Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 389

And the child is very common ...

Xiao Dance and Ningrong's war have a blade, and hold a little weak Zhu Zhuqing to the rear seat.

Zhu Zhuqing is somewhat disappointed, for yourself.

She looked at the blade of the front of the blade, if his words, the enemy who defeated this level should be very easy?

She is afraid that he woke up, because he will be disappointed with himself.

"Zhu Zhuqing, your progress is great, far from my expectations, but it is not so uncomfortable." Master faintly opened.

Zhu Zhu clearly nodded: "Well."

This is not what she wants, she wants him.

"This game you are doing very well." Fran is gratified.

These excellent children are not what he persists? In addition to small money, what else is it more interesting to cultivate these children?

However, his gaze is not shocked.

This is ... Let him die itself, he can't teach.

"That's not, we only have three people to eliminate the barack." Ma Hongjun is proud.

"This fat man you have no copper soul." Oscar disdain.

"Come, , we have not had a deep exchange of feelings for a long time."

"Hey ~ fat brother looks at what you said, with my Oscar and your feelings are also in-depth communication?"


"Zhu Qing, how do you feel now?" Rong Rong carefully said to Zhuzhu.

"Nothing, take a break."

"Call, that's good." Ning Rong looked tone, although the idea of ​​fighting the blade of Zhuzhu Qing is very uncomfortable, but she doesn't want her something.

"Zhu Qing, when can I am too powerful?" Xiao Dance held a smile in the Baba drums and looked at the elephant college and the ice college battle in the field.

"I have eaten Acacia and I have red." Zhu Zhu thought about it.

"Don't!" The little dance drums, I didn't think about it.

The reason is not only she likes to think about it, I want it to accompany myself, but more importantly, she firmly remembered the blade.

Acacia is red - can cover his body!

In this case, there is no psychic red, and she will have a danger of life.

Tang San also heard, he did not speak to persuade the dance, because he saw the body of the little dance after the evil pupil evolution, and the psychic redness can cover her body to a certain extent.

This is what he is discovered after it can control the purple magic. If he does not focus, he is still a small dance.

There is a power to stop his peep!

Zhu Zhuqing did not open, she wanted to watch, and the harvest of digestion, and found a problem, she felt better.

In the field, the image is victoriously winning.


When I retired, Zhao had a pole and patted the blade.

See the knife and wake up, Zhao has no great way: "Your kid slept enough to be deep enough, the scene shouted in the sky, your kid is a point of reaction."

The blade smiled and didn't explain: "Win?"

Zhao Wuyi grinned: "Yes, don't go back to the ground, is it very happy?"

"Teacher Zhao, you really love to joke, I am talking about it to returning home."

Zhao Wuji took the shot of the blade, the shoulder, smile: "Raise a fart! What can your kid want to say what I have to pass?"

The blade smiled and shook his head: "I haven't thought about it."

Zhao helmy face pumping.

I bother! I haven't thought about it yet! Who are you confused?

"I don't know if you are kid? I am old to see you! Let's go, just wait for someone to squeeze people." Zhao helpless the almost got absorbed by the blade.

The blade is chasing everyone, and the Zhu Zhuqing, which is a certain kind, Zhu Zhuqing, who is a certain flying, is, "Zhu Qing, you look into hurt."

"Nothing, little hurt." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head.

"Hey, you don't know if Zhu Qing is six?" Ning Rong Rong, holding the Zhu Ziyan arm, did not have a knife.

"One Six?" The blade was surprised to look at Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes, and he was a little nervous. What would he see?

Will it be too suspected?

She began to think about it.

"Bamboo Qing, this goes, maybe you can be as good as I am!" The blade suddenly sighed.

Zhu Zhuqing is a bit unbelievable to him: "I?"

I nodded and smiled while walking: "Your progress is somewhat unexpectedly in our intelligence, there are five thirty-five-level soul, two soul."

"You can have an enemy to explain that you have made great progress in the fightering and the soul of the soul."

"The most important thing is ..." The blade is around Zhu Zhuqing, and the eyes are unscrupulous.

Zhu Zhuqing also took a panic, and his face was red.

He, he, how did he ...

"Blade, what do you see ?!" Ning Rong glared at this color.

He is not only fine to count the face of Zhu Zhuqing. It also swept away from her proud of her chest, and the toughness such as the willow of the water snake, and the long round thigh ...

So angry! This stink is not a hooligan!

The blade was returned to the eyes: "The most important thing is that Zhu Qing, you just suffer a lot of internal injuries, this shows that you know how to protect yourself in the enemy, this is good.

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