Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 384


How do Flanders want to kick this boy kick out the door of the college!

But I think that this kid will cry, talk to him, talk about the serious problems such as tuition, breach of contract, and spiritual damages, and he also canceled this idea.

"True ghost!" Ning Rong looked his mouth and despised a blade.

Zhu Zhuqing's face faint smile, she felt that she was very good, so she can accompany him.

Tang San suddenly opened: "I heard that the form of the game will change tomorrow, everyone should prepare."

The master is open: "The small three is right, tomorrow is the two-wheeled knockout, and the form of the game will be different."

"A round of knockout is paying attention to the team collective combination, and the second round focuses on team personal skills."

"The two teams sent seven people, carry out fighting in the form of a car battle, but defeat the other seven people won."

"Don't drop it lightly because it is a personal war, encounter different teams, and arranges the scene of the player will be very different."

"And as the battle, both sides will also have an impact on the onset of the subsequent players according to the current situation."

"These thinking about meeting tonight, but this game is not big, I will briefly mention a few words."


The blade closed his eyes in the hypnotic hypnotics in the master.

The game is fierce, the master is really endless.

The soul space is deep, and the spread fluctuations are spread out.

The blade moved into the darkness of the darkness.


"Quick restore power, you are too weak now." Sound without a whit feelings sounded deeply in the depths of the blade soul.

"Don't remind me, I am working hard ~"


at night.

When Huang Yuan opened his eyes, it was a little surprised. The blade did not cultivate?

The blade stands on the window sill to look at the streets that are not far away.

"You, what happened?" Huang Yuan came to him.

The blade did not answer, and only looked at the street on the street.

Huang Yuan is a little negligible, what is this good looking?

After a while, he returned to the bed and slept.

He guess what is thinking about it.

For a long time, the blade sighed and muttered: "What is urgent ~"

After moving out the familiar lounge chair, the blade started today's cultivation.

But not so anxious, go to the big forest after the competition, look at the trend of the sky, the borderless sea, etc., there is a baby who has no life stone.

First put the guy again, he will soon be able to break out when he is unable to resist the crisis.

That is the end of yourself.

Blade: , I am too bad, he is obviously my brand!



When Huang Yuan got up, it was rare to see the soft white mang on the table.

He didn't read it today?

Huang Yuan looked at the blade on the window lounge chair.

I want to think that he doesn't understand the reason.

If you want to come or read it is too bored, this is sleeping?

Still cultivate interesting, Huang Yuan's mind.

He is ready to wash.


The sky is slightly bright. When the blade is up.

Open your eyes, the blade also saw Huang Yuan wants to do it without track!

He is thinking about whether there is a suitable vacancy room without going to the hotel.

Huang Yuan This man may be more dangerous than you think.

I saw the blade he woke up, and Huang Yuan was long.

Think of Tang Sana's horror.

He is still a little fear.

The blade lifted the lounge chair and washed it.

He didn't want to pay attention to the man preparing to hit him.

" ... ... -"

Almost in time, hotel staff also sent breakfast.

Two people have finished breakfast and go to Tang San.

I think that I have went to the venue and practice, the blade is ready to leave France, Master please leave.

But I think that my little friend is fighting for death, but I am not present, but I have no opening.

"Hey, is your guy not sleep? How is the mental state?" On the road, Ning Rong said poked the knife.

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