Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 100: Road training

   On this day, the wind is beautiful and the sun is cloudless.

   Two figures, a man and a woman, left the west gate of Soto City in the morning, followed the map and set out to leave Soto City.

   Tiandou Empire Imperial City Tiandou City is located to the northeast of the center of the Tiandou Empire. It is one of the two largest cities in the entire continent. In Douluo Continent, only the Star Luo Empire Imperial City can compare with it.

If the two want to reach Tiandou City, they need to leave the territory of the Barak Kingdom first, and then pass through the entire territory of the Silves Kingdom north of the Barak Kingdom, before entering the Tiandou Empire imperial city circle, and then go east, Fang is The imperial city of the Heaven Dou Empire is located.

   This road is very long, a full two thousand miles, which shows that the land area of ​​the Tiandou Empire is huge.

   Zhu Zhuqing actually has her own storage soul guide, so she has the food and other miscellaneous supplies she carries, so she doesn’t need to worry about the things she needs to carry when she is on the way.

  Actually, according to Uranium's meaning, it was good to take a horse-drawn carriage and train spirit power by the way, but Zhu Zhuqing felt that it would be fine to run all the way. Not only did he exercise his body, and the speed of the horse-drawn carriage was slow, it was a waste of time and meaningless.

Regarding this kind of disagreement, Uranium generally chooses to retreat by himself. Anyway, there is no point in arguing. There is no quarrel, so he sold the carriage at Zhu Zhuqing’s wishes, and then slept in a hotel for a night. , Set off early in the morning.

   Don't get me wrong, the two are in double rooms.

"Starting now?" Uranium walked slowly, watching the rising sun gradually, unknowingly, the energy absorption halo opened, absorbing all the surrounding heat, leaving only refreshing. This change immediately made Zhu Zhu clear. Curiosity.

   "This is your third spirit ability?"

   "Well, the energy absorption aura was originally about 20,000 years old, but it was suppressed by me to a five-thousand-year limit. Since you need help, then I will get the spirit ring and I will go together."

  Uran nodded and said, the energy absorption halo was originally absorbed by the surrounding ten meters. Zhu Zhuqing was very close to him, so he could naturally feel this refreshing and comfortable feeling.

   A must-have magical skill when traveling in summer.


   The girl was silent for a while, then replied faintly.

She was telling the truth. She had seen all the power of Uranium. She kicked the soul emperor with one foot and defeated the soul master Dai Mubai with two moves. These two achievements alone were enough to make people feel trembling from the heart. .

   The next moment, the girl just finished her voice, she has already bounced forward, her figure moved, and she kept jumping and running towards the road. The sight in front of her could not help but make the teenager stunned. Are you running?


   Uran chuckled, and then jumped down slightly. After feeling a little alive, his feet suddenly accelerated, and rushed forward like the arrow of a string, and went straight to Zhu Zhuqing, who was still a shadow of a shadow.

He didn't use his soul power now, just running with the body was already faster than the girl who started the spirit possession. After all, compared to the power increase, the speed under the three-hook jade was more terrifying, as if he had performed the martial soul awakening three times. , Easily, the distance between the two began to keep getting closer.

"So fast."

   her eyes moved slightly, and the girl looked at the silver-haired figure that was constantly approaching behind her. The sun's rays shone on the silver hair, and the dazzling reflections kept flickering, which made the girl feel uncomfortable for a while, and her eyes were too hot.

Originally, the girl was just playing around for a while, but seeing that Uranium could catch up so easily, the desire for competition in her heart gradually began to burn, she didn't believe it, she was obviously an agile attack type spirit master, for speed or something. , This is her proudest place.

   It's just a pity that she didn't amplify her spirit ability, the first spirit ability and the second spirit ability were Nether Spike and Nether Claw respectively.


   Two silhouettes passed by the roadside, startled with a touch of dust, and then as the two went away, they gradually sank and fell to the ground.

   Of course it is nothing to use spirit power for a short period of time. In less than an hour, the girl's spirit power has been exhausted.

   You can't keep up, so he slowed down and moved forward at a normal speed, allowing Zhu Zhuqing to breathe. Of course, the stop will not stop. After all, it is a hurry. Recently, Shrek has been a few days away from enrolling students. I am afraid that Tiandou Royal Academy will be only a few days away.

  Using this method to drive, only half a day later, the girl's tired legs and feet trembled, supporting the big tree beside her, panting heavily, sweating from her head, her face pale, and her lips bloodless.

The green forest provided plenty of cool air, and the hot and toxic sun was absorbed. At this moment, it was close to noon, but let the two of them rest for a while. Uranium didn't feel too tired. After all, the physical fitness is here. But what kind of feeling does Zhu Zhuqing feel when she has silver hair reflecting light in front of her eyes?

   The girl can only say now, she feels blind with her eyes open.

"rest for a bit."

Under the shade of the tree, the two sat facing each other. Zhu Zhuqing began to take out the dry food and water from the storage soul guide, and used the mirror to arrange his facial clothes, while Uranium sat in place, lowered his head, and took out the original That black and green belt, combined with the soul guide, tried to find something different.

   After a while.

   "Yours." A cold voice came, and at the same time there was a white hand holding a piece of dry food and handing it to him.

   did not look up, the boy just silently put down the things he was playing with, and took over today's lunch. The two were silent, the atmosphere was a bit cold, but there was an unexpected fit.

   The two are not talkative people. Soon, after dinner, they will set off again, striving to take the kingdom of Silves tomorrow.

   There are constantly small towns passing by along the way. Under Uran's observation, it is obvious that the villages are extremely unevenly distributed. Sometimes the villages are not seen even after running for an hour, and sometimes just a small path after running a few steps.

Outside the kingdom city are evenly distributed towns. After this, the scene in front of Uranium, countless villages scattered everywhere like stars, all of these form the so-called kingdom~www.mtlnovel .com~ In fact, apart from the fact that the kingdom can control cities and nearby towns, other large villages can't take care of it. It seems that these ordinary villagers who can only cultivate the land for a lifetime have been forgotten.

   At this time, Uran could not help but think of the Wuhun Temple in the original work, which carried out the Wuhun awakening for all the villages every year.

   looked at the world like a dense forest and sea, in which looming houses, and the villages scattered like stars in an irregular distribution, for a while, Uran's heart felt a sense of admiration for the soul master at the bottom of Wuhun Hall.

It is also the inaction of the kingdom, the duchy, and the empire that will gradually breed such a behemoth. Even your own people need others to awaken the spirit of this important matter. Don’t blame the spirit of the palace for the establishment of the spirit. The ambition of the empire.

   But it is precisely these reasons that have become the current situation. The empire sends money to the Spirit Hall, and then the Spirit Hall distributes subsidies to all soul masters.

"If the Spirit Hall will not attack the family in the future, perhaps the unification of the Spirit Empire is not a bad thing, at least what they do is beneficial to the common people. I remember, it seems like Bibi Dong’s apprentice, the next generation of Spirit Hall saint Hu Liena It is the descendant of a normal soul master, not a powerful person."

Along the way, Uranium has been observing the world. Prosperity is naturally prosperous, but the high-end group of soul masters is controlled by Wuhun Hall, but from the current point of view, the civilians in Soto City and Longxing City he saw He didn't have the slightest complaint about this, but the aristocratic behavior he had seen made him quite nauseous.

   After all, the cities above are small-scale towns that have become bigger and bigger, but it has to be said that the current Wuhun Temple is doing quite well, which is pleasing to the eye.

   He is not a member of the two empires, so why stand on the stand of others?


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