After packing, set off immediately.

At the foot of the mountain, a group of ten people are making final preparations.

Yu Feng changed his previous hippie smile, his expression was silent and serious, as if he was affected by the captain Yu Tianheng, or the indifferent Uranium as before. After checking his body, there were no flaws, then he raised his head and stood with the others. , The manner is simple and neat, quite a kind of military style.

"Are you ready?" Qin Ming asked, looking at the group of people in front of him.

"No problem." As the team leader, Yu Tianheng looked at everyone and said to Teacher Qin Ming.

"Let's go." Qin Ming cleared up his mood and gave the order to start, and a group of ten people set foot on the steps to leave Tiandou Royal Academy.

The Kingdom of Silves, located to the south of the Tiandou Empire, borders the Kingdom of Barak.

Said to be a kingdom, in fact, its area is only four-fifths the size of the Barak Kingdom, and it belongs to the Tiandou Empire, one of the four kingdoms in the Tiandou Empire.

The purpose of the group is the Great Arena of Souls in the capital of the Kingdom of Silves, and the next stop is also confirmed, that is the Great Arena of Souls in the Kingdom of Barak.

The existence of these kingdoms has always been a pain in the heart of the Tiandou imperial family. The Tiandou Empire originally had ten provinces. Later, with the division of the four kingdoms, a six-party power was formed.

The empire itself directly controls five provinces, the four kingdoms each control one, and there is a duchy, second only to the kingdom, occupying the smallest province to the east of the empire.

Regarding these provinces, kingdoms, and the Tiandou imperial family, Emperor Xueye has been looking for a way to safely and steadily reorganize the kingdom into his hands instead of seemingly under his control, but in fact it is already in the middle Of the country.

If it weren't for the Tiandou imperial family to control the heavy soldiers, perhaps the civil strife had already appeared.

To reach the Kingdom of Silves, the members of the Tiandou Imperial Academy need to leave the circle of the Imperial City of Tiandou, and then travel through the entire territory of the Kingdom of Silves south of Tiandou City before entering the capital.

To the west is the Kingdom of Barak, where the city of Soto is located.

Because these ten Great Fighting Soul Arenas are quite far away, but if you travel in a circle, it only takes about three months to complete the journey of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Among the Nine Emperors, Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ye Lingling all have soul guides for storage. Teacher Qin Ming also has similar, so they don’t need to worry about carrying items when they are on the way. .

Before they set off, the purchased food and the prepared clean water were put into the Soul Guidance Device. Even if there was no supply in the middle, the food and drinking water were enough for them to use on their way.

"Well, Tianheng, Yanzi, you have also trained for three months. From now on, speed up your journey. Everyone must keep up with me and let me see your training results." Without lifting up, he said to the rear. As soon as the voice fell, he had already bounced forward.

Naturally, Qin Ming wouldn't go all out. With his soul emperor's level, just letting go of some speed is enough for these students to show all their skills.

The nine members of the Huangdou team looked at each other and ran without hesitation. They didn't care about running with a heavy load, how could they care about this ordinary running. You don't even need to use spirit power, even Ye Lingling and Shi Family brothers can completely keep up with Qin Ming's pace at this time.

Uranium followed closely behind Teacher Qin Ming, and asked with a lot of effort: "Teacher Qin, this speed is completely meaningless."

He didn't need to expend any effort at all to keep up easily. Although others were not as fast as him, the three months of training could completely ignore these.

"I just let you get used to it a little bit." Qin Ming's mouth raised slightly, and his feet suddenly accelerated, rushing forward like the arrow of a string.

Qin Ming's acceleration was overwhelming for the eight emperors behind. How could it be possible to chase the ground and use spirit power with a simple running? Although Qin Ming is a spirit master of the power attack system, he is a spirit master of the soul emperor level.

In a hurry, the Emperor Dou Nine had to speed up. In this way, Ye Lingling could no longer move forward by herself. Ye Lingling was led by U, and the lone geese, Shijia brothers and others continued to pursue them at full speed.

They are all souls who are close to the soul sect, and it is natural to use their soul power for a short time, but how can their soul power be compared with Teacher Qin Ming. After these three months of devil training, Teacher Qin Ming has already Their speed was so clear that even the hidden uranium was also panting with Ye Lingling's extra action. In less than two hours, the spirit power of the Emperor Dou Nine had been consumed. It’s all over the place.

Before long, Dugu Goose and Shijia brothers slowed down significantly. The scenery in front of them had begun to become blurred, and their legs were as heavy as lead-filled. When running at high speeds, apart from uranium, they still have physical soul power. In addition, everyone is sweating, but the spirit is very good.

This pressure is far from their limit.

"Go on, if you want to stop, I will let you stop." Qin Ming looked at the situation behind him and said loudly.

Gritting his teeth and walking forward, as time passed, everyone's breathing became difficult, and the lungs seemed to be burning like fire.

After another hour, Qin Ming couldn't keep up with him, so he slowed down and moved forward slowly, advancing at a normal speed to give the nine Emperors time to restore their spirit power.

Everyone stopped one after another this moment, everyone was speechless.

Looking at each other, they found that the clothes on each of their partners had been soaked in sweat. The one who looked the most impressive was Zhu Zhuqing. Although she was the youngest among the crowd, she was the best developed among the three girls. One, the drenched clothes clinging to the body, drawing out an amazing curve.

But Uran suddenly discovered that Zhu Zhuqing was only the best figure on the surface, and the truly most massive, he was still the usual silent healing soul master Ye Lingling. Under the generous robe is far better than the lone geese. Zhu Zhuqing has a proud body, and his skin is as delicate as mutton jade. It is a pity that no one has the energy to pay attention to the beauty now, all standing in place and breathing. Non-stop.

After a full gasp for nearly two minutes, seeing Teacher Qin Ming's back gradually disappeared, the crowd slowly came over.

Looking at his partner, Yu Tianheng stood up straight and said: "Okay, it's time to act, don't let Teacher Qin wait for a long time." After that, his figure was the first to jump out and ran towards Teacher Qin Ming's back. .

"Let's go!" Uran snorted, and with her body force, she lifted Ye Lingling with the delicate and smooth skin, and rushed out the second.

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