Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 173: Towards the goal

Tweeting birdsong echoed in the early morning forest.

As Uran and Zhu Zhuqing moved forward, a group of birds flapped their wings and flew out of the branches in a panic.

Perhaps because of the deepening, there is no morning mist here, the sun shines in the green forest, and the air is full of fresh smells.

Uranium still opens the way in the forefront.

Although nothing can be seen from the outside, Uranium's fingers at this moment are faintly whitish where they are holding the handle of the knife.

His physical condition is very healthy, and the Desolation Bloodthorn Cat did not leave any scars on his body, but he is quite nervous at the moment.

It has been more than two months since entering the forest.

Zhu Zhuqing has reached the 30th level and can absorb the 30th level spirit ring at any time.

After the two entered the depths of the forest, it was not convenient for him to rest at night, but to watch until dawn, for fear of encountering some difficult soul beasts, because of his own rest, the preparation time for the battle was insufficient.


Uranium sensed the location of the Desolate Bloodthorn Cat, and said solemnly.

The two have been chasing this soul beast for almost half a month.

The other party may also feel a little bit, constantly running toward the depths of the forest, relying on his own talent, almost will not be killed by any soul beast, but as it gets deeper, this can suffer Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing.

God knows how much he has spent to deal with the 30,000-year-old, 50,000-year-old soul beast. Zhu Zhuqing is by his side, and the surrounding is very dangerous, she can't stay away, otherwise he will directly kick it with a nuclear explosion, and it will be very clean and tidy.

But there is no if, once he loses his asylum, even if he kills all the soul beasts, Zhu Zhuqing may encounter a fatal danger. The Kronos armor is not invincible, it has its own benchmark assembly conditions.

Once when Zhu Zhuqing encountered danger and tried to use Knorros to save his life, the armor of the Soul Guidance Device actually failed.

If it weren't for later, Uran desperately blocked the deadly energy cut for her, I'm afraid Zhu Zhuqing would have died away.

But it was also the fatal crisis that Uranium also saw the picture that left him stunned for a long time.

There were tears in the corner of the girl's eyes.

"Huh? Wait a minute." Uranium suddenly caught a glimpse of an abnormal situation and stopped immediately.

Zhu Zhuqing immediately became nervous.

Since entering the deep forest this time, Uranium has never taken the initiative to stop. Could it be that a huge threat is hidden nearby?

Uran slowly walked forward to the left. After a dozen steps, he stayed under a tree.

He stretched out his hand and stroked the bark. The bark was missing a whole half, as if it was caused by a sharp weapon, and it seemed like a cut thing flashed past, opening a hole.

I felt the fracture and it was smooth.

Uranium looked around and soon found more tiny traces.

Then, he stared, as if he had found something.

Zhu Zhuqing followed Uran's gaze and placed it on a strange color in the dense grass.

Uranium went deep and stooped to pick up a stone that exudes a gray luster like dust.

Zhu Zhuqing walked over, saw the stone in Uran's hand, and said in amazement: "This is caused by the soul beast. I have seen it."

Uranium nodded slightly and continued to search the surroundings, but before he could force his fingers, suddenly, the stone surrounded by gray aura suddenly softened and turned into powder, flowing down some fingertips.

The two were shocked at once, the next moment, Uran's heart that had originally been raised, slowly loosened.

Sure enough, with the decline in age, the shadow world inheritance talent of that soul beast has also been weakened. According to what has been seen before, if it is in its heyday, this kind of gray aura has actually been transformed into another level. Items, instead of bursting and dissipating like this.

The two searched around. He found more and more traces of different shades of footprints, broken black legs, scattered hairs, broken wood dumped everywhere, and bare land after the turf was completely shoveled. , But Uranium can't simulate the battle scene.

"There must be a fierce battle here."

"There are a lot of spirit beasts involved, and there is also the participation of the Desolate Bloodthorn Cat, but there is no spirit beast corpse around, and there is no leftover food. It is very likely that a third party has intervened, or they all rushed. Run or retreat by yourself."

Zhu Zhuqing blinked her beautiful eyes: "So, there is a top spirit beast nearby? Then what is fighting the Desolation Bloodthorn Cat?"

Uran frowned, and his tone was not very sure: "It seems to be a giant soul beast driving them. I looked at the traces of the broken wood, and it was basically brutally broken, and the surrounding footprints were heavy."

Suddenly, Uranium seemed to have thought of something, and quickly looked at the surrounding traces.

But after some searching, he froze in a daze, and his whole body began to tremble slightly.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't notice the change of Uranium at this moment, but squatted on the ground and touched the footprints with his fingers: "There are wolves here, and some white silks are nearby, but they are torn. There should be magic spiders here. A big pit should be digging a hole, such as a crypt spider or an earth-boring rock snake. There is a fracture here...uranium? What's wrong with you?"

Zhu Zhuqing didn't hear Uran's words, and immediately raised his head in confusion.

Suddenly, she saw an uncommon scene.

Uranium was shaking all over.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Zhuqing approached Uranium and put one hand on his shoulder, bringing a touch of warmth and comforting the somewhat unnatural Uranium.

"Zhu Zhuqing, I don't know if you have noticed that the most important thing is missing in the current battle arena." Uran raised his head, his complexion as dark as water.

"What?" Zhu Zhuqing looked around again, somewhat puzzled.

"Here, a drop of blood, there is no..."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhu Zhuqing was stunned.

The next moment, the girl suddenly turned and she just saw a broken leg of an arthropod, so there should be green juice spilling out, why is there nothing nearby?

Then Zhu Zhuqing picked up the arthropod foot and shook it gently.

Not a drop of juice, empty.

Seeing this, the girl turned pale immediately.

"There is something amazing, which appeared not long ago."

The spirit ring on Uran's body began to light up, and unknowingly, a black and silver belt was wrapped around his waist.

Immediately afterwards, in his hand, a white and cyan mixed Cronus exclusive soul guide appeared, ready to be connected to the belt around his waist at any time.

"The blood has been sucked out, Zhu Zhuqing, I suspect that it is not a group of soul beasts dealing with the Desolation Bloodthorn Cat, but something that attracted them all, and then ate them all."

"Only the Desolate Bloodthorn Cat escaped with the near-invincible inheritance talent. This is the slaughterhouse for the top soul beasts."

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