Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 383

And don't mention the face, tall and bullet.

Single eye, no matter how men and women, the first time is attracted, it is not its appearance, but the kind of cool and upright!

Ning Rongrong's eyes have a little sour in the chest of the fire dance, in addition to the little dance, other women seem to be much better than her ...

"How? White is it?" Ning Rong Rong, slightly uncomfortable to the blade.

Zhu Zhu Qing flashed a nervous, is it ...

no, I can not!

When the blade nodded back to the fire, I took back my eyes and looked at Ning Rong and raised the fists, smiled:

"Rong Rong, don't smear, I will smear someone's innocence, otherwise I will go with your fist, you can't cry."

Ning Rongrong hated the teeth, this bastard threatened her!

Zhu Zhuqing is relieved while being secretly blaming himself in his heart.

Zhu Zhuqing! How can you think so? He is not Dai Mu Bai's flower gob!

"Hey! Go." Ning Rong said to the blade, turned his head, and he didn't care about this kind of ghost that didn't know how to pither it.

The blade smiled in this Zhu Zhuqing and did actions: "We are also let it, otherwise waiting to be blocked."

Zhu Zhu nodded.


Looking at the blade of the departure, the fire brotherned the fist, and the fire was boiling.

The fire is unparalleled with a cold face, he has some headache.

Because of his good stupid sister, what is the terrible opponent.

The fire is not too much to meet this man called a blade, and he mysteriously reveals powerful, afraid that it is very difficult to deal with.

In fact, he also expects that after all, there is only such an opponent to play it.

But this is a game, once lost, it is very likely that the film will be eligible.

He is very contradictory.

However, he knew that his stupid sister would not care about this problem. Now she must look forward to it as soon as possible to encounter Shileke College ...

Hey, look at your luck, after all, tomorrow's opponents don't make them decide.

If you encounter Shileke, beat them! !

He looked at the blade and walked into the exit, and the flames were flipped!

He was influenced by this stupid sister ...

The blade is soft and sigh, he hates these people who know that they kill and kill all day!

What is the skin of a boy? He is not worried, just hit, and you can stay.

But how do this beautiful girl don't have your hand?

Hey ~ life, difficult!

"What's wrong? Is there any trouble?"

Zhu Zhuqing saw the blade suddenly sighing could not help but whisper.

The blade smiled and shakes his head: "It is not an annoying thing."


After a short period of time, Zhu Ziqing suddenly opened: "To sleep well."

The blade is slight, and then laughs: "Know, Zhu Qing you are also."


Ning Rong Rong is a little angrec, what are you slowly swallowing?

I am bother!


The sun outside is very bright ... Direct, it is very glaring.

The blade is old, and there is a piece of sugar in his mouth, and Zhu Zhuqing also took a licking of the same lollipop.

After the two people walked in the team, although they didn't talk, they gave people a sense of harmony.

Ning Rong Rong turned back and sneaked, and the blade was a great ghost and Zhu Qingru Xi.

Looking at the bamboo skin, she had never seen a faint happiness smile, her heart is a bit of five flavors.

After returning to the hotel, Ning Rong Rong went to the blade and hugged the arms of the Zhu Ziqing back to the arm.

The blade is somewhat helpless, shook his head, smirk.

Room back, lounge chair, cultivation.

Huang Yuan did not dare to be close to him.

He is afraid.

However, there is only such a man with his Huang Yuan's goal!

I have nothing to do in the afternoon, I will go to the next day!

Chapter 184 is sorry.

Today's opponent, there is no hoe in the college.

They have a happy choice!

The area where the battle area, the Shrek Academy is located.

The blade is comfortable and comfortable: "Don't use the battle is really good!"

When I listened to Fland and others listened to a black, when did the Shrek Academy mixed a salted fish? !

Is there any meaning of the students who don't want to win glory for the college?

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