Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 420

She knows that this is a critical moment of their martial arts integration skills and cannot be interrupted.

Received the eyes, glanced horrified, the opposite side of the Black Academy.

It's a ruthless, a spicy man!

"Sisters, strengthen defense! Then prepare to play with Shrake!"

Although it is to play, their plan is to drag the steps of trake offense waiting for water ice, and the water moon completes Wuhun integration skills.

It's enough to drag for half a minute!

Then - let the baking egg!

The snow covered with the other two women showed the third soul technology, the second soul skill.

Their defense is not existing alone. Because the martial arts are water, it is very high, and their defensive skills have been integrated after training!

After the three-person soul skills incorporate the water curtain under the water ice cloth, protect their water curtain instant twice.

The blade waves: "Mu Bai, Baihu Meteor Boxing Preparation."

Dai Mu white face is black, your mother is really ordered? !

I am the captain! !

But this master has clearly handed him to him, but he doesn't listen.

Dai Muhu snorted, stepped forward.

His white tiger meteor, power is not as good as Ma Hongjun's phoenix, but you can instant.

"Dai Boss, I am shot!"

Don't look at the length of the description, it is actually less than five interests.

Dai Mu white face is black, this dead fat man is talking about?

His innocent is still? !

However, there is no time to entangle this!

The fourth soul technology - white tiger meteor!

"The fourth soul technology - Phoenix sky !!" Ma Hongjun has a drink.

Don't say anything else, the momentum is true.

Fire column for the fire!

Ten million boxing!

Qi Qi is on the thick water curtain!

"Protecting the captain and the moon!" The snow opened his third soul skill inside the water curtain, but this water curtain is covered in the water ice and the water moon.

The rest of the women are also ready to fight.

The water curtain was broken under the attack of Ma Hongjun and Dai Mu, was broken.

The residual attack has been weakened to the extreme.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Mu Bai dare to guarantee that this attack is not this effect on the imaginary college or the metal college.

But the truth is.

Although the water is not strong, the heavy buffer is often resistant to stronger attacks.

The audience in the field also worried that the beauty of the Tianshui's hospital was hurt, but they screamed, but see so powerful attacks were completely blocked without cheers.

The snow, etc., but there is no such thing, they have at least twenty seconds!

If there is only Tang San and others, even if the other party is from the five soul of soul, but they dare to pack the ticket is to drag a few minutes or even ten minutes!

Because their soul skills are not a defense at all.

Control is their fundamental!

However, the long-range attack of the blade is terrible, not only fast, powerful.

The thing is that - actually can also come! !

"Small three-control field, the little dance is responsible for the left wing, the bamboo clear right wing, and others break through their defense from the front."

At the same time, the water has been covered with the battle site.

This is the third soul technology of the other-faced water system to assist the soul of the soul.

As long as it is a water attribute soul, all attributes can be increased by nearly 10% from this power field!

Very powerful soul skills, the only disadvantage is that there is no increase in the soul of the soul of the water attributes ...

Everyone took the plan to attack, but the blade did not move.

Others have been entangled with opposite people.

The full venue in the opposite signs is, although the binding ability is not strong, but the beauty of the Tianshui College can only need to spend a small amount of soul.

It is the most flexible Zhu Zhuqing and is also honest, it is difficult to close to each other.

Ma Hongjun was the most fire, his Phoenix fire line was extinguished with a woman with water!

The woman also provoked the hook, a teasing appearance, seemed to say: Xiaoyi, you can't do it ~

He is so hot that you are preparing to attack, but when you step out, when you fall in wet ground, the feet will step into the quagmire!

I want to struggle but the more it is more and more!

The Safety Academy has evoked his provocative woman's mouth.

Men, it is so easy to deal with!

The third soul technology - water whip! !

Ma Hongjun was desperately breaking away the trap of the ground, it was not checked for a while, it was bundled.

Second soul skill - bath fire phoenix!

The other end woman is slightly changed, and the temperature of the horror.

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