Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 139: afterwards

The fierce team, which is as strong as the forty level, has no room to resist. At this moment, the brains of all the audience are almost blank. No one knows what happened, and few people even saw the black robe masked man. Shot.


   Such a short group of fighting spirits is unique in the entire history of the fighting arena, but although the time of this fighting is short, the shock left to the audience is no less than any wonderful fighting spirit.


   One move, one move kills seven soul sects in seconds!


   This fighting spirit will be deeply engraved in the minds of everyone present, and will never be forgotten. This kind of deep shock is not comparable to any fighting spirit.


   In the VIP room, Qin Ming laughed, "Now is the time when they need me the most." After saying this, he walked straight out. Obviously, everything that happened before him was already within his expectations.


   Zhu Zhuqing was the first of the Seven Emperors to wake up. His complexion instantly became extremely ugly, with almost nothing to stop, he turned around and ran towards the entrance of the fighting spirit platform, with one hand still firmly covering his mouth.


   The second one who ran out was the Dugu Goose, followed by Oslo and Yufeng.


  Only Yu Tianheng, Shijia brothers, and Ye Lingling who was unconscious remained on the fighting platform.


   "I'm going to see Yanzi." Yu Tianheng's voice sounded a little weird, and said to the Shi family brother on the side.


   Looking at the host who was floating in the air, but was already sluggish, Uran tried to let his voice sink as much as possible, and don't look so young, "Could you announce the result of this fight?"


   The host Ru Meng Fang wakes up, he found that his lower body did not know when it was wet, and he peeed his pants in embarrassment.


   The original clear voice became hoarse, "Tuan, Tuan fighting soul, Huangdou team, yes, the evil spirit team, the evil spirit team is destroyed, the Huangdou team succeeded in the leapfrog challenge!"


After getting a satisfactory answer, Uran walked to Ye Lingling's body, hugged her up like a princess, and then walked in the direction of the entrance to the soul fighting platform, while the Shi family brothers looked at the place in front of them. After the limbs shattered his hands, his face changed again and again, and he couldn't help it anymore, and quickly ran towards the entrance of the soul fighting platform.


   The audience awoke in the host's announcement, and for a while, the entire main arena was completely boiling.


   All kinds of doubts, sighs, and horror sounds one after another, but these have nothing to do with the Emperor Fighting team. For them, this fighting spirit has ended.


When Uran brought Ye Lingling to the backcourt, he found that apart from Teacher Qin Ming, the other seven people were vomiting. Ye Lingling in Uran's arms trembled and she woke up quietly, and then thought of it in her mind. What, the mouth suddenly bulged.


   Uran, seeing this situation, quickly put her down and joined the seven, leaving only the most determined Uran and Teacher Qin Ming to watch the scene in front of them normally.


   Despite this, Uran also saw that Teacher Qin Ming's face was a bit ugly, and his spirit was obviously wrong.


   Although he is a teacher and has killed some scum, in this situation, there are only a few charred hands or broken bodies that are constantly spurting blood. He has never seen it.


   The excitement of seeing Uranium in this way gradually passed away. Instead, the discomfort from nausea to nausea began to gush out.


   But he is a teacher, and he also takes care of the task of enlightening students. If he vomits, he will lose face to enlighten them.


   Thinking like this, Qin Ming's footsteps began to move.


   just walked towards the students in discomfort, but backed up and walked to a bathroom.


   Although he was right, he still couldn't help it!


Killing seven opponents in an instant, the scene of stumps and broken legs scattered all over, the enemy’s protruding eyes, flying heads, bursting internal organs, and the distorted expressions when they were dying, all deeply imprinted on the Eight People That feeling in everyone's heart is irreplaceable by anything else.


   "Uranium, we killed people. Didn't we?" Yu Tianheng said with some difficulty.


   "No, to be precise, I killed all people." Uran shook his head, took off the mask, and said calmly.


Zhu Zhuqing looked up pale and reluctantly said: "But those are nine living beings after all. The first moment was full of fierceness. But the next moment it has become a real corpse. ..."


   Zhu Zhuqing dared to raise his head, the picture just appeared in his mind, he suddenly rolled in his belly, and bowed his head again.


   "We killed, we really killed." Oslo said, panting while patting his chest.


   "I said, I killed it, you don't need to do that." Uran's tone was a little serious, and he emphasized again.


Teacher Qin Ming only meant to let them see blood instead of letting them commit suicide. After all, it is very difficult for the soul to kill the soul sect. The ability to fight against it alone is already the result of their training to live to death. Up.


"As a soul master, killing and witnessing death are issues that you have to face sooner or later, and everything in front of you is also the difficult challenge you have to overcome. Since you have to face it sooner or later, it will be earlier than you. Vomiting on the battlefield that may appear is much better, otherwise. You can only become a corpse like the nine people before."


   Qin Ming walked slowly from the direction of the bathroom, his face was very calm, and a faint voice came out of his mouth, but it was a little discordant in the ears of Huang Dou.


"Any successful and powerful spirit master walks over on the blood of enemies and opponents. Have you never killed a living? If not, where did the spirit ring on your body come from? Life, in the sense of life, they are no different from human beings. You may have already guessed why Uranium made the action to kill these people, because he saw on the roadside the cruel tortured by the evil spirit team. Soul masters, soul masters with broken families, and even more. Such a fierce team can break more than three hundred families. Think about it, should they kill?"


"Every time you kill a member of the evil spirit team, it is equivalent to saving at least one hundred complete soul master families. Don't be surprised. If we don't kill them, then these evil spirit team members will continue to slaughter, here How many people will die among them, do you count? Okay, don't stay here anymore, leave here with me first."


   Qin Ming's tone was indifferent, but his voice kept floating and echoing in the backcourt, deeply engraved in the hearts of the nine Emperors.


   When Huang Dou and his party returned to the hotel, even Uranium felt very even more tired than when they were training to die.


   This is not physical, but from mental suffering.


  Uranium is not the first time to kill, but it was he who broke so many corpses at once.


   But fortunately, his mind was calm enough, and he turned his head in time, not looking at the fear in the eyes of the broken corpses, or the splashing of the residual limbs, otherwise tonight, it would be a sleepless night.


   The fat soul master and the thin soul master stood at the place where the gambling funds were distributed with excitement on their faces. Just now, they got news from the road population, and the boss Mengli had lost!


Although the faces of passers-by were quite strange and pale, they didn't care. After all, the boss of Meng Li had already said that they would lose, so let them bet their money on the opponent will win. You know, this Under this extremely exaggerated handicap, the investment of 50,000 Gold Soul Coins can even be recovered to more than 100,000!


   What an exaggerated number.


   However, while waiting for the money, the fat soul master on the side tremblingly shook the thin soul master's arm.


   "What's the matter?"


   The Skinny Soul Master looked back impatiently.


   "Big...Big brother...dead!!" The fat soul master pointed to the passage where the corpse was normally sent, and said with a trembling mouth.


   The Skinny Soul Master immediately turned his head and looked around. The next moment, the two of them were struck by lightning!



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