Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 415

A fire red, the fire is a single hand, the mouth, the mouth is hidden: "First thank you, challenge."

The blade nodded: "This order is good, but what is it for killing, how is it to eat the barbecue together?"

"Wow!" Ma Hongjun and Oscar looked at the blade and fire dance.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing pupil minus.

Why is this this? !

Does he like her? !

The fire dance, and then lick the red lips with a little charming seduce looks at the blade: "Do you want to date with me? I don't mind ~"

Humph! It looks like a dog like a dog, I can't think of it. It is just a beautiful beauty!

The blade shakes his head: "Not a date, just want to know what is different from the flame baked with a pure fire, the flames of the soul."

Fire dance: "..."

Zhu Zhuqing: "..."

Ning Rong Rong: "..."

Dai Mu, how do you get drunk? !


Fland finally knew why this kid was so active when it was the battle of the park.

After the fire dance, it is annoyed. If you ask me to go out and eat the barbecue is for this? !

I am the first beauty of the school!

A pair of beauty stunned, the silver teeth were bite, and the fist was grazed.

Blade: "..."

What? Don't go! Why do you hate my appearance?

give up! I am a man you can't get!

The fire dance finally turned around.

"Blade, you are waiting, I will fight you!"

The knife is helpless: "Isn't it not? Why is this?"

Ma Hongjun worships the blade, his knees are given to the knife!

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were as follows, it turned out to be the case, and thought that this guy looks at people.

This can't blame them, the strength, appearance, and body of that fire dance can be a great!

Didn't see the dead fat man, is there a hip of the hips? !

Ning Rong said poked the knife: "Do not regret? People can be the first beauty of the hot school ~"

"Regret?" The knife shook his head smile.

"What is good, I can't taste the taste of pure fire martial arts, but I still have a chance in the future?"

Ning Rong Rong: "..."

Zhu Zhu clearly smiled, suddenly the bright sunshine is bright.

He, but it is just a stupid!

Chapter 202 Snow Night Emperor and Old Women (Super Chapter]!)

The fire dance is there without a blade.

"The male god is not there, it seems that it is bored one day ~" The water moon looks at the battle in the field.

The water is cold and cold: "Take a good look."

"Oh ~"

In the field, the group of Inevan, the group of Tieji met with the metal college.

Hit ... very interesting.


The master said light: "Pay attention to the self-contained changes to us,"

Tang San looked at the game in the field in the defense waiting opportunity without some point: "It is indeed, if it is encountered in the group battle starting tomorrow, the situation and the last return may be very different."

"Cut, is our Shrek that are afraid of them? I am alone ..." Ma Hongjun disdain.

Fland looked back at him, his eyes smashed.

Confidence is good, but it is stupid.

Ma Hongjun is a snack, even busy to pick up a snack, adjust the sitting position, the waist stick straight, the old stomach is old.

Fleed snorted, it seems that he has to teach this idiotic brother's little experience after the end of the competition.

If he can have a knife, one tenth of the kid, who is Frand to fuck?

Continue to watch the game.

Ma Hongjun was tone.

"Hey! Little brother is anxious!"

A middle-aged middle-aged man who is facing upright is rushed to retain the blade that is ready to leave.

The blade walked and did not pay attention, this person is long.

This stall is full of stalls, whether it is ready, or not.

Most is the color of the fake.

The blade I don't know what this people put on the goods or I do it.

In short, this fake craft is good.

The blade is not prepared to unveil him, that is, don't want to manage, can't manage it.

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