Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 402

Ning Rongrong felt really not expensive, after all, this is from the hands of the kitchen, the material is also the top, if it is outside, it is afraid to be a single way to sell the soldier.

It's just that he is worried that the money is not enough. After all, he has still owed a small money of Flander's dean.

What if he is not enough? Will he be very embarrassed? What excuses should she pay?

what! How to do? !

She is helpless when she is tangled: "You are in detail, I am afraid that you have to hurry."

Old wood is satisfied with the hands of the iron pot, and the friendliness smiles: "This is right!"

"Do you have a small two, I will not bother you."

He cleared another table after Rong Rong and good laughter.

If you see there is no tableware, you will take a tableware from the soul tunnel to prepare from time to time.

"Rong Rong, don't think too much, if I am really poor to drink northwest wind, I will definitely hold your thighs to help, I will never cheaper others."

Ning Rong's face rose red, what is this guy? !

He, he wants to hold my thigh? !

He, he still wants me to help him? !

How can he do so? !


She does not help but look back: "Well!"

Blade: "..."

Miss Rong Rong, what do you nod?

Ning Rong Rong returned to God, and the face of the red face is more delicious.

She lightly said: "Hey! Who wants you to hold me the thigh! Also, I don't want to support you! Miss this big is not rare!"

The blade is secretly nod, this is like Rong Rong.

"Well, don't hold your thigh, don't bother, we will eat hot, you have never eaten things from the morning."

The blade gave her a big chopstick meat, smiled: "Come, Rong Rong more eats, this can be the meat of 100,000 years of soul beast."

Look at the old wooden eyelid of a small young freshly jumped at the counter, the scar on the face.

This kid is ridicule him!

It seems that I have to give this kid to get dark dishes ...

Ning Rongni nodded: "Well!"

He gives yourself a dish!

And only yourself and him ...


"Good!" Ning Rong Rong exclaimed when the food entered the mouth.

"That is nature, or I can bring glory, you are crossing half of the sky."

Old wooden smile, continue to see the recipe.

From time to time, the blade will add food to Ning Rong.

"Rong Rong, eat more, this is delicious!"

Looking at the bowl full of food, Ning Rongrong is very distressed -

She is ready to lose weight!


"good to eat!"


Also, the hotel.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the windows, what is he and Rong Rong?

She also thought of, but she chose silence after the opening of Ning Rongrong.

She should be brave ...



"Old wood, have there any juice?"

"Roll! There is a wine!"

"That is still, the wine is not good."

"What is your kid think? Take some girl coming out to eat, do you have a juice ?!"


Looking at an old one, a small fight is coming, but she knows that the blade is never drinking.

"Rong Rong, generous eat, don't give me the province."

Ning Rong looked at the bowl of hatred and tears.

She is really ready to lose weight! !


Really good ~

Chapter 195, Rong, Rong Rong! Let's let go!

When the blade and Ning Rong returned to the hotel, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening.

I got on the building, the blade said: "Go back to practice, then take a break."

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