Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 398

This floor is not good!

The blade smiled and shook his head: "Rong Rong, left, go to the next booth."

Ning Rongrong got up stamped the poker: "Don't you really want to buy? If you are worried about me, I bought it to give it to you."

The blade touched the Pakistan, and it was interested in the wealth of Ning Rongrong.

"What?" Ning Rongrong was a little unbelieved by her, and his face glanced at her.

The blade smiled and said: "Is this a feeling of being bothered by Bai Fuguo? It seems very good."

Ning Rongrong Xiaoyong's popularity, light and a bit: "You, you think the beauty! Who wants to support your guy ?!"

Looking at her panic, twisted the appearance of a happy smile, and there is a different eye around people.

The blade is smile: "I just have a joke, Rong Rong, don't be true, go, go to the next family."

Ning Rong looked at the blade and went to the eyes and went straight to the next home. It could not help but arrogant. Some angrec had a foot.

"What do you see ?!" She looked at the eyes of her dark middle-aged people.

Middle-aged man is so busy, and it is busy.


"What is your guy you? Wait for this lady!" She quickly rushed to the blade.

The darkness of the darkness sighed, if he also had the face of the kid, he didn't work hard ...

The blade and Ning Rong Rong ran back in the original stone market.

When coming to the fifty-third booth.

Ning Rongrong has some impatient poke poke the knife: "Hey, let's go shopping, good, here is bored, and you don't buy something."

The blade comforts her: "Rong Rong is not anxious, then wait for us to go shopping, listen to you when you come."

"I don't believe it, you have said five times." Ning Rong gorgeedly hugged his chest and dissatisfied with the blade.

This big liar!

The knife is gently pressing the shoulders of Ning Rong Rong, and looked at her soft voice: "Rong Rong."

"Dry, do you ?!" Ning Rong Rong's brain blank, and his heart was a small deer.

"Give me some time?"

Looking at the knife with sincerity and expectation to look at his own eyes, Ning Rong Rong Hong face, low head, finger on the dress.

The eyes are full of gentleness, soft: "Well."

The blade smiled and said: "Thank you, Rong Rong, take you to eat delicious at night."


Chapter 192, big brother, do we want to shoot

In the evening, the entire original stone market is all over the original stone market, and the blade is still nothing.

Ning Rong Rong is like a person, no noisy, only An An An An An An An An An An An An An'an.

I looked at the blade and stupid.

The blade is somewhat not used to it.

Laughing against Ningrong Rongdao: "Rong Rong, I have been waiting, I will take you to eat delicious."

"Well!" Ning Rong Xiao hand caress hair.

"Let's go, I believe that Rong Rong will not be disappointed." The blade did the road behind the road.

However, the two came in trouble when they walked on the street.

"Before, front, then, who! Station, stand!"

I was introducing the blade of the delicious food in Tiandou City for Ning Rong, stopped.

Ning Rong Rong also returned to the head, I saw a drunk drunk in one hand holding a bottle, and he finished himself with the blade and swayed.

"Hey, are you call us?" Ning Rongrong looked at the drunkenness, and the tone was a little less than.

This is the blade, this hate and her first date! (She is thinking so)

If someone is coming to mess, she will hang!

Dunitions did not listen to what Ning Rong said, and he is almost in a few.

After barely stabilize the body, he looked at the blade and Ning Rong Rong in front of him.

Then, he shakes the wine bottle to the mouth.

" ..."

In a bite, a large half bottle was inserted into the abdomen, and his right hand held the bottle mouth to the blade and Ning Rongrong.

"Hey, what do you want to do?" Ning Rongrong is not good.

The dead altitude! I happened to destroy her for the first date with the blade! When she is Ning Rong Rong is vegetarian? !

She rolled up his sleeves and was prepared to give this uncomfortable to her with the blade.

"Big Brother, do we want to shoot?"

"Shut up, do you be a big lady? Is it a meal?"

"Also, this little white face is still good."


Ning Rong gorganized, was preparing to give this drunken Chinese point color, the little hand was gently pulled.

This hand is lubricated as jade, delicate if the lamb is.

Temperature passes through the skin.

Ning Rong Rong turned his head and saw that the knife was smiling at her.

She can see her reflection in his eyes.

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