Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 393

"Fire dance! Fire dance !!"

"Explosion opposite !!"

" !!!!!"


Men's compatriots fight for a breath.

The blade looked at the bullous girl on the stage couldn't help but smile. It seems that the fire dance is very popular.

He slowly went to the ring.

The screams in the field put those thorn to the pressure.

"Completely unexpected! The first place in the Shlake College is actually a blade player !!!"

All teams that have not been eliminated have played the twelve spirit.

This so far, in addition to only knowing that he is very strong, do you know that a man who is almost blank is finally revealed? !

"Male God! Taught the explosive woman !!!"

Water ice was shocked.

What is she is, that is, the Tianshui College, her woman is also shocked.

"Ah!" The water is two in the small head, and the tears in the big eyes are switched.

"Quiet look at the game." Water Ice recovered the snow and white and faint.

"Know it, is it so fierce ~" The Water Moon is wronged.

"Hey." Yewie will give a look at it.

"Men! Tell the violent woman !!"

Water ice: "..."

The blade looked at the fire dance, with a touch of smile: "Fire dance, are you ready to meet the failure?"

The fire is cold: "I will win!"

The blade shakes his head and smiled: "This, the fire dance is going to work hard."

The fire dance knows this is a commonly used means, and the opponent is irritated to make it reason.

She shouldn't be angry, just this guy, the elder is too natural, is it too natural?

Really fire!

Waiting for her to have a few punches on his handsome face! !

However, the next punches are still light, so handsome face is so bad ...

"Please open the martial arts and release the soul ring!"

The ninety chapter of the hot waves, the flame!

The martial arts of the fire dance is a hot, pure fire!

At the moment of opening the martial art, she shower in the flaming fire, as if it is a woman's God of War in the world.

Millual domineering, give people a sense of oppression!

The soul ring is self-match.

The blade called the blade, but this time because there is a fire dance this super big light bulb, it is somewhat uncomfortable.

A yellow three purple flies under his feet.

Blue clothes fluttering (ghosts with burning waves), temperament is free from Confucian gentleness, right hand holding sword, and the touch of the world is a faint smile, the whole one is a fairy.

Watching prepared to burst his fire dance in an instant.

Saras looked at the blade of the blade, and the heart was very dissatisfied.

Are people from the Guangming Academy to eat dry rice? !

Such people can drain!

It seems that the Guangming Academy will take a move ...

On the field, the two sides opposed each other.

The blade face with a faint smile.

A pair of fire dance is vigilant, and she will only launch an attack under the allegation.

This opponent is very strong!

This is the intuition of her for many years!

She is very excited.

"Game start!"

Sword start.

First sword!

First sword!

First sword!

First sword!

With the allegation of the referee, the blade chose the first hair!

He is not a sinister, not shameless.

He is just respecting his opponent, so he is so serious!

Otherwise, what else is it? !

How can the audience have the vulgarity of the mountains and the mountains to understand his heart?

The fire dance is slow, and there is only a hurry to rush to dodge, attack it!

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