Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 171: Forest life

After the raid was over, Uranium began the trap layout.

It's just different from the step-by-step camp in the previous camp. There are traps in every step. At this moment, beside the waterfall, he is just a little larger around him. At the same time, he inserted some small fragments that emit fluorescence at night on the ground, acting as The light at night reminded Zhu Zhuqing to go the wrong way and be bombed.

Moreover, this kind of prompt will not make the soul beasts realize that this is a trap, but will let them approach subconsciously. After all, the night light will always attract certain specific soul beasts.

Then, you will taste the taste of fried to the sky.

After the two of them worked together to determine the training site in the waterfall, they began to camp, and Uranium also began to walk around, cutting off a section of trees, clearing the site, and taking a look. Can you come out of a room with your hands and sleep with Zhu Zhuqing in the tent every day? Although he is a bit dark and cool, he still has to face reality after all.

This kind of life can't last long, and he doesn't need this kind of obscene means to force Zhu Zhuqing to face him. It's better to build a house and enjoy the future life in advance.

He has been looking forward to this kind of real life in the forest for a long time. There are enough clothes, enough seasonings, soul beasts to catch, vegetables can be grown by himself, and there are people to accompany him. As soon as he goes out, there is a beautiful waterfall. It's a bit dangerous, but it's not fatal, but full of challenges.

Most importantly, he brought enough green tea.

Thinking like this, Uranium couldn't help but smile.

"This is the life I want. The radiation in the Star Dou Forest can't be controlled. It's almost like survival. When I think about it now, it's full of helplessness."

He somewhat let go, essentially he was still Uchiha Uranus, but now, at least until Zhu Zhuqing failed to obtain the third spirit ring, he would not consider officially starting his spirit beast extinction plan.

But vaguely, he felt as if he had forgotten something. It was a very vague memory. It seemed that something was hidden in his heart, revealing a trace.

The living arrangements are very tight.

Although it is daytime, Zhu Zhuqing has already started cultivating inside the tent at this moment. It is not the same for ordinary people to camp in the wild and practice in the academy.

In the academy, you can use meditation to spend the night. However, the biggest disadvantage of meditation practice is that you have to concentrate. After practicing overnight, although your physical condition will become better, you will experience mental fatigue for a while.

It is not allowed for them to come out to hunt the soul beast. If they cannot concentrate under the attack of the soul beast, it may cause irreparable losses.

Therefore, in the process of hunting and killing soul beasts, everyone must rest at night to restore their best state by sleeping. This is the soul master code, the theory proposed by the master, and it is engraved in the hearts of all soul masters. Because this is the price of blood.

But the situation is different now. Zhu Zhuqing fully believes that uranium can protect her safety, and the spirit power level needs to be improved as soon as possible, and all the time needs to be used, otherwise she can wait until she misses the ten thousand year soul beast. Regret dead.

One day passed quickly.

After producing sections of peeled logs, Uranium began to process yesterday’s ghost wolf fur. Building a small wooden house cannot be done overnight. The wood that has just been cut is very damp and full of moisture. He needs to air it for a while to let it dry.

Night is coming.

Zhu Zhuqing was still practicing uninterruptedly, so the task of dinner was handed over to Uranium.

There was a constant crackling from the orange-yellow burning campfire.

The branches picked up were all moist, natural, and the sound of burning was also very loud. The two sat opposite each other, with a few fish inserted in the washed branches, and they held them in their hands and roasted them in front of the bonfire. Today's dinner.

Fishing, washing, pulling the scales, seasoning, and cutting the taste, it seems that as a member of the big food empire, even if Uran has never done these things, at this moment, there are still some who know nothing about it.

"Zhu Zhuqing, do you want to go back soon?"

Looking at the grilled fish in his hand, Uran raised his head and looked to the other side. In that dim environment, his pretty face was looming.

Zhu Zhuqing did not reply, but asked rhetorically.

"Do you have anything to do?"

"Yeah... There is indeed one thing. I have seen an ancient book in the family. It records that there is a treasure in the sunset forest. There are treasures that can greatly increase the soul. I want to find one. Find, by the way, finalize my spirit ring."

Uran opened his mouth, pushed everything to the ancient book, and continued to talk.

"Actually, the Royal Fight team does not need us very much. Their lineup has already formed, and the Soul Master Competition will be in the next few years. They are all practicing soul power in retreat. Our existence is not to complement them. It’s that after they graduate, they can continue to maintain the title of the "Huangdou Team"."

"So I want to stay in the sunset forest for a few years until the Soul Master Competition is coming soon. How about entering the Emperor Dou formation as a substitute?" Uran suggested.

Hearing Uran's words like this, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help being stunned.

Immediately afterwards, she couldn't help saying: "Then those mimicry training areas, the Millennium Soul Beast meal, and the actual combat in the Arena of Souls have all given up?"

Uran nodded, and solemnly said, "Yes, after obtaining the spirit ring here, I will take you to find that precious land, and then you will cultivate to level 40, and then get the spirit ring. If you count this way, maybe It’s almost time for the preliminary round."

"Furthermore, there are soul beasts in the forest for actual combat. I also want to give you special training. It is good to fight against different soul masters, but I think you need high-pressure special training."

While talking, Uran took a bite of the burnt fish that had been roasted, and his mouth was a little vague.

"I'm going to catch the Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast, the food here is definitely better than the academy's."

Uran's words were quite calm, and he didn't feel that it was a shocking thing for a soul sect to catch a ten thousand year soul beast as a meal.


Zhu Zhuqing was silent for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Indeed, what Uranium said makes a lot of sense.

"Well, this is the case for today, tomorrow I will go to catch the soul beast, what to eat and what to catch, so decide, that belt is on your body, and I remember to protect myself after I dinner After that, Zhu Zhuqing continued to return to the tent to practice, while Uranium came to the cleared area, silently processing the piece of fur waiting to be degreased among his opponents.

The forest at night is quiet, and occasionally there is the roar of unknown beasts or the song of birds such as nightingales.

Through the gaps in the leaves, you can see a bright moon hanging in the night.

In the center of this camp is a bonfire piled up with uranium stones. Close to the inside is a tent, with wood waiting to be dried on the outside, and a rumbling waterfall on the left.

Although the air is full of water vapor, there is no influence of wind. The bonfire emits orange light, sometimes with crackling noises and sparks.

Uranium was on the bonfire, staring at the washed fur in his hands, the soul power in his hands gradually condensed, and he began to manually remove the meat and degreasing.

On the other side of him, there was a blank piece of sheepskin on which uranium was written with charcoal.

Detail view of sunset forest.

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