Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 388

If the rules do not allow outsiders to intervene, she has long been going to teach this guy who is full of scorpion words!

Ning Rong is also a happy, after all, the guy is insult to women ** naked, listening to her very annoyed.

Barbi, the captain of the Barak University, didn't look good. I didn't expect Bara. I was eliminated so soon. I thought I was hitting the head hitting the opposite side, but the opposite soldiers were very strong!

This looks full of wild, and people who have a woman who will conquer the soul do not even consume half.

How to play this?

"Babylon, the next round, you only have to delay the woman called Zhu Zhuqing."

Babylon is a thin man with a pair of eyes.

But at this time he is smiling, he is also a sensitive attack, but it is just a third 7th level, but the other party is the soul!

And on his knowledge, this woman named Zhu Zhuqing is also a top level in the same level sensation.

But he can only consume each other as much as possible.



Zhu Zhuqing has eliminated the six people in each other.

This is said that Tang San and others are the most familiar with his little dance. Ning Rongrong is shocked, this is a soul of the soul and five thirty-five levels!

Dai Mu looked at Zhu Zhuqing in the field, it is very incredible, how can her strength progress so fast? !

A year ago, he was still her alpine, and now the distance between the two sides has been like this.

This makes him some difficult to accept.

No, no!

Dai Mu was suddenly in the heart.

There is also a more outrageous!

When the guy guy was in Sleck, the soul of the twenty-two-level soul, unknown, but it was already forty-first!

He is silent.

His advancement is not too fast? !

"Unbelievable! Zhu Ziqing player once again eliminated his opponent! This is already a team member of the sixth Barak College. Is it ready to defeat the Balak College ?!"

"So far, Zhu Zhuqing's soul is afraid that there is already there! But Zhu Ziqing players did not choose to leave!"

"She, is it really ready to turn around the Barak University ?! That is the two souls and five souls!"

"It's too crazy! But the confidence and courage of Zhuzhu Qing players worthy of our admiration!"

"Come on! Let us give the most warm applause to Zhu Zhuqing players! I look forward to her hard challenge !!"

"The applause rang !!!"

Listening to the applause of the audience, cheering, Zhu Zhuqing's heart is no longer.

She doesn't care about this.

She, just want him to know.

She is very excellent.

I hope to the Watching Zone in the Slack Academy, and her is a little disappointed. He is not watching ...

In the last, she lost, Barak's captain Babi is a forty-third-level strong attack war teacher.

This is not the opponent that Zhu Zhu, who is already strong, can beat the opponent.

She is playing a heavy blow.

Wipe the blood of the mouth and climb up.

She knows that she lost.

Chapter 187

"Zhu Qing! You are fine ?!" Xiao Dance came to help her.

"Stupid baby dance! Can you vomit blood?! Fast with me, bamboo sang, let the treatment of the soul of the soul!"

"I ... okay ... cough!"

"No you ghost! Little dance, walk!"


The little dance and Ning Rong Rong, who were running.

Tang San looked at Barbie on the platform, I thought about Dai Mu Baidao: "Mu Bai, he will give it to you."

Dai Mu did nodded, watching the Barbit on the stage, what is Zhu Ziqing says it is also his unmarried wife, how can I don't have this thing!

"Give it to me." He is cold and cold.

A large step in the platform.


"Shileke College wins !!!"

The strength of this Barbit is weak, and Dai Mu is handed over to hundreds rounds.

Soon, they went down, Ning Rong Rong, also helped Zhu Zhuqing back.

Looking at the blade, I was very annoying in sleeping and Ning Rong Rong.

Ning Rong Rong helped Zhu Zhuqing to call: "This guy is really mad!"

"Just, the little dance sister also seems to be a big!" Xiao Dance was a mouth.

"Rong Rong, Xiao Dance, don't do this, let him rest peace of mind." Zhu Zhu clearly said.

Liu Dilong nodded in the heart, and the children of Zhu Qing, although I was cold, but it was very warm and soft.

It's a good child.

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