Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 394

"Wow, the blade this guy is really shameless!" Xiao Dance launched the blade on the stage.

"Do you still don't know? It is such a shameless person." Ning Rong looked.

She deeply remembered that in the battle training, she has opened a shame of a knife and second.

"The knife brother is a knife, facing such a beautiful woman can be so unhappy." Ma Hongjun said so, a pair of wretched little eyes stared at the fire.

Zhu Zhuqing was observed.

The fire dance has opened the first soul technology [flame increase], the second soul technology [control].

Flame increase this skill can strengthen her own flame power and 25% of the physical quality!

The control fire can greatly enhance its control of the flame, so that she can make the control of the flame more condensed, reducing the soul of disobedience.

Idech of the Fire Elements!

The blade sword clears the fireball of the fire.

First sword!

The movement of the fire dance is very sensitive, and the distance from the blade is a bit far, completely with sufficient time dodge.

She wants to be close to the blade, but the blade will go to the swords, forced she has to slow down!

Her hate the teeth, this guy must know her third fourth soul skill to go to play a powerful killing, this is far away from the far!

And she is somewhat surprised, is this guy's first soul skill? !

She smashed a fireball.

The blade will release the first sword, and the swordsman will take the fireball to the fire ......

The wind smiled and glanced, and this man was too easy.

He is very clear, although it is not as good as yourself, but it will never be too far.

That is to say, the Black Academy's blade is very likely to surpass yourself!

And he currently showing the soul skills, very restrained their gods!

In the air, they are the same as living targets!

If the other party has a stronger remote soul technology ...

He is not very optimistic about the fire.

"Oh! Fire Dancer, you can't win me like this ~" The blade waves the fireball of the fire dance, and laughs behind the sword.

Dance of a roll escaped the attack, looking at the smiling face, she licked his lips - he wanted to hit a good ah!

However, although she is slightly smoldering, the blade has gradually been forced by her ...

Her mouth is slightly evoked, there is a kind of charming soul.

Blade, you will come again!

Several fireballs have passed ...

Everyone in the field is completely watching the fairy fight, the sword is angry, and then continue.

Tang Sanbow is slightly wrinkled: "The blade is consumed, his soul is probably unable to play."

"What is this guy doing? He didn't say it to be a hit?" Ning Rongrong did not understand.

"His soul consumption did not seem so much." Zhu Zhu clear voice came.

"Nothing?" Tang San smashed.

"Well, his first soul technology power is much weaker than normal."

Everyone was observed, and found that Zhu Zhu said.

"Indeed." Tang three o'clock, but this is not an easy task, after all, control the soul of the soul of the soul requires extremely high control.

And no one will work in this regard, because the power of the soul skills is of course, the stronger the better!

On the field, the fire dance is only less than five meters away from the blade.

This distance, the fire dance has a god skill to send a blade.

But - that is not what she wants!

Her stupid brother's I can't obey!

Fire, sprayed from its body, such as the tide to cover the blade!

The blade is revealing the smile, the sword tips are fire!

"Fire dance girl, you are too close to me."

The blade is ready.

The second soul technology - weakened version of the spot!

However, when the soul of the sword has not completely condensed, the shadow covered by the fire broke the fire, and the power was unstoppable to him!

Sweeping waves, flames!

Blade change plan, horizontal sword.

But because of the blade is, this hit angle is clearly above the blade, but the impact has grown him!

The blade is dark, so it can be directly out.

But will the fire dance will let him go out?

The fourth soul trick dance Yao Yang has not ended yet!

She wants to violently, this is going to the bastard!

She touched the blade again.


The attack is once again blocked, but it hasn't ended yet!

When the distance is high enough, she disappeared before the blade.

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