Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 404

Seeing that she is still slight, Ning Rong Rong uses a small head in the jade neck of Zhu Zhuqing in the jade neck of Zhuzhu, and the warmth:

"Really, Zhu Qing, I and the blade are in the original stone market for a day, then I have been eating a meal."

Ning Rongrong is not a taste, comforting the stinky bamboo is not comfortable "love"? !

But looking at this good girlfriend, her heart is very uncomfortable, some breathing.

I heard Ning Rong again said that Zhu Zhuqing stopped the low cry, she looked at Ning Rong Rong, some hesitated and expected: "Rong Rong, are you not lie to me?"

What she hopes is a sure answer.

Ning Rongnong looked at it all cool, and the tears on the cold bamboo skin is not a taste in the heart of red eyes.

In her eyes, the strong and tenacious bamboo clear, I cried for the knife.

His position in her heart is so important ......

"Really, I don't believe it ... Zhu Qing you ... Smell me the taste of the knife guy." Ning Rong said light.

And easily opened the willow waist in Zhuzhu, moved to Zhuzhu Qing in bed.

Zhu Ziqing knows that he should not doubt her, but his heart is hoping to get more practical verification.

She slowly close to Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong is a little angrec, stupid smelly clear this is not believed.

Mel is bad!

Zhu Zhuqing's stunned rural ribernality was lighter, and her warm nose was blown in the skin of Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong jumped inexplicable a bit.


Ning Rongrong is a little angrec, why is the smelly why stay in her chest? !

Is it hint she wants her "component"?

After confirming that there was no blade, she was put down.

I know that he is not the same.

Ning Rong Rong is brushing her to the bed, and the whole person presses in the positive body of Zhuzhu Qing.

"Stinky, you doubt your good girlfriends, I want to teach you!"

"Rong, Rong Rong! Let's let go, don't grab there!" Zhu Zhu shouted.

Ning Rong was ridiculous.

"Rong, Rong Rong! Don't be so hard ..."

After a fight, Ning Rong Rong buried his head in the thine of Zhuzhu Qingshi.

Zhu Zhuqing also took a tearful face to drop blood.

Rong Rong, she is too university!

How can I bite her ... there!

"Bamboo Qing, do you like the guy right?"

[Recommended music (the street living in the wind), this song is very good]

Chapter 196 Chapter Bamboo Qing, you let him give me good

"Well." Zhu Zhu Qing's voice is very low.

"I am also ... I like him." Ning Rong Rong buried his face whispered in Zhuzhu Qing.

"I know." Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ning Rong Rong's serious answer.

"Zhu Qing, do you give him a good?" Ning Rong looked up his head and Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing righted his head: "Only this is not."

"The smelly and clear!" Ning Rong Rongzhi once buried his head into the west of Zhu Ziqing.

It's so soft, big, and Ning Rongrong can't arches the arch.

"Rong Rong, don't this way!" Zhu Zhuqing's face was red, she wanted to stop Ning Rong Rong, but her hands had already been controlled by this bad guy.

I can't move in a time, I can only let her mess.

"Rong Rong, is our fair competition?" When the female rogue is no longer chaotic, Zhu Zhuqing suggested.

"Not good." Ning Rongrong didn't want to reject directly.

This is a little accident that Zhu Zhuqing is surprised.

"Rong Rong, can you tell me why?"

Ning Rong looked up the head dissatisfied with Zhu Ziqing, and his mouth arrived: "Sinking, you are stupid or foolth?"

Zhu Zhuqing has some doubts: "Silly? I am not stupid."

"So you still ask?" Ning Rong is ridiculous.

"But I don't understand." Zhu Zhu clearly said.

Ning Ronglong screamed: "Sinking, you are still stupid, this competition is clearly unfair."


"Of course!" Ning Rong got up on the willows on the Willow of Zhuzhu Qingrui.

Feeling the warmth of Ning Rong, Zhu Ziqing felt whispered, but thought of this stinky rogue finally buried his face in his chest heart.

But then she exclaimed: "Rong Rong, don't catch!"

But Ning Rongrong puts her sour words: "Sinking, you know why I said unfair?"

Zhu Zhu Qing hands were liberated, and finally it was able to resist, and she was very angry to discharge the pair of smooth hands.

"Rong Rong, not allowed to move." She may be annoyed, Rong Rong is always chaotic.

Ning Rong Rong took the small chest and screaming in Zhuzhu Qing: "Bamboo Qing, you are beautiful, there is so big there, the body is also attractive, if you seduce the blade, how do I fight with you?"

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