Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 421

Her whip is being quickly evaporated!

be quick!

She ran quickly, and her hand pulled a handle with water.

Another train is Ma Hongjun!

She terminated the second soul skill, but the fat man was too heavy, she was very hard.

Amazing is amazing in the chest.

Ma Hongjun is blown with the Phoenix fire line to burn this stunned water rope, but the water is not a joke!

His fire has not yet broken the water rope, and the whole person is thrown out!

When he comes to break, it is already on the way out of the court ...

"Fat !!" Dai Mu was trying to rescue, but the moment of the moment was hung by the snowy cavity.

"Little handsome guy is going to go?"

Contains snow laugh.

But the forthcoming horse Hongjun waist is suddenly wrapped in a familiar blue silver grass!

He didn't eat dry rice.

The blade is not idle!

Although he is touching fish.

Blade waving in his hand.

The Jian Mang's little beauty of the child's little beauty will be fused to finish the finished water!

But the other party's defense is very strict, and the snow has not forgotten the blade this likes to play the trick.

Flandy eyes smashed.

Zhao Wuyi took the thigh annoyed: "What is the kid?

"This guy will not really be in pity?" Ning Rongrong is a little confused, and he is not like it.

The sound of the blade sounded in the Soul Space.

"Can you see the principle of their soul blending but also separate?"

"See it, but you don't make sense, your soul is 100%, if you use it is not you to swallow me, I am swallowing you."

"This, but unfortunately."

"It's a piety of pseudo-good breaths that you have come out, I don't want to touch you."

"Are you too hurting?"

"Your face is thick, can't hurt you."

"More comfortable ..."

There have been many twenty seconds.

Ma Hongjun and others are still desirable to break through the defense of snow and others in twenty seconds!

When a gentle and inclusive soul fluctuates from water ice and water moon to spread around.

Everyone knows the martial arts integration skills of Tianshui College!

Zhu Zhuqing, who just broke the water screen, was fly off by a pound of soul.

The Tianshui College was also entangled with the thirty-ninteen soul division of "Zhu Zhuqing".

When is Zhu Zhuqing's woman gets the past?

Isn't she still in front of him? !

Looking back, it is going to be blocked by him. "Zhu Zhu Qing" is even disgraced ...

"Ghost !!"

Another girl rewarded her a babard.

"Ghost you head, that is the soul of people!"


"Withdrew." The blade faint body shrouded the audience.

Although everyone is unwilling, in the face of the martial arts of Tianshui, even if their overall strength is above each other, it will not take the other party at all times!

What's more, the other party's martial arts integration skills have been completed.

Look at this soul fluctuation says that the Tianshui Academy has more than a 50-level soul king!

The little dance has some dissatisfaction with the blade: "Hey, what are you doing this guy?"

The blade smiled and said: "You will give it to me, the water, the water, and the water is given to me."

"Don't be reluctant." Zhu Zhu clearly said.

I just didn't hurt, but she can feel the martial arts integration skills.

The blade smiled and said: "Zhu Qing, you will look at me, I am very strong."

"Well, but still have to be careful."

"Okay." Looking at Zhu Zhuqing's face really appearance, the blade smiled and nodded.

Zhu Zhuqing's face is red, because Xiao Dance, Tang San and others use her eyes to see her.

Dai Mu felt that he couldn't help it, he would talk to her after the game!

"Month, is it adaptable?"

"Well!" The people who were shrouded by the huge water group were not embracing.

When the blade is talking, the women 's women' s women have also adjusted.

And the blade and others also added soul.

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