Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 133: arrival

The journey began again. This time, everyone reduced their speed again. Although Uran didn’t say a word, he could clearly see that his arm was half-wrapped and half-clamped the weight of a whole person, and his steps became a lot heavier. The sweat left by one step was also the most among the nine people. Although Ye Lingling was weak in figure, it was far more important than the others, and had a huge impact on his physical exertion.

Hurry up in this way. At the end of the day. The Nine Emperors were tired as if they had gone through the final training of Qin Ming's death and life. However, in this day, they also ran more than 600 kilometers, completing a fifth of the whole course. two.

Originally, according to Teacher Qin's words, since I have already left the college, it is better to come to the field to survive a few times and practice.

Fortunately, Qin Ming didn't let everyone sleep in the wild, but settled down in a small town beside the road.

The so-called small town is actually a relatively large village. The only hotel where everyone in Huang Dou stayed was. Although it was a bit crude, it was barely clean.

Teacher Qin was very generous, asking for ten rooms at will, and then after the dinner was settled, one for each person, and after instructing everyone to gather at seven tomorrow morning, they returned to the house to rest.

"Huh, I'm exhausted." Oslo lay directly on the bed, breathing heavily, with a look of enjoyment.

Everyone hurried for a day, and finally was able to rest. No one cares that this place is not as good as the college, and it is very simple. As long as there is a place for anyone, Oslo will be content.

It used to be a training ground or running near the academy, but now it's better. It's a long-distance attack. Who can stand it.

As soon as Uran entered the room, he asked the waiter to get a few buckets of warm water, and then took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of obscene pants all over his body, ready to take a bath.

On a hot day, running wildly with a person, wearing a stinky sweat, is the thought of taking a bath that no one can suppress.

Different rooms, different people are doing different things.

Yu Tianheng straightened up his image as soon as he entered the room, then walked out the door and walked towards Dugu Goose's room.

Yufeng did the same, knocking on Oslo's door.

The Shi family brothers, Ye Lingling and Zhu Zhuqing, like Uranium, ordered a few buckets of water and prepared to take care of their bodies.

The only difference is that Ye Lingling smelled the man's breath from uranium on her body, and thought of the scene of the day in her mind, her face turned red for a while, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

After washing, Uran didn't say much, looked in the mirror and looked at his eyes, smiled and shook his head, and sat cross-legged on his bed into a state of meditation.

The training during this period of time was really rewarding. Although the use of martial arts by ordinary spirit masters did not substantially help him, the application of spiritual power among them opened his eyes and made him understand a little bit. Now, the writing wheel eye is a mental power attribute, if you want to obtain a spirit ring, you can develop towards a spirit power spirit beast.

But the spirit beasts with spiritual attributes are so rare, let alone the age is appropriate, so Uranium's demand for such spirit beasts is actually not that high.

There was no word for a night, and early the next morning, everyone continued on their way. At this time, they had left the Heaven Dou Imperial City circle and entered the territory of the Silves Kingdom.

Fortunately, Qin Ming did not speed up like yesterday, but led a group of people toward the southwest at a normal spirit power speed.

On that day, they had been to the city of Silves, the capital of the Kingdom of Silves in the south.

Qin Ming chose this big city as a place to stay, and when they entered the city, the sky had just darkened.

Teacher Qin Ming didn't hesitate to spend money and went straight to the best hotel in Silvesi's capital. The room was opened, and then there was an extremely luxurious meal.

"That's it. I remember that there is a big battlefield here. There is nothing to be tired of today. Go and try the water. Just a group of fighting spirits. Uranium, you are responsible for the formation." Eat dry and rest. After a while, Qin Ming looked at the energetic Huang Dou people and said calmly.

"Yes, teacher." The leader Yu Tianheng nodded solemnly, then turned his gaze to the others, with high fighting spirit, and shouted: "Brothers! I haven't been fighting the team spirit for so long, let these guys relax. Open your eyes! Go!" After that, he just waved his hand and led everyone to the outside of the hotel.

The next moment, everyone shouted loudly, even Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Lingling, who didn't talk much in the past, couldn't help but put a smile on their faces.

As the team leader, Yu Tianheng can be said to be as good and good to everyone at ordinary times. Uranium also has to admit that although he is strong, he does not have the qualifications of a leader, nor can he do like Yu Tianheng. Body movements are enough to drive the emotions of all people.

For this, Uran really admired it, because he could also feel the touch in his heart. Uran knew very well that he recognized Yu Tianheng, even if his strength was not as good as his own.

"Okay, let's go." Qin Ming checked the bill, his expression remained unchanged, and asked about the location of the Silves Great Fighting Soul venue, and led everyone out of the hotel.

Silves’ Arena of Souls looks a bit simpler than Heaven’s Fighting Arena, but it’s just a little bit. After all, this is the capital of the Silves Kingdom. Although it’s not as good as the capital of the entire Heaven Dou Empire, it’s better than It is one level higher than the other big battlefields of the Barak Kingdom.

As always, Uranium put on the mask and robe that shocked the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena, and for the first time, the entire group of Emperor Dou Nine were dispatched again.

It seemed that there was something to learn. Others followed Uranium’s behavior and took out masks of different shapes. Yutianheng’s masks were dragon-shaped, Dugu Goose was snake-shaped, and Yufeng was bird-shaped. Oslo is a leopard type, Zhu Zhuqing is a cat type, Shijia brothers are a turtle type, and Ye Lingling is a special flower type, each with a matching, looking uniform animal and plant mask.

Except for uranium, a corrugated mask that looks like a ghost.

"Teacher, shall we play at level 30 or level 40?" On the way, the leader Yu Tianheng looked at Teacher Qin Ming on the side and asked.

The 30th-level opponents didn't have the slightest pressure on them. Whether it was before or after the special training, even the countless masters in the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena were still not their opponents.

For them, it is only the fortieth-level battle soul that is challenging. After all, Yu Tianheng's dragon transformation alone is enough to compete with any forty-level soul master for a short time, let alone now, Yutian Heng had already touched the threshold of level 40, he could break through at any time, and then go to obtain the spirit ring.

As for Dugu Goose, the Shi Family brothers did the same, reaching the 39th level. Even Zhu Zhuqing, who had the lowest spirit power level, was only one step away from the 30th-level soul.

"Uran, you join the battle, you go and pick the one you can best fight, and use new tactics." Qin Ming pondered for a moment, looked in Uran's direction, and said.

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