Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 408

"The old man said." The blade smiled and nodded with the old people who were preparing to be presented, and then walked to the right hand.

He has no time to listen to the teachings here.

The old man is slightly smashed, see the blade, I can't get much, and I don't know my life! The old man taught some life experience to give you, it is worth you!

But just like this, he continues to look at the stone, and the attention is a one in the more than ten gambling stones of the blade ...

The blade has passed through three places, but it still does nothing.

After leaving the outside, he got up to the shelf area.

Can be placed in the shelves, there are more probability of treasure, which is much higher, otherwise the price does not dare to report, it is a bad reputation.

The green shelves are two meters high, and the different gambling stones are placed in the upper grid box.

However, the feeling of the blade is that it is better than those of the ground.

His hand is more than a few gambling stones on this big shelf ...

The time is slowly passed.

The blade took the last luxurious Golden Silk's gambling stone inspection.

There are so many leaks between the world, and then, he is not a general leak.

Prepare to leave.

But at this time, there is a black swim, dressed up is a neat and practiced national model face.

"Hey, what do you do? Want to fight?"

Ning Rong looked at the beautiful fire of the beautiful fire in front of him.

She remembers that she is a lot of fire.

Women who call the fire dance will not come to do things?

Fire dance single hand on the side of Ning Rong: "What about the blade?"

"Why? I don't accept it. If you want to fight, we will accompany it." Ning Rong looked.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the fire dance. If she is really coming to find a blade, she will shoot.

The fire dance is light to Ning Rong: "I am not coming to fight, since he is not there, wait for him to come back, come over and tell him."

She turned and turned and walked.

Ning Rongrong and others are inexplicably.

Ma Hongjun muttered: "She will not look at the knife brother? Look at her look, not as trouble."

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing's heart are suddenly filled, and the two have been vigilant in their respective eyes.


"The little brother is slow." A warm, the sound of fullness sounded.

The knife is turned back to: "Is your best?"

The middle-aged people of the national model face showed a smile, slightly smashed: "Yes, Chen Yifang is the manager of the gambling work."

"Long-term name, under the blade, just don't know what you are calling, what is the next?" The blade arched.

The middle-aged person smiled: "I saw the blade of the small brother to visit the original stone of my fortune, but I didn't have a hand. It is not a bad thing in this store. I didn't let the little brothers look it on?"

The blade shakes his head and smiled: "It's not the case, the good stone in your store is not a small number, but I don't let me see it. Since I don't feel right, then I will leave it to someone."

The middle-aged people laughed: "The blade is a fun, but the little brothers are too anxious. I know that although the original stone here is precious but the most precious collection of this store."

The blade is in the heart, but there is some doubts on the face: "Is there a strange stone in your store?"

The middle-aged person nodded: "The blade is a good brother guess."

"Just, since this is not placed?"

The middle-aged people smiled and shook their heads: "Those collections are only open to the most expensive, the most purchasing guests."

The blade smiled nodded: "It turns out, but this seems to have nothing to do with me, I am not the most expensive, the most purchasing guest."

The middle-aged people smiled: "Little brother wants to be modesty, although Chen this pair will not say countless, but the little brother does not read the wrong"

"If the little brother is willing to spend some time, Chen can take the road to the treasure in the small shop. As for the purchase or not, it is not strong."

The blade smiled and ghedd: "In this case, then it will not be passed down, please take the way, I hope to gain something."

Chen Yifang made a movement of the move: "The blade is coming, please come with me."

Many people nearby have long been placed on the blade and Chen Yifang. If Chen Yifang will actually come out to invite this young man to go there.

The old man who wanted to teach someone's experienced experience.

Hold the original stone that has been deliberated by the blade ...

The blade will go upstairs with Chen Yifang, and the corridor is narrow, but because enough lights are not cloudy.

When you come to the end, a huge heavy iron gate is sitting before.

Chen Yifang took out a key that flashed dark black.

"Hey!" A crisp sound is sound, and it is especially obvious in silence.

The internal space is not large, but it is still spacious.

The decoration below is very different from the decoration below, and the antique below is very culturally, and the style is very cultural.

But there is some excessive excessive gifted here.

The blade feels very blame, is it over.

And there are six people in it, three big abdomen, fertilizer oil.

The other two is slightly affected.

But there is still a little sulking little girl.

Seeing heavy iron gates open, six people have passed away.

Farming, the rest of the remaining people were shocked, and the eyes were spent?

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