Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 76: Plain Tour

   The speed of the convoy was not fast, but the radiation area around Longxing City was too wide. After half a day, Uranium realized that after a slight jitter, it was out of Longxing City.

The laying of stones gradually became less, and as they approached the border, it was visible to the naked eye that a team of patrol troops wearing fine iron full body armor and armed with long guns continued to stagger past, and hundreds of steel soldiers marched slowly, giving People have a sense of killing.

   From time to time, the convoy will slowly stop and accept temporary random checks by the patrolling soldiers, such as whether they are carrying armaments and whether the number of people in the convoy is the same.

   Uranium's eyes were very sharp. He poked his head out of the carriage, and he could see that the color of the gold soul coin in his hand flashed when the leading butler was talking with the officer of the patrol soldier.

  Then the officer would say a few words to the back, and then he would simply stroll around the carriage. He didn't even think about lifting the shed cover on the truck. In the end, he would pass by without any conversation at all.

And this scene, in the eyes of Uranium, was staged in another place at the same time, just like this blatantly and constantly blackmailing the passing commercial vehicles, there is no patrol function at all, as if this is an extra money for money, it is a kind of oil and water. Full post.

   "It's no wonder that the merchant I just met, he couldn't wait to send money when he hit me, and apologized again and again. It turned out to be used to this."

  Uran looked at these neat and murderous soldiers, but inside today, they have been corrupted by money.

   "Even the soldiers patrolling the border are rotten. It seems that the army within the Star Luo Empire and the nobles are not good enough."

Silently said something disrespectful to the Star Luo Empire, the young man then lowered the car curtain, and no longer looked at these annoying soldiers. Fortunately, he wanted to see how the soldiers in another world were like. It seems that it is totally incomparable with the People's Liberation Army.

   Even if you put them together for comparison, you will feel that this is an insult to the People's Liberation Army.

   Time passed bit by bit.

   Soon, as the daylight gradually weakened, the slanted sunset slowly shone on the team, and the time had come to the evening.

   "Stop, rest!"

  In an instant, the convoy steward saw the sun set, and immediately announced that he had organized the coachman, the chef, and five distinguished soul masters to come down and have the meal trimmed.

The convoy had stopped and rested in a flat woodland somewhere. The chefs of the convoy started cooking with a fire. The method was very interesting. First, a pot of soup was prepared, and the soup base was taken out of the wagon, and then marinated bacon was added. , Red sausage, chopped and washed carrots, washed mushrooms, green vegetables, perilla, etc., braised on high fire and stewed on low fire. Obviously, it can be seen that this kind of thick broth is not affordable for grooms. .

Sure enough, the convoy was divided into two dining places. The first group consisted of five soul masters who had gathered but had no communication. Among them were Zhu Zhuqing, You, a 17 or 18-year-old blue-haired young man, and 23. Four fat young people with black hair and a group of fat young people with purple hair.

   Except for Uranium, the rest are great spirit masters of more than 20 levels.

   The other place is where ordinary coachmen dine together. The food is also a simple omnivorous meal, which is completely incomparable with the broth and vegetables on the uranium side.

  Uran looked at both sides at this time, feeling a bit complicated for a while.

However, he also understands that people are not created equal, and the gap between soul masters and ordinary people is comparable to that of the sky. Whether it is status or ability, it is far from the previous life. You must know that a powerful soul master is enough to move mountains and seas. It is a conspicuous example.

He doesn’t care about eating with ordinary people, because he was born in a peasant family in his previous life, but Uranium now knows better that Douluo’s rules must be like this, and he doesn’t have to go to areas where the fate of ordinary people is fighting for revolution or ordinary people. change.

   is born to determine the strong and the weak, how to change?

   It's better to live yourself well.

   "Dear soul masters, please eat, haha, please eat."

   Not long after the tables and chairs were set up, the food was already served. The steward came to Uran the first time, Zhu Zhuqing accompanied him for a while, and then went down, working with the coachmen, and had no idea of ​​entering the soul master circle.

   "Hello miss, this is Ye Feng, where are you going?"

   did not remain silent for too long. Soon, the blue-haired youth took the lead to break the deadlock. Everyone was an escorted soul master, and they also had gold soul coins, but the next journey was at least a month or so. It was always good to understand each other.

   Among the people who need to know, Ye Feng saw the cold girl at first glance, she was so beautiful, tall and hot, and the iceberg had a beautiful temperament.

   As for the other people, huh, man? Watch a fart.



   Zhu Zhuqing did not speak, even his eyes did not float to Ye Feng, as if he hadn't heard him, his eyes were only on the food in front of him, and he enjoyed it quietly.


   Somehow, the lanky, purple-haired young man covered his mouth and smiled, whether he was laughing at someone's embarrassment or having other meanings.

   The next moment, the young man with purple hair smiled and said: "Everyone, introduce I'll come first."

   "My name is Ma Long, Wuhun is a ferocious wolf spirit, a powerful attack system, a twenty-ninth level war spirit master, everyone."

  Uran looked at the spoken words of the purple-haired young man. He was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he had met a normal person, but after seeing his eyes vaguely glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, he cleared his door in an instant and knew what was going on.

   Damn, there are really just a few scumbags. Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing is beautiful, every one of them is close to thinking, lick the dog?

   Someone spoke, naturally others set off. The fat, black-haired young man with the purple-haired youth immediately smiled and said: "I am Yuan Hou, Wuhun is a green bamboo flute, an auxiliary system, a twenty-second level battle spirit master."

   Then it was Uranium's turn, Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Feng.

"I am Ye Feng, my spirit is the Dark Sky Crow, the control system, the twenty-fourth-level war soul master." Ye Feng, who was ridiculed by the purple-haired youth, was very frank at this moment, as if he did not feel that he was being mocked at all. generous.

   It's just that Uranium can still see that, Ye Feng in front of him is just a strong smile, and he doesn't want to lose an angry look in front of this beauty Zhu Zhuqing.

   Finally, it's Uranium's turn.

   "I am Uranium, the eye of martial spirit energy, power attack system, 25th-level war spirit master."

The young man casually said that he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this kind of eye martial spirit with strong attack system. Anyway, he said casually, these few dozen or so before the soul master, at best, it is the original Su Yuntao. He didn't bother to take care of it.

   And finally, when it was Zhu Zhuqing's turn, everyone's eyes were on her.

   The only difference is that the three eyes are hot, while Uranium is like watching a show.

   is here, the classic war of color embryos!


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