Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 416

This industry is like this, and the people think about Dafa.

But if there is no eye, you can only be able to be cultivated.

It is very profitable to do this, and the customer knows, but greed and blind self-confidence will always let them believe that they are special.

If there is no special force to intervene from the big level, this will not have any changes.

Huh? This flavor ...

The blade came to an old woman booth.

The old woman came up with the guests and grinned: "What is the little brother?"

The faint eye, the old voice, full of folded faces, there is a few teeth left, dry, wounded and scarred.

I saw the years and suffering in her body.

The blade smelled the fragrance in front of him, refers to it, three of these spices: "These three kinds of spices are given to me."

"The little brother is somewhat, the old woman, I have a little ear." The old woman is slightly embarrassed to look at the blade.

The blade smiled and increased the sound: "The old man! This three are given me a pound!"

The old woman is looking for: "Little brother is maintained, this older people have some problems like this."

The blade smiled and shook his head: "Wonderful!"

The old woman has a bit slow, but the blade does not lack this time.

After packing three secrets, the old woman is a little trembling to the blade: "This is the fragrance of the little brother, the total four and a half silver soul coin."

The knife took over the five silver soul coins.

The old woman took out a box to find zero.

The blade is calmly waiting.

She laughed with a good 50-piece copper soul.

"The little brother counts."

The blade took a thick eye, one lot, a lot.

He smiled and said to the old woman: "The old man is old, but doing things can not be vague!"

The old woman listened to a pleasure, with the old voice: "The little brother is small, but it is not a vague!"

The blade smiled and nodded to the woman and ready to leave.

"Soul ... This is a rare thing, Xiao Ge should pay attention, after all, people here are more eye-catching." The old woman slightly smashed, and later low.

The blade nodded.

The old woman sits back to the small chair, the faint look, the back of the blade, the old face showing a smile.

She was born in the war, that year, the mainland is very turbulent.

She has experienced the war, and she has also broken herself, escaped, bought hard, and a life.

When people go to middle age, I want to find an old man to live together, but I have encountered a gambling husband.

When the husband was hacked, the debt fell to her with the young daughter.

They fiercely came over and wanted to buy her with their daughters.

She took the knife and confronts the opponent, protects the young daughter.

They haven't come over, she cuts them, then she fled with her daughter.

I have a small place to hide for several years.

She has no matter, there is no such thing in small places, so I can only use some dishes to buy in the city.

One day, she saw her unforgettable scene - hundreds of people were grabbed together.

She has seen the three people who broke into their families in the crowd.

She consciously thought that she fled with her daughter.

Just suddenly heard the people around said: These people have to be pulled down ...

It is a little bully, usury, rape and looting, and even more than 30 aristocrats who have evil.

In short, her heart hanging for many years has finally fallen.

I have to die with her daughter of her life.

Looking at hundreds of people rolling down, her heart is put down.

She doesn't understand why she is in the first time.

Later, he listened to someone who said that the new high-rise snow night emperor did that change.

The Snow Night Great started his change after returning the main military rights.

The Tiangou Empire entered the boiling state.

She is not very clear, what has changed, what is the leather, only know, someone has been pulled on a criminal kill every day.

The crime strips of these people are looking at what is good.

At the same time, all kinds of people are publicizing the new law. She doesn't understand these, I only know that this new law seems to protect them these ordinary people.

The aristocrats who bullied the people on weekdays suddenly became honest.

In short, the world seems to be better.

It is indeed better.

After several months, the atmosphere became very strange, she knows what the atmosphere is.

To fight ...

The streets are discussing the Snow Night Emperor to move the army to the emperor to accept the review.

What should she do if she is happy to hang.

One day, the strange atmosphere in the air dispersed

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