Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 409

How can such a juvenile Lang appear here.

Blade smiling, holding a few people.

"Blade Men !!!"

A crisp scream and unbelievable screams have broken the seren here ...

[Li people in the starting point]

[Red Tea is good]

[Look at the stars during the day] (with space with me (? ¯? ¯?))

[Single girl Zhu Zhuqing is good]

[Monads 56]

[Monads 26]

Waiting for more than 30 million fans, add more! (¯ ▽ ¯) σ

Chapter 199

"Ashui is not rude!" A slightly rich middle-aged man was screamed.

If the little girl is not smelling, only the two eyes look at the blade.

The blade smiled and said: "Do you know me?"

"Of course, male gods you are the most handsome!"

"And the strength is super! It is actually a person who defeated the entire team of Cang Xi College!"

The middle-aged person who is looking for a little girl, this is not known, just learned that this gimmick is alone in one person to see what all the mainland souls is good. An annoyed.

If this is something, how can I get!

The rest of the few people are also surprised. I can't think of this young man is actually the players in the mainland Soul Competition, and there is one person to eliminate the horror strength of a team!

Although they don't pay much attention to these, but also know that people who can participate in this all over the mainland Soul, can say that all one is a person!


Since it is the contestant, why will it appear here during the game?

"The little girl has a prize, this is not a matter of nothing." The blade smiled and shook his head.

"In the next, I am very happy to meet the blade of the small brothers, the little girl is not sensible, I still hope that the blade is a small brother."

The blade smiled and swayed this slightly. "Wonderful, the little girl is really bad, I like it very much, come, Mo Water girl, I invite you to eat sugar gourd."

The blade took out a string of beautiful strawberry sweet guns and walked over and handed a little girl.

Mo Water Eye is glitting, looking at the blade male god male god, is so close, the little heart is not huff.

The blade male god is handsome, so gentle and easy to be close!

"Ashui, I don't even have received Thank you, big brother?"

See Mo Water This gimmick is not connected, and it will not be urged by the whisper.

The little girl came back to God, and his hand was using: "Thank you for blade male god!"

The blade smiled: "Let me take a blade."

"Is it really ok?" The little girl puts light.

"Yes, a call." Head nodded.

Don't open the mouth: "Ashui, you can't just call the big brother, you want to call your big brother."

"Can you?" Mohui looks forward to watching the blade.

The blade is nodded.

At this time, some people also inserted, and it was not more than I got to meet with the blade.

The blade is a laughter.

Then laugh at: "Everyone is going to see treasure, don't care about me."

The blade smiled and laughed and laughed and laughed to laugh.

Chen Yifang is a curious way: "Why do you have a leisurely in the game during the game, there is still a stone. The blade is the main force?"

The blade's hand is falling on a piece of appearance with green, only the size of the fist.

Laughing: "You can know what the big fight spirit will cancel the pure than the winner when we will win."

Chen Yifang is silent with the rest of the country, and this matter they have heard, naturally knowing is because the strength of the Shrake Institute is too terrible.

Actually there are five soul!

"This is naturally known, and your garden includes a six soul of the brothers." Chen Yifang's face was slightly bitter.

How amazing strength is, and can participate in the All-Mainland Soul Competition to prove that these people are very young!

This kind of talent ...

The blade of the blade is open, falling on the other original stone, laughing: "So there is no difference, thinking about it for a long time, so please go out."

His hand is removed again.

Chen Yifang has just takes a call but he heard a delicate voice like a Bailing bird.

"Do you have the strongest big brother?" The little girl licking with a candy gourd.

Looking at a few people, the blade smiled: "If you say what to kill, it is."

This is not a secret, after all, the Cang Xi Academy is in place.

Although the people have guess, they are also shocked when they listen to it.

What did they have gone here today, they can encounter such talents!

I have to meet well! Don't say anything affectionate, but it is a huge success!

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