Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 172: Familiar shadow

One month later.

A leaning figure stepped into the boundary of the sunset forest, stiff and rigid, with a slow pace, walking in a certain direction like a zombie.

got windy.

The trees made rustling sounds, and the forest threw dark green, dark green, and light green mixed pine waves.

The wind seemed to be blowing from the other side of the forest, and a faint heat drifted away with the wind.

This did not cause any inconvenience to the figure of the old man.

He was wrinkled, thin, and wore a pair of cracked glasses. He had a lot of gray beard. Because of the wind and sleep, he had not been cleaned for a long time, causing the white beard to become black and gray, as if it had been used for a long time. rag.

Only his body was wearing a wrecked white uniform, and the faintly exposed, standard three-sword symbol on his left chest, indicating that he was a great spirit master-level war spirit master.

Although he looked like a war spirit master, there was not the slightest movement in his eyes.

There are spirit beasts around from time to time, wanting a good meal.

But the next moment, these approaching soul beasts were abruptly stunned in place, their eyes became as lifeless as the old man, their face and body instantly became thinner, as if all the flesh and blood had been removed, and the flesh was close to the bone, like a corpse. general.

Vaguely, at the back waist of the old man, in a simple wooden box, a dark red blood gradually lit up.

It seemed that he had reached a certain key point, and the old man suddenly stopped his mechanical steps.

The stiff head lifted up, and the godless pupils swayed from side to side.

The old man fell into a difficult choice. One direction was the volcanic basin in the middle of the sunset forest, exuding steaming heat.

The other direction is that I want to approach very much in my mind, and my body is full of inexplicable rhythms. The two very attractive places are in different directions. For a while, the old man was caught in a difficult choice. .

Where to go?

This figure stood there, lost in deep thought.

From time to time, a soul beast ran over, with killing intent in his eyes, trying to feast on him.

But before it gets closer, it will be like a soul beast dying on the roadside, the blood of the whole body will disappear directly, and the flesh and blood will be exhausted.

It seems that there are invisible ghosts that have stolen their lives.

Such a weird scene immediately stunned the surviving soul beast.

They wanted to escape, but the steps they took had not yet landed on the ground, and their sly and frightened eyes instantly lost their luster, as if being controlled, they moved their eyes to the surrounding spirit beasts.

The **** soul beast's hand-to-hand combat began.

Without hesitation for a long time, the old man determined the direction and headed towards the center of the sunset forest.

During the journey, all the soul beasts that passed by had no signs, and they were directly caught in a frantic desperate battle.

Including the existence of Wannian level.


The collision of swords suddenly sounded in the forest.

The two galloping figures crossed in mid-air and landed directly, blurring for a while, the afterimage disappeared, and collided again on the ground.

Different from the unmoving gray robe figure, another rather slender gray robe man was directly shaken back a few steps, his hands trembled slightly, and was shocked by the opponent's tremendous strength, so that he could not hold the weapon in his hand.

Taking off his hood, the standing still gray robe figure revealed a bright silver flowing hair, which fell on his shoulders, glowing with bursts of luster under the light.

The slender figure with the same action also took off the hood, exposing a black hair.

"Uranium, since my spirit is possessed, it will all be cat claws. Why do I still use swords as weapons?" Zhu Zhuqing raised his hand, and Cat Claws held a stainless steel long knife tightly, with some confusion in his tone.

Uran took a knife in his hand, and said casually: "Think about it, if you encounter a Flame Soul Master in the future and your whole body is on fire, are you sure you want to touch the burning flames opposite with your paws?"

"The frozen soul master and the spiked soul master are the same. The scripted body is the last means of combat. Speaking closer, do you remember Diana? Under the protection of her moonlight, if you touch it, the skin will be broken, the pain at the time, Do you still remember?"

With such words, Zhu Zhuqing was immediately stunned, and recalled the experience of being beaten by Diana, especially the entanglement when he dared not attack, and the painful wound at the moment.

Although the scars have healed long ago, the shadows left at the time have always been there.

"What you said makes sense." Zhu Zhuqing nodded confidently, then raised the knife light, ready, and looked in the direction of Uranium.

"Remember, use speed to control weapons, not power."

