Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 385

The blade smiled and said: "Of course, I am trying to practice!"

"Cut, ghosts to believe you."

Zhu Zhuqing is a bit heartache and some angry. Isn't it called him to take a good rest? !

And he also agreed, how can he speak not to speak?

I feel that Zhu Ziqing's eyes are very different, and the blade looks slightly.

Bamboo clear her ...

I think of what I have, and my heart is secretly blaming yourself.

Ugh! Blame, deceived cheating, the words of the perfunctory, even if it is just that, the good girl like this will be true.

How to do it?

The blade thought that I wanted to pat the shoulders of Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhu looked up at him, and some observations and wronged eyes.

He lied himself.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing, the blade feels that he is a bit not something.

She is not good at expressing her emotions, but her emotions are most sincere and most sensitive.

The blade whispered in her ear: "Sorry."

Zhu Zhu Qing slightly, he can see that he is angry, he lies himself?

Blade: As long as you are a grievous, as long as I don't think it is.

Zhu Zhuqing gently said: "It doesn't matter."

The blade smiled and shakes: "I am wrong, so I have to apologize."

After that, he took a treasure of his own collection.


Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, the grievances in the eyes have disappeared, soft: "No in this way."

The blade handed the jade box did not reclaimed, whispered: "Hold, not something worth anything."

Seeing the blade so Zhu Chisai, you have to take it out, carefully take it, hold it in your hand.

"Thank you, I will cherish it."

"Also, take a good rest."

The blade smiled: "Well."

Ning Rong looked at the two people whispering, and the guy after the blade also sent a gift to the smelly and clear heart.

The other is Dai Mu.

The blade this dog actually dare to seduce his woman in the day!

Looking at this pair of men and women, there is a lot of uncomfortable.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing returned to normal, no longer looked at himself, and the knife was tone.

But another noisy eyes stared at him.

Ning Rongrong is very sour, he actually said whispers in her face and Zhu Zhuqing, and also sent her gift!

"Rong Rong, eat sugar."

"Not rare, your smelly!" Ning Rong Rong snorted to the head to speed up the footsteps.

Zhu Zhuqing is not a taste, she knows that Ning Rong has likes the blade.

But she will not let go ...

Today, the first game is the Shrek Academy to the Balak College!

The 185th chapter of the blade, your boy is in good play.

I learned that today's battle is the Barak College, and the Barak Institute has no abstament.

Great Flanders dedicated to Tang San and others to pick them up!

This kind of " " expression is to learn about the Royal College of War, he personally came to the instructions, mobilizing Tang San and others exactly the same.

The blade and everyone knows that there is a story of Shrek and Barak with such a dog blood.

The blade feels that the Balak Kingdom is very fat.

The most advanced soul division of the country is not a grandfather of the 81st level. I want to rely on several stinky money, I will put Fleed, Lao Zhao, three gold, old Li, Lao Lu and other spirits, soul Collection is handed.

As for Zhao's unpretched, it is not believed in the effectiveness of the talents cultivated by the college.

The blade is so thinking, in his view, Fland, Lao Zhao and other teachers are the most valuable resources in the Shrek Academy.

Barak's purpose is definitely not a few students at the time of "Slack Academic students who are loyal"!

The blade smiled and shook his head, and the heart: "I want to use the area of ​​money to control the Shlaike Academy to control Fland, Lao Zhao and others? It's really a laughter."

Sentences are jeopardized, if Flandy is waiting for the morality of his heart, breaking its own bottom line.

There are so many people in the world, Flandy and others put on a night, and the night is more and more, how much is Jin Soul coin?

If you spend more, how can you have a soul guide, with the strength of the Slack Academy, how difficult it directly to the Kingdom of the Barak?

The blade suddenly silently.

How can he have these dark ideas?

Hahaha, he likes it likes to think about it.

"Reassured, the dean, I am Hongjun absolutely as fat as me!" Ma Hongjun looked at the truth of the chest.

The atmosphere suddenly solidified.

The blade smiled and shook his head: Xiao fat, he learned to joking!

Flend is pleased to watch Ma Hongjun, it is a good apprentice!

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