Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 403

"Cut, I know." Ning Rongrong mouth, she now eats, it needs to be digested.

"Then I will go back first." The blade smiled and turned to the other side.

Ning Rong has a bold impulse, but hesitated blade has returned to the room.

She is a little angry, I am full of feet: "Hey! This guy is just a brittleness!"

She, I want to kiss him ...

But thinking that today, she only went shopping with him, she touched this in her mind.

After the backpoint, go to the room step by step.

However, Zhu Zhuqing, who is cultivating when she entered the room, but she also took out cultivation.

Looking at the smile of Ning Rong's face, her heart is tight, is it ...

"Hey, Zhu Qing." Ning Rong said to Zhuzhu Qing, and there is no sense of showing a bit of showing off.

She walked to the bed, the big character fell on the bed.

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a moment, or couldn't help but asked softly: "Rong Rong, you ... where to play, you can ... and me ... Say?"

Ning Rong Rong is comfortable, heard Zhu Zhu Qing this slightly nervous and hesitated words, and smiled in his heart:

Sad bamboo, call you the idea of ​​fighting the guy, I am scared you!

Ning Rong Rong "shame" took the quilt to cover himself: "Don't say it, shame is dead!"

Sure enough, Zhu Zhu is stiff, and the heart will put it up, and the smooth and delicate little hand is tight, and the breathing is chaotic.

He, did you do that kind of shame? !

No, no, he talent and yourself ...

Heartache is powerful.

In the corner of the bed, someone is aiming at the expression of Zhuzhu Qing.

Snote in my heart: smelly, panic? Panic? Panic?


Ha, Ha, Ha ...

But the next moment, she was blind, and I panic, what is the situation? !

Do not! impossible!

How can Zhuqing cry? !

She heard a low slim sob.

Ning Rong has doubizes his eyes, and the ear has also been a problem.

How can I have such a weak side with a strong bamboo? !

But when I saw the face of Zhuzhu, she knew that she was joking with her hands.

She climbed out from the quilt.

"Bamboo, bamboo?"

"I, okay, Rong Rong." Zhu Zhu didn't look back, the sound is somewhat oxide.

I didn't expect him to betray her.

Her heart is very painful, more painful than standing next to the criminal pen.

At the beginning, his smile was like a light, such as her heart, dispersing the heavy haze.

After the Slack Academy settled, on the window, seeing him reading book, she felt very lucky, the light is opposite this.

Looking at him, she could get the peace of mind, and the time to press her breath, it can be temporarily put down.

At the moment of peeking, she was discovered, and she thought about it, thinking that he would not think that he is a bad girl with a good voice.

When he laughed in her for the first time, she felt that the most beautiful scenery in the world, no more beautiful pictures than this.

When he received his gift for the first time, her heart is excited, Ning Rong, who can match.

When he didn't want to be too desperate, she was very warm, touched, and she was in the fear, she never been so concerned.

When she was injured, everyone didn't pay attention, but he looked at it and he was healed. It was the first time "Hand", her heart has more ideas.

In the training, he was bitterly prepared for her water into the mouth, but it was really sweet in his heart.

Although there is not much more intimate contact with him, but he gradually entered her heart ...

She felt that she would look at him so far. She should not be extravagant, and his people should have a better choice.

But there will always be some romantic ideas in the hearts of the girl.

When her head is hot or said that the courage is said to him, but when she refuses to be refused, she is happy to sleep all night.

I have bore, she is in mind.

The tears of the eye did not live, she didn't cry for many years, she knew that tears can not solve the problem, that is only weak.

She did, there should be a dream.

But now, dreams seem to wake up ...

At this time, a pair of hands hugged her like a water snake, and the soft small group of the two group was posted on her back, a small head pillow, the shoulder and the jade neck.

"Zhu Qing, tease you, I ... and what is shy, we only went to the original stone market today, and then ate a meal together."

Ning Rongrong warmth in Zhuzhu Qing ear.

She also has a thought in a moment: Let Zhu Qing are really!

As long as it is true, she will give up the bad idea of ​​the guy of the blade. At that time, she would not fight again.

However, looked at the stinky and clear, her is soft.

She should not be soft, but she looks simple, stupid bamboo is so my heart is very heartache, embarrassing, uneasy.

Zhu Zhuqing took the tears of the eye horns and whispered: "Rong Rong, you don't have to comfort me, I, nothing."

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