hand.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded himself and did not speak.

Shame is dead!

The blade thinks about it or open: "Huang Yuan, how do you change this beautiful?"

Zhu Zhuqing was slightly smashed, and the post on his face was pink.

Rear Huang Yuan: "..."

Ning Rong received his heart-sour, breathless: "Your guy is sleeping ?! This is Zhu Qing!"

The blade suddenly said: "I will say, it's okay."

"Hey!" Ning Rong looked with mouth, this guy was turning to bend and bowed!

I haven't seen him so boast, where is people who are more than bamboo? annoying!

In the field, the fire is rushing to the sky, with the captain of the Plant Academy, is out of the field, the battle of the Botanical College is out of the battle.

"Winning !!!"

The auditorium, the crowd boiled.

"Let's go." Fland got up to the people.

"Go, what?" Ning Rong said stamped to the blade in the field.

The blade smiled and waved in the field, and later: "Is there a beautiful girl looking at me."

Ning Rongrong looked, and I saw a fire red shadow that came in this eye.

She is fighting in the fire, and the pettyity is smooth and bumps, and with the enthusiasm of the fire.

The skin of wheat appears smooth and elastic, a flaming, a good face under the face.

Under the beautiful eyelashes, a pair of beautiful big eyes are particularly highlighted, and they can only see the deepest feelings of their owners with only an eye.

There seems like a fire burning, endless war is tumbling!

She has the Boys that most women do.

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