Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 400

"Hey, blade, is there so expensive here?" Ning Rong went to the blade of the old wood.

She is not lacking this money, but she eats a meal in this simple shop to have this price is really hard to imagine.

The blade smiled and shakes: "It looks expensive, it is not expensive, and the craftsmanship of the old wood is worth this price."

Ning Rongrong feels that it should be, otherwise, this guy is not special to bring yourself a bib of the sky.

"Yes, have you come often?"

The blade shakes his head and smiled: "I have been coming four or five times, I don't dare to come, if you often use it for a few days, you have to drink northwest wind."

"Your kid is, it is also a good value, you are angry!"

"You will be a dish, if you can't care, I am eating."

"Oh, eat the king meal? It's really nostalgia."

"I used to have a soul of the king, and I was broken by the old man with the old man with the iron pan. Your kid is quantified."

"Let's take a little girlfriend to eat, you can think about it."

The ridicule of the old wood came back.

Ning Rongrong first shocked the soul of the soul of the iron pan to break blood flow.

But when you hear this little girlfriend, it is red.

Small, little girlfriend? !

What is this older? !

She secretly sneaked into the blade.

"Well, you are talking about it, but your old man is not misunderstood, Rong Rong is not my little girlfriend."

Ning Rongrong is disappointed.

"Okay, you don't disturb the old man is cooking!"

Blade: "..."

Not your old plus?

"Allays, old wood, the old man is not simple, I heard that I have said that I have known as the goddess before, I have two brushes."

"What is the two brush, is your kid want to dry ?!" The voice of the old wood came.

"Don't, I can play your old man, you don't have a few brushes, you are cooking."

"Hey! This is similar."

"Safety kitchen god? It seems to have heard." Ning Rong Rong is thinking about his head.

She suddenly surprised: "It is that the kitchen name"! "

"? Rong Rong, do you know? Listening to the old say he has retired twenty years."

Ning Rong Rong took a nodded: "I listen to my father, my father said that the sky is not only a legendary chef, but also a seventy-five soul!"

"The dish of the dishes he did, this is not an exaggerated statement, but a truly a thousand gold soul coins! And there is money, not necessarily!"

"I heard that the Snow Night Emperor sent people to ask the kitchen to enter the palace for it, but they were rejected, and there were a lot of people who had a heavy gold only to taste it!"


Listening to Rong Rong excitedly, the bottom of the old wood, the blade is also a bit surprised.

He knows that this father is not simple, but I didn't expect to seem to be much better than I imagined.

It is said that Ning Rongrong said, "Rong Rong, you don't say that I still don't know that the old wood is actually the legendary figure! A dish is a thousand gold coins ... Hey!"

"I didn't expect your little girlfriend to understand the old man! Knife kid, you still feel that the old husband will give you some money?"

The proud of his voice is difficult to cover up, and there is no half-point error in the hand.

"All said that Rong Rong is not ... forget it, don't fight with you. But I still feel expensive, not for others just because I am poor."

"You don't cry, if you can't afford the money, you will leave the debt."

"I know, you haven't a few people here, I want to work very easy ..."

"Blade, if there is no money ... I will give you." Ning Rong said hesitated to look seriously.

The blade smiled: "Reassure, if you really don't open the pot, I am sure that my face will borrow money with you."

"Well." Ning Rong nodded, although she didn't borrow.

After the kitchen cutting, the sound of stirring was quickly passed.

Ning Rongrong is looking forward to some boring, the guy of the blade is even asleep!

Waiting for half an hour, but even the first dish is not yet, Ning Rongrong has some doubts that the old man is behind the kitchen.

But this is the sacred kitchen! Unlike general chefs, it should be normal.

She looked at the opposite side of the chin, this guy is also very handsome ...

I couldn't help but think of my shame in the big fight soul of the big fight, but my face is also smirking, very sweet.

If you have a nearby table, she is a little ... Hey!

Shy is dead!

However, her attention has also been partially transferred to the old man.

The old man is a piece of wine, but it is always on the book.

Under the dark light, Ning Rongnong saw the name of the book.

On the Discovery and Mining of Mining

It looks unlike the antique books that are old, the paper is very good.

But I want to come to this old man is not ordinary people.

Because the average people can't afford such expensive meals, there are also ordinary people who are unlikely to be entertaining by the sky.

The old man does not seem to be aware of her curiosity, only drinking small wine, eats vegetables, reading books.

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