Uran said solemnly, the next moment, the long knife in his hand was also raised, and the figure suddenly became blurred, and he rushed directly in front of Zhu Zhuqing, with a big move, smashing Huashan with one force, and smashing her head.

Borrowing his own dexterity, Zhu Zhuqing exhausted the speed of his body to avoid the sharp edge when the uranium was released into the water, and kept fighting back, his sonorous voice was endless.

In the evening, the sun sets.

The two had already stopped the duel training, sitting in the camp, and were practicing at this time.

As if perceiving that the time was almost up, Uran stood up from the ground with a loud noise, and looked towards the gradually dimming forest.

The Wuhun radiation eyes opened, and the surrounding areas that were filled with shadows suddenly seemed like daylight. "I'm leaving to see which soul beast is so lucky today and won my first prize." Uranium stood up to face it. Zhu Zhuqing said.

"Be careful on the road." Zhu Zhuqing nodded, responding.

The surrounding soul beasts were all killed by the uranium, and it seemed that other soul beasts knew that there was a powerful guy nearby, and they all stayed away. If the harmful uranium wanted to catch the soul beast and eat it, they had to run a certain distance.

But his speed is fast enough that he has no worries about this aspect.

In the next moment, Uran's figure blurred, and after a few flashes, he completely left the safe camp and attacked the outside world.

Zhu Zhuqing watched Uran's departure, his eyes full of complexity.

Shaking his head, Zhu Zhuqing threw off the thoughts in his mind and continued to sit cross-legged, preparing to hit the 30th level of spirit power.

Her time is running out.

If it weren't for the high-energy supply of meat for thousands of years every day, she would not have improved so fast, even her strength far exceeded the normal agile attack type spirit master, at this moment, she was enough and without any state increase. The strong offensive department competed in close combat.

This is all the high-pressure close combat brought by uranium, allowing her to fully absorb and digest the energy in the soul beast meat.

Uranium is outside the camp, and it is not clear what Zhu Zhuqing is thinking.


A deep roar came with a faint smell, and the woods on the left swayed, as if there was a strong wind.

"The sunset forest is good, there are many high-level soul beasts, and you never worry about eating." The rushing young man suddenly stopped, his eyes narrowed, and looked at the woods on the left.

As soon as the voice fell, a colorful tiger had already jumped out of the woods.

It was a pitch-black tiger with a white king-shaped pattern on its forehead. It was more than three meters long and had a shoulder height of about 1.5 meters. Although its body was huge, it was extremely vigorous.

"Oh, ghost tiger." Uran didn't hesitate to take action instead of retreating.

Ghost Tiger is known for its terrifying speed and attack power. It is one of the powerful soul beasts. It is extremely ferocious and will fight to the death against any opponent who dares to invade its own territory.

But in the face of uranium, especially in the case of full spirit power, he was only qualified to fight.

Seeing that Uranium's long knife was about to slash the ghost tiger's body, its body flashed strangely, and the original ghost tiger turned into three heads.

After the long knife slashed, one of them turned into a phantom and disappeared, while the other two rushed forward more quickly.

Ghost tiger talent ability, shadow clone.

But under the gaze of the radiant eye, the ghost tiger has nowhere to hide after all. Although Uran's eyes are not as fiery eyes, but the pupils of the elements are open, your other two lifeless clones are here to deceive ghosts?

With a violent kick, he directly hit the main body. With the sound of breaking through the air, he was kicked directly and hit a big tree with a muffled noise.

After a few jumps, Uranium came to the side of the ghost tiger. It still wanted to struggle. The body of the ghost tiger curled up because of the pain instantly stretched out. Then, a huge black light and shadow instantly emerged from its body. The uranium rushed away.

The black light and shadow actually condensed into the same form as the ghost tiger's body in the mid-air, and even the size was almost the same. The terrifying energy fluctuations made the air scream, as if it was cut away by the black light.


Faced with the impact of the black light and shadow, Uranium did not evade, and the fourth spirit ring on his body instantly released black light, without additional particle flow, but kicked with one foot, and the amazing energy quickly merged into a touch. Shimmering meteor.

Then, he kicked on the black light and shadow.

Without the roar of collision, Guihu saw his desperate fight easily penetrated and crushed.

In the end, fall into yourself.

That was the last picture it saw.

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