Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 77: this world


   bang bang...

   With an exaggerated smile on his face, Uran collapsed in the carriage, smiling non-stop, patted the cushion on the side, and made a slight noise. The laughter spread softly, and was blown away by the wind.

   "These guys are laughing at me, haha."

In the end, Zhu Zhuqing didn't say a word, nor did he introduce himself. Those three **** embryos named Ma Long, Ye Feng, and Yuan Hou tried to compose Zhu Zhuqing's words, but they were dumb and made a show for the blind. Look.

Even Uranus could tell. Zhu Zhuqing didn't even bother to look at the four of them at all. Although he counted himself in it, Uran understood that he was just a passerby and there was no need to show off his soul in front of others. A thankless thing like the Ring Soul Skill.

   Anyway, he doesn't care about it. It's normal to be looked down upon.

   Suddenly, after thinking about the faces of those soul masters again, Uran's smile that had been stopped raised again, and the laughter could not be stopped, which was so funny.

The scene at that time was extremely embarrassing. All three of them had finished introducing themselves. They just waited for Zhu Zhuqing to say something about themselves, and wanted to hear the soft voice of Bingshan Beauty. In the end, Zhu Zhuqing just finished the broth and vegetables. , I turned around and went back to rest in the carriage, and I didn't even bother to take care of these few people who could see what they thought at a glance.

   After Zhu Zhuqing left, the scene became cold.

  Uran is a theater. After eating early, he walked to the side and looked at the purple-haired youth, and the black-haired youth looked at the blue-haired youth with cold eyes.

   The eyes of the three of them flashed, and the blue-haired young man Ye Feng sneered. He had long seen that Ma Long was hiding a knife in his smile, sinister and cunning, short-sighted, and worrisome. At first, he mocked him for a while, and then showed his IQ for himself, wanting that beauty to speak with him, but was slapped in the face.

   Somehow, thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help but laugh, and it happened to be heard by the purple-haired young man Ma Long.

Ma Long was stunned when he heard it, and then he showed a fierce look. The guy in front of him was alone, and his spirit power was not as good as them. This kind of obvious provocative behavior, if he didn't do something, the person watching next thought he was. Scared!

When the friction was about to occur, the caravan butler happened to be there. He didn't seem to see the fiery eyes between the two sides. He said something to himself. He called out for food and drink. The place to relieve his hand was located in the south of the caravan. There is a fire illuminating the road, the rest is in the carriage, and everything needs to be said.

Although it did not seem to say anything to persuade him, invisibly, the tension and embarrassment between the two sides was resolved, and everyone was embarrassed to continue fighting in front of the caravan butler, so Ma Long and Yuan Hou snorted and left here. , Go back to the carriage and take a rest.

   And Ye Feng just smiled awkwardly at Uranium, and left here.

   only left his face calm, but the uranium that bloomed in his heart was in place.

   Even if it was about to rest now, Uranium could still recall how ugly Ma Long's face was at the time, and how embarrassed Ye Feng was at that time.

   "That's why it's interesting. It's not a waste of me to eat slowly. I waited for a long time."

   chuckled lightly, and then pulled up the car curtains and looked around. It is still within the border of the Star Luo Empire. There are at least three days or even longer to reach the border, but it should not exceed five days.

  Wait when he stepped out of the border, it was the endless plain immediately. Although Uran didn't understand the map, he could see Xiao Wu from the forest. The forest must be close to Notting City, or Soto City is not far away.

The reason is very simple. When Xiao Wu first appeared on the stage, he didn’t even know that coins could buy food. Obviously, she just came out of the forest, and the time was short, so short that she was not hungry. This also shows that the Star Dou Forest is far from Nording The city is close beyond imagination.

The Star Dou Forest is located in the middle part of the two empires. It can be said that there is an intersection. He and Xiao Wu probably met in the forest within the scope of the Heaven Dou Empire, but the place he is now out of is the Star Luo Empire. In the opposite direction, the two are quite different.

