In less than five seconds, under everyone’s gaze, Meng Jie rushed to Ye Lingling’s body. At this moment, the blood of the devouring rushed into her heart, and the blood-red eyes like wolf eyes stared at the delicate face before her. The girl, the beautiful figure of her own claw that was directly tragic death appeared in her mind, so he did not hear the warning from his teammates.

"Farewell! Go to death!"

Enraged the fourth spirit ring, the purple spirit ring directly shining dazzling light, leaping high, there was only the indifferent girl in front of her eyes, the blood blooming, carrying infinite power, the fourth spirit ability, Remnant Wolf Claws was activated!

Ye Lingling just looked at the figure leaping in front of her and pounced towards her, her expression unchanged, she even raised a mocking smile.

Because he is here.


The explosion sounded suddenly!

When a loud shout came from the side, Mengjie only felt his head warm.

Afterwards, no matter if he attacked the girl to death or received any attack, he felt nothing but nothingness. This was the last stay of his consciousness in this world.


A slight spatial roar came from everywhere.

Time stopped suddenly and only Uranium's actions continued.

Uranium didn't say a word, but just leaped high, and came behind Meng Jie, the fourth spirit ring on his body shone brightly.

In the air, his body turned, his right leg swept across and kicked Meng Jie's head.

Immediately after, Uran put away the spirit ring that was moving on his body. When time was still, no one could see how Uranium came to Meng Jie's back, and naturally they could not see the spirit ring.

The next moment, a violent shock came!


In midair, Meng Jie's head exploded on the spot!

The four spirit rings on his body dimmed directly with the passing of life, the fourth spirit ability dissipated, accompanied by the unconscious advance of the headless body, blood splashing, white, green, yellow, colorful brain juice and loss of head, under the high pressure artery. The plasma rising up into the sky was mixed together, and it was sprinkled on the face and body of a blue-haired woman in white clothes and a calm face.

At this moment, looking at the body with the head suddenly disappearing in front of him, and the disgusting smell of blood and fishy odor that was constantly emanating from the air, Ye Lingling's face changed color on the spot, as if there was something on her lips, Ye Lingling subconsciously Licking the red thing.


Immediately afterwards, the girl's body softened, her eyes tarnished, and she fell unconsciously toward the back.

With the nephrite jade in his arms, Uran didn't see Ye Lingling fall to the ground, but took a step forward and hugged her directly.

Then, slowly lay flat on the ground, raised his head, and moved slowly to the side.

Before, all eyes were on Mengjie's attack.

All the attention of the evil team is on the deputy captain. On the one hand, their strong character makes them want to kill the opponent who kills the captain. On the other hand, they are also afraid that they and others will kill once. , There is a sad idea of ​​being buried after the fight.

So when seeing the deputy captain's attack, all the people in the evil spirit team were attracted to all their attention.

The same is true on the other side. Everyone in the team cares about Ye Lingling’s experience. Although everyone knows that with Uranium, Ye Lingling will not suffer any harm, but subconsciously, everyone will look at the past for fear that she will suffer. A little hurt.

At the next moment, everyone saw it, and a figure appeared at Meng Jie at an extremely fast speed, behind the deputy captain, which was the reason why other people warned him.

Immediately afterwards, that figure came to Meng Jie's back at an unimaginable speed like a teleport, raising his leg and sweeping it with one blow.

They thought that the deputy captain could resist, but the sudden headshot attack silenced everyone in the Fierce Team.

The captain is so.

The vice captain is even more so.

"Could it be that we don't have the intent to fight, and even ordinary souls can't beat it?" The oldest member of the team, the blood wolf tremblingly raised his hands, looked at the scarred arms, and said slightly, with a voice like The sorrowful tone of a lone wolf, like the last mourning song, made people feel uncomfortable.

The sound is not loud, but it can be heard by all players.

For a while, the entire battlefield fell into a strange silence.

But Yu Tianheng and others could feel that this is a kind of extremely depressing tranquility, as if there is no wave of waves before the storm, calm and deadly.

All members of the Fierce Team were trembling, and tears couldn't stop rolling from their eyes, not only because the captain was seriously injured and the deputy captain died tragically, but also because of their shame.

They knew they had to lose before the game, this mentality, this mentality...

"How can it be!!! Lao Tzu is the Fierce Team!!"

"Kill them all!! Don't keep one!!"

The blood wolf and other members of the Fierce Team roared to the sky, astonishing killing intent burst out from it, and the host who was flying in mid-air was shocked to fly around, avoiding their sharp edges.

Yu Tianheng's expression became extremely ugly. As the saying goes, the mourning soldier must win. The situation is too sudden at the moment. Although there are no two of the highest spirit power levels, he is sure to hold one or two, but this kind of momentum I am afraid they will pay some price.

But no matter who is injured, it is unacceptable.

The Royal Fighting Team and the Ferocious Team are entangled again in an instant, but they are different from the previous fears, for fear of killing each other. At this moment, the Ferocious Team really lives up to the name of the team, continuously attacking, even if they are injured. The brutality of taking a bite of meat from the opponent deeply stimulated Yu Tianheng and the Shi family brothers, the three who resisted the opponent's attack.

At this moment, Yu Tianheng's heart was a little bit cold, his Thunder Dragon Claws had been swept on the opponent's chest, he actually didn't care, wanted to kill himself!

Don't talk about two, he can barely deal with even one!

The three members of the evil spirit team found Uranium, and UU read entangled with him, as if through a fatal attack, the Uranium was directly pulled.

The other four members attacked with one enemy and two frantic attacks, putting Yu Tianheng, Shijia brothers, Yufeng Oslo and others with great pressure, but at this moment, under such high pressure, their performance is the brightest. Zhu Zhuqing's eyes are actually.

Her speed is extremely fast, it is almost the same as the Black Panther Soul Master Oslo, and the agility of her body is even faster. As an adult Oslo, she can always find the other party's flaws and weaknesses when she moves, as if she was born with this. The fighting smell is average.

The Shi family brothers resisted the attack of the Soul Sect together. The two brothers who were silent like rocks cooperated tacitly and could always seize the opportunity to fight back. The pressure was too much for one person against one person, but this time it becomes two against one person, although the other is even more Crazy, and the pressure is far greater than that of a single person, but it will eventually stabilize.

Yufeng and Dugu Goose still cooperate tacitly, Oslo and Zhu Zhuqing are involved in each other, Yu Tianheng fights alone, Uranium fights three people alone, although it looks very difficult, but it also pulls these three people and prevents them. Go and continue to pressure other teammates.

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