Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 399

The blade said: "This small matter is handed over to me, and the Rongrong waits for me."

Ning Rongrong nodded with his face.


The knife is loose to open her little hand to the drunkard.

Ning Rongrong is somewhat uncomfortable, or if you can keep it better.

Looking at the blade, she can't help but laugh: "Hey!"

This guy……

The drunkard has some doubts to look at the blade, but the wine is gallblaguard.

He wants to give this harmful to the mixed hife color of the money!

He raised the wine bottle swaying, but the knife of the five meters fluttered ...

Are there a drunk in the district, how will it be a blade opponent?

The blade is easy to escape from the drunk wine bottle and come behind him.

Black iron is in hand, the sword is taken in the back of it.

The drunkard immediately fell to the ground.

This person has smeared, and the blade does not want to touch him.

Ignore the eyes of the passers-by, the blade collected black iron to Ning Rong Rong, laughing: "Let's go, don't be affected by these inexplicable people."

Ning Rong was a nodded, but some angry glanced at the drunken on the ground, mutter: "It's a inexplicable guy."

The blade smiled: "Let's go, my Rong Rong Miss, I will take you to eat delicious."

He made a gentleman made a posture.


Just see him did not pull his hand, Ning Rongrong is somewhat disappointed.

But it is also good, after all, now he is only one person, no smelly is clear here!



It has been added to night.

Ning Rong looked at this unbelievable in front of the Tiangou City.

There are not many stores in the alleys, and the pedestrians are three or two two, and they are somewhat cold.

"Hey, blade, are you wrong? Is there any food you said?" She asked in poke the knife.

They have turned for a long time.

The knife smiled nodded: "Let me buy a Cat, wait, you will know."

Ning Rongrong led the knife, and it was said that it was a simple "small shop" door in this small phase.

There is no shop name in this store, and the dark lights in the store reflects the narrow space of the space, and even some breaks.

To be honest, unlike a shop, you are not like doing business.

Interior, the guests only hold the old man with a book.

Its table with three dishes, wine pot, one cup, chopsticks a pair.

However, the wine is rich, and the vegetable fragrance is also fragrant.

At the counter, the old man with a scar is looking at the recipe.

I heard the footsteps of the outside, stopped at the door, he looked up, just want to hurry, but the person is the old-skinned "knife brother" ... and his little girlfriend.

It is a good girl in seeing it.

His old and the face with scars came to show a good smile to the two ...

Ning Rongrong grabbed the blade's sleeves, and some were afraid to hide behind the blade.

very scary!

The blade gently patted the hands of the Rong Rong, indicating that she would not be afraid.

Then looked at the old man smiled: "Old wood, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Seeing the little girl who is scared, the old man who is called the old wood has also been a smile, and the face is the face.

Ning Rongrong felt that his expression was a lot.

"Your kid has not been here for some time."

The blade helplessness is sigh: "You are too expensive here, come to you, have a big bleeding, a bad heart."

"Your kid is less, see your clothes, what do you can't see what materials do? Pure ice silkworms made, and this work, don't you have a few hundred gold soul? Can you take it?"

Old wooden clubs a recipe, not laughing.

The blade has made the movement of Ning Rong, and I cross the threshold: "How many years I don't know how many people's clothes, but how many hundred gold soul coins can eat a few meals? "

Old wooden dumb: "It is also this."

"But isn't it not your kid point?"

The blade went to an empty table and sat down, reached out to show the quantity of Ning Rong, who was surprised.

"Old wood, this is your right, I have some more than a dozen dishes last, you will receive me two hundred gold souls!"

"You go to the top of the sky, the top of the hotel, do a dozen dishes, if you can more than two hundred gold souls, I will eat the dish!"

Old wood does not have a hand: "How can their craftsmanship with me?"

The blade smiled and shakes: "It is also, forget it, I am fighting you, you still go to get a dozen hand."

"You are a little." Old wood smiled and got up to the reserve.

Chapter 193 Chain is shy!

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