Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 101: What is radiation

   is approaching night.

The two found a small town, which looked slightly larger than the village. There were three to five hundred households. Among them, the one that operated on the outside was actually a hotel with bright colors. Those who walked along the road , Can be seen at a glance.

   "Is a hotel on the roadside, a bit clever."

   looked at the big font outside, Uran nodded secretly.

   then greeted the girl not far away, ready to rest here.

I asked for two rooms separately. After entering the door to rest, the teenager lay directly on the bed, thinking about using the energy generated between the various particles to smash the soul beast gene, so that its age level was reduced, and finally the radiation field said this. The particle energy absorption allows Zhu Zhuqing to completely absorb the possibility of the spirit ring.

   The specific operation is very simple, and it seems that it is not difficult for him. Controlling these radiant energy is as simple as eating and drinking water. He can even completely consume the soul beast into a waste beast, destroying everything except the flesh.

   But if people other than him absorb the spirit ring produced by these mutant spirit beasts, whether there will be uncomfortable reactions, he still needs a test, otherwise he is just joking about human lives.

  The essence of radiation is energy. First of all, various high-energy electromagnetic waves are generated during radiation, that is, invisible light, mainly x-rays and gamma rays with strong penetrating power.

  The reason why people's skin will start to turn red and black after exposure to high-concentration radiation is that the stratum corneum of the skin is the first to be irradiated by a large amount of gamma rays.

   And the skin absorbs the ray energy to produce heat energy, which is the kinetic energy of the molecules, so that the stratum corneum is structurally disintegrated, and the cells under the skin are exposed and appear red.

   Under strong sunlight and ultraviolet rays, the skin will become red after a certain period of time. This is the same as gamma rays, but gamma rays will make this process happen instantly.

However, there are many mass rays in radiation, such as alpha rays, beta rays, neutron flux and other high-energy particle streams. Since matter is composed of atoms, the actual blocking nucleus accounts for only one ten thousandth of the atomic volume. , So these particles smaller than normal atomic nuclei can pass through easily, so these particles can rush into the body of the soul beast.

Since the particle stream has weight, that is to say, it has kinetic energy. Such radiation will ionize most of the molecules in the soul beast. In fact, it will smash DNA, RNA, protein and other molecules. All gamma rays, x The ionization caused by rays is also the energy of rays, and these energies are all under the control of the uranium radiation field.

These energy will be in a high-energy state after being absorbed by the atoms in the molecule, and will be released in the form of kinetic energy, so the molecules in the soul beast will fall apart. In fact, the stratum corneum and protein can be restored after being destroyed, but the radiation caused even more. It is terrible, it can also smash the genetic information carried by DNA, that is, the genetic origin, the Wuhun factor mentioned by Uranium before.

Soul beasts, all the structure and life activities of the human body are guided by genetic information in DNA, which means that rabbits are born to eat grass, or so-called instinct, to be alert to this type of genetic information and be destroyed by radiation energy. After obtaining the genetic information, the structure of the soul beast was also messed up. This was exactly the situation where the radiant Titan Great Ape had three heads and more than ten hands.

   Its body structure is completely messed up.

   But now, this energy is controlled by the radiation field of uranium. This is the real radiation field.

  All energy is under control.

   This is exactly what Uranium originally dared to say that it can be done, but has never tried this sentence, rather than impossible.

   High-energy particle flow? Not terrible, these energies are like an arm's command.

   Gamma-ray neutron flow? It's not terrible, these radiated from his body, wanting to take it back like breathing.

   But the information at the moment was fed back to him by the radiation field, or it was a conclusion drawn by combining his existing information, rather than his own memory.

   For a while, Uranium fell into thought.

   Is he a human being?

   He is not a stellar sun, he radiates energy continuously and steadily. From birth, he has been an ordinary person until the spirit of Wu awakens.

   But whose martial soul is so perverted? What is radiation? It's energy, it's the truth of the universe. All the energy in the universe is contained in this. Radiation field, radiation field, such a big name.

   How can he be?

   Suddenly, the boy frowned.


   sighed, Uran slowly straightened up, facing the wall, with his head against the wall with some pain, and kept rubbing, and the unclear premonition appeared, his face suddenly became savage, and finally he kept whimpering.

   So annoying in my head!

   annoying blown up!

   The lonely forest flashed through my mind constantly.

   A deadly camp that wants to find someone to talk to but doesn’t know how to talk.

   To the fate that the family carried, his father encouraged him when he was young.

   The fear of suffocation gripped the beating heart tightly.

   The despair of falling into a dying situation but unable to wait for redemption...

  咚咚... There was a slight sound of head hitting the wall.

   Endless distracting thoughts seem to swallow a young man, as if one after another'self' appeared in my mind and talked loudly about unintelligible words.

The face of my'own' in my mind is twisted into a black whirlpool, with sharp and piercing tinnitus of booming and exploding tinnitus, like the impact of the destruction of stars, the deadly seduction of stars dissipating, all kinds of special feelings continuously stimulate All the senses of a teenager.

   Half an hour later, the young man slowly fell to his knees, with messy hair, panting heavily, his face pale, his lips lost his blood, his eyes gradually filled with unknown emotions.

   Anger? Crazy? sorrow? desire?

   Still desperate? fear?

   "Am I going crazy?"

   After a while, the boy eased his emotions. The expression that was originally the most real and best representative of his thoughts slowly returned to calm. He looked at the red marks on his tightly clenched fingers, and was somewhat silent for a while.

   "I don't know how long I can last. The last time Xiao Wu rescued me, this time..."

   "It's going to speed up."


   The light turned off, and the teenager in the room closed his eyes, sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to practice. In his mind, a thought that had previously been thought of quietly emerged.

   Radiate the soul beast, and then absorb it all!

   The practice began.

   There was no word for the night. Early the next morning, Uranium got up early, knocked on Zhu Zhuqing's room, and continued on the road. At this time, they had left the Kingdom of Barak and entered the territory of the Kingdom of Silves.

   It’s just that he learned yesterday’s lesson. Uranium did not take Zhu Zhuqing to speed up like yesterday, but moved northeastward at a normal speed.

   That afternoon, the two have been to the city of Silves, the capital of the Kingdom of Silves in the south of the border.

  Uranium is not clear, Uchiha is a perceptual family, with strong mental power, but also easier to fall into paranoia and extremes.

   But what happened to him from childhood to youth, the closest thing to him, is crazy.


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