   Otherwise, if he appeared near the Heaven Dou Empire, he might still be able to see what Tang San looked like.

   is not so long as it is now.

   The next day.

   After breakfast, Uran once again lay in the carriage, and started to practice slowly. Although he knows that he has a plug-in that unfortunately absorbs the spirit power of the soul beast, his own cultivation speed can't slow down, and his diligence can make up for his clumsiness, and he is not clumsy. More foundations are laid, otherwise he won't even be qualified to enter the sunset forest in the future.

   You must know that as soon as he entered, he had to face a high-level spirit beast that had not been mutated by radiation. This was no longer under the control of the radiation eye.

   After passing through the border of the empire, it was easier than the boy imagined, so I reviewed it a little bit and reviewed it. After the comparison staff did not increase or decrease, it was released easily.

Although the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire seem to have some actions recently, in fact, the internal disputes between the two empires have not been resolved. The duchess and kingdoms that have not been shaken have caused the two emperors to be overwhelmed and miserable. What's more to trouble other empires?

   After leaving the border of the empire, he completely stepped into the vast immediate plain. The brown soil and green shadow vegetation are intertwined, and the endless plain forms a gray-black horizon at the end of the line of sight.

   In the azure blue sky, there are endless clouds flying. For a time, the uranium that is completely in the nature can not help but stand up, look up at the sky, and surround it.

   In the corner of his eye, Uran could see Zhu Zhuqing standing up without knowing when, his white face was melting away at the moment, with a slight smile, he closed his eyes and felt the breeze blowing in the sky.

   The girl in front of her has completely sealed her heart since she abandoned her fiancé and ran to Soto City, protecting herself with coldness, and maintaining the judgment of the outside world with indifference, but her heart, after all, is just a young girl who longs for stability and beauty.

   Only in order not to be overwhelmed by reality, he had to put on that cold mask.

But at this moment, she really couldn't help it. The indifferent reality is full of cruelty to her. The eldest sister in the family is about to reach the required age of the family. If she does not resist, she may really die when she was a child. Hands of close sister.

   So she set out, she was going to find that coward.

   Dai Mubai.

   looked at the girl's heartfelt smile, Uran smiled, and then turned his gaze back to For him, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai's affairs had nothing to do with him.

Maybe he would take the lead. After all, she didn't want to be an iceberg beauty, but the indifferent reality forced her to compromise. This girl, weirdly pitiful, Miss Dai Mu Baitian Tian hugged right and left, while Zhu Zhuqing was in the star The family of Luo Empire was suffering. If it weren't for too much pressure, she would have been waiting to die.

   It was like Dai Mubai who didn't want to cultivate, but just wanted to have fun before he died.

   But compared to Zhu Zhuqing who wanted to fight, Dai Mubai seemed to be really scumbag. If Zhu Zhuqing hadn't looked pretty, I might not think of her at all.

   After a while, he withdrew his gaze, Uran returned to the carriage, stared, closed his eyes and rested.

   "I can help if I have a chance in the future."

   This is not a trip, this is an **** action, that is, if there is nothing, it is likely to be like this, staying in the carriage to rest, stationing at night, and acting during the day, unless it is attacked by a spirit beast.

However, there are very few soul beasts in the plain immediately. Xingluo and Tiandou expected that this place should be the place where they will encounter in the future. Both parties even consciously or unintentionally, there are soul masters stationed in the plains to sweep the plains and guarantee the caravan. Safety.

As for ordinary beasts, or herbivorous beasts, they are no longer within the scope of soul masters. After all, soul beast meat is a great supplement to ordinary people, and once sold, it is also expensive. In terms of mopping up, it is more about regular harvesting.

   These things about Lima Plain were learned by Uran while talking with the coachman.

   "It's a really interesting world, this is much better than the Star Dou Great Forest."

   smiled, Uranus took a pose, slowly practicing.

  The road ahead is still long.


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