Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 138: Out of print now! You have no value anymore!

Standing in the audience, Qin Ming's eyes gleamed, watching the two teams entangled like glue on the battlefield, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: "Uran, this kid is really smart. He actually thought of giving the evil spirit team to the Yanzi. Heng's method of exerting pressure to exercise, and it really made him succeed."

As Uranium's teacher, Qin Ming has been familiar with each other for several months. Why don't you understand that Uranium is powerful?

It can be said that the three spirit masters in front of him who were involved in him were deliberately involved by Uranium. After all, the pressure that the Fierce God team puts on the other people in Huangdou is just right, neither has the ability to instantly defeat them, nor will it. Make them feel relaxed.

Only in this way can the Huangdou team have room for continuous improvement. Otherwise, how can the opponents who have been fighting with no intention of killing become stronger?

Uranium does not worry about which team will be injured, killed, or disabled. Spirit Bone World can be used three times a day, and the interval between each use is only three minutes. In other words, once the team is weakened or stressed If he is broken through, he can naturally use time stagnation, and then turn the tide.

The lifespan of the Fierce Team probably only ends after a certain member reaches the endurance limit.


The battle continued. The Shi family brothers were madly hammered, the blade swept, the shadows of the claws, and the violent attack of the deadly gods who gave up their lives, far beyond the imagination of the two, even the VIPs in the VIP box outside saw it so crazy. The squadron of the evil gods couldn't help shouting and cheering for it, the voice was noisy, and the countless clamors made the squadron of the evil spirits more arrogant.

"Tear them apart!"

"Kill all! Kill all!"

Time gradually passed.

It seemed that it was affected by outside sounds. Suddenly, Zhu Zhuqing's feet were a little unbalanced, but soon, she reacted, supporting the ground with one hand, and quickly bounced her body. The next moment, a sharp claw shadow fell from her. Speeding past in front of him, leaving a faint red trace in the air.

"It seems almost." Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be unable to withstand this bloodthirsty high pressure, Uran murmured, then turned his head to avoid the slash of a giant axe, and kicked on the face of the axe with one foot. With the help of the force, he broke away from the three people's encirclement in an instant, and shouted in the air, and then everyone in the battle team began to unravel the entanglement with others in an orderly manner, and gathered.

On the other side, after seeing the opponents start to gather, the Fierce God Team did not rush to catch up alone, but gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

Uran's eyes were shining, and after seeing the crowd gathered and Huang Dou and the others were some distance away from the fierce god, a thought flashed in his mind.

In the next moment, Uran's body turned, leaped slightly, and rushed away alone towards the Fierce Team.

Seeing that the black robe and mask man dared to rush over alone, he was clearly threatening to face the attack of the three of them. This attitude of looking down upon him suddenly made everyone in the Fierce Team extremely angry!

"He actually looks down on us! Kill him!" The blood wolf and the other team members screamed, and the augmented spirit abilities were activated. The seven rushed toward Uranium. The blood-red claws in their hands appeared, and the red glow tore the air. Flew towards Uranium with the sound of howling.

Uran just dodged at will, so he avoided this long-range spirit ability. After seeing the two groups of people within five meters of each other's attack distance at any time, Uran felt almost the same.

"It's almost done." Muttered in a low voice, Soul Bone World started.

Time, stop here!

The wind stagnated in the air.

The dust stopped the momentum of flying.

The loud cheers seemed to be strangling the throat.

The saliva splashing in his lips is still stuck in the yellow teeth.

Time stopped moving in an instant.

Uran's complexion did not change. He pointed his finger at all members of the Fierce Team less than five meters away from him, and his voice was erratic like a ghost.

But it was like a low groan from the **** of death.

"Team Fierce God, you have no use value."

"Out of print!"

Immediately afterwards, a burst kick, the fourth black spirit ring flashed.

The spirit ring exudes a faint black light on Uran's body, and in this silent world, it carries an incomparable weirdness.

The **** of death knocked on the door with an invitation.

Without getting close to these people, the boy just raised his leg, and a blow in the direction of these people seemed to be slow, but in fact it was like a thunderous sweep and kick.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear the sound of an old big clock turning in the world.

The burst kick swept out, flames, fluctuations, pressure, fragmentation, shock waves, all seemed to freeze in time and space, staying in the air.


And deadly.

After a kick, Uran took his body back, turned around, and turned his back to the members of this group of evil spirits. The expression under the mask was indifferent and rigid. A pair of godless eyes revealed a terrifying silence. .

The wind starts to flow gently...

The dust gradually drifted.

The seven men of the original Fierce Squadron continued to yell out their ferocious roars, but after a second, they fell into weird silence.

Immediately afterwards, the young man, with his back to the members of this group of evil spirits, raised his index finger and placed it gently in front of his mouth or mask.

"Shh, please keep quiet during the exit."

The dust raised, but he couldn't lift a corner of the black robe masked man's clothes, as if he were alone in this space.

boom! ! !

Violent space shock!


Gorgeous explosion like fireworks!

All the people of the Fierce God Team were included. Such a burst kick even hit the entire ground and was lifted. The violent wind mixed with smoke and dust surging rapidly on the fighting platform, whistling in it.

For a while, everyone didn't understand what was going on, only Qin Ming didn't hide his excitement, holding the table and chairs in front of him with both hands, excited, his eyes shining brightly.

He could see clearly that after Uran flew towards the group of people, Uran turned around abruptly and made a gesture of making people speak quietly. Then a violent burst kick was heard with the sound of explosion, which looked very Strange things can be understood by Qin Ming.

Who doesn't have a secret yet?

He was excited that Uranium's attitude, Uranium's behavior, and his control of timing were really beyond his expectations. It can even be said that he is ready to become a teacher now!

The howling wind keeps The spectators who are screaming frantically are as if their throats have been cut off at the same time. At that moment, the audience is silent, under the support of the terrible silence. The fog bloomed on the main fighting platform like fireworks.

The "members" of the Fierce Team even rushed forward several meters under the influence of the forward momentum. The rapid speed at that moment made them too late to react.

The footsteps of the ‘members’ of the Fierce Team finally stopped. The fireworks formed by the blood mist bloomed from them.

Not only the audience was stunned, but even the Eight Fighters themselves were stunned.

The'team members' who rushed out were all stumps and broken arms, and even a small half of the body running under the inertia of the legs. None of them was a complete human form.

The blood swarmed from their bodies that were kicked and beaten like only their hands and feet. The blood flow was like strips of red earthworms, spreading quickly on the platform of the souls. In the blink of an eye, the main battle was already red. A large area in the center of the soul platform.

Spike. It turned out to be an absolute spike!

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