Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 395

The appearance is born in the blade!

Her fire red lips are slightly evoke, blade, you finish!

last blow.

However, her movement is interrupted.

Blade, pointing to her!

The second soul technology - weakened version of the spot!

Wink, a big light column of a bowl is coming to the fire dance.

In the air, she is ubiquitous ...

Her pupil has a sharp contraction room.



She spurted her blood, and the flame of the arms was dissipated. If a person is like a rude cold special combat site, a person is falling ...

"Fire Dance !!" The fire is unparalleled, and it is ready to rush into the field, but he is blocked by the referee.

"Step aside!"

"The interference competition during the game, the default is the abstament of the whole team." There is no emotion in the tone of the referee.

"That abstains !!"

Looking at the fire dance is about to land, the fire is unparalleled to roar against the referee.

[Update time to restore eleven points]

Chapter 111, is it very fun?

The wind is ready to save people, but being stopped.

The referee is cold and cold: "Are you sure?"

"Rolling !!" The fire did not have a pair.

He didn't have time to know the referee of the competition rules, and the stupid sister in a second of his stupid, he might fell directly from the high altitude!

Nearly fifteen meters height, lost soul protection, even the fire dance controlled by the body may even die on the spot!

The dead referee! Will be so ten meters!

The fire is unparalleled.

I have already exclaimed in the field!

At this time, the blade of the first step is helpless, and the fire dance is carried out ...

He is also very helpless. If you want to be ignored, you can only start with you.

He doesn't want this, but the fire dance is bitter, hehe!

The fire is unparalleled, first is not good, and it is full of anxiety and concern to look at the fire dance in the blade.

"Fire dance, how are you ?!"

The blade lightly puts the fire on the ground, stands up: "Not a big injury, find a treatment of the soul of the soul, then ..."

"To shut up!!"

The fire is not a double angry, this hurts his sister's bastard is still talking!

The blade smiled and shakes: "Unparalleled, don't like this, I am also your sister's savior ~"

The fire is unparalleled, and he is suspected that he has heard the problem.

Also, don't call me unparalleled! I am not familiar with you!

The fire dance is not coma, she is just because the soul of the soul is stirring with the body.

He heard the blade, he is almost ejected in a blood.

Haven't seen this shameless!

I am going to kill you, then save you a life when you want to die, then then I am your savior? !

"Hey! Is the blade? This account will be coming back in the future game!" The fire is unparalleled cold to the blade.

After that he took the fire, he walked outside the platform, he would take the fire to treat!

The blade is really helpless, and things are somewhat in his plan.

He originally wanted to defeat the water college, exchange emotions, and invite them to go to BBQ.

He really wants to know that the string of pure fire martial arts will not eat more ...

It's just that something seems to be smashed by him a little wrong.


The blade is amazing.

"Since the prefromgurized college team broke into the game during the game, regarded as the hot school's active abstains handling!"

"Winning Fang - Shrek College!"

The eyes of contempt from the field cast from all directions.

Male screaming is covered.

It may be because the blade is ahead of the enemy, and then the prefragulature is abandoned by his premises.

The audience has doubts about his character, and even think this is the purpose of his play!

The blade smiled and shakes, and it is not careless.

Ning Rong Rong was still a little annoyance to him, but the scream in the field made her worried.

Zhu Zhuqing listened to the scene in the field, very uncomfortable in his heart.

He is not such a person!

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