Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 205: The ultimate martial arts fusion skills! Underworld universe!

Under the possession of Wuhun, a faint silver light appeared in front of Zhu Zhuqing's two sharp cat claws.

Not only the cat's claw, but her body is the same, shining as if wearing a pair of moonlight armor, but with a trace of haziness, like an illusionary spirit.

Uran looked at this beautiful shadow, and at that moment, he felt as if all the luster in the night sky was concentrated on her, so beautiful, so much-anticipated, she was like a moon god, like a distant, confusing and confusing temperament. Dust, erratic and celestial.

"Very beautiful." Uran could not help but exclaim.

"How do you feel? Is there any special change in Wuhun?" Uran returned to his senses, looking at her eagerly.

"Change?" Zhu Zhuqing whispered, closed his eyes, and carefully felt the condition of his body, then opened his eyes, the silver light of the moon concentrated on his right hand, changed, and then changed into Uran's surprised eyes a pair of gloves.

Gloves like yarn.

Not only on the arm, but under the moonlight, Zhu Zhuqing's body began to undergo more changes as the spirit possessed.

A layer of silver light gauze covered her whole body.

"this is....."

Uran frowned and reached out and touched the special layer of ‘clothes’ on Zhu Zhuqing.

It's silky, this is the first feeling of uranium.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sense of transparency, just like the white paper that had been touched, with a delicate and smooth touch, the translucent gauze was extremely tough, and several clicks on Uranium to stimulate the soul Down, not even a trace of depression.

Such defensive power could not help but make him secretly surprised.

"Is this Wuhun mutated?" Uran raised his head, looked at Zhu Zhuqing, and asked.

He knew that Zhu Zhuqing's martial arts spirit was the ghost spirit cat of beast martial arts, but at the moment, he suddenly had a special ability.

Is the effect of fairy grass so abnormal? While strengthening the martial spirit, it also gave the defensive spirit ability?

However, he thought about it carefully, the immortal grass in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, the effect is indeed bullish.

Like Ning Rongrong, her martial soul broke the inherent limitations due to the effect of the fairy grass, and evolved into the Nine Treasure Glass Pagoda.

Ma Hongjun's martial soul, the evil fire phoenix, has also been transformed into a fire phoenix because of the fairy grass.

And high-quality immortal grass like Zhu Zhuqing gave Wuhun the moonlight quality, and by the way, it was not unacceptable to use a soul skill for white prostitution.

"Well, after absorbing the moonlight Wangchunlan, I feel that my martial soul has become different. Under the shining of the moonlight, my soul power recovery speed is obviously much faster. The speed, soul power, and strength are all There is a significant increase, even when I am not conscious, it can also form a gauze that protects me. Before the gauze is broken, I am immune to any mental attack, but the spirit attack can't be immune to all, only a part of it. "

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but glanced at his hands and replied.

" the spirit body..."

Uranium was a little lost, muttering the key words of Zhu Zhuqing.

"Zhu Zhuqing, give it a try, and see if you can use the spirit bone skill to make a leap in the moonlight?" Suddenly, Uran thought of something important, and his expression immediately became excited.

If it can turn from a shadow to a moonlight, then once night falls, Zhu Zhuqing will not have any pressure at all, even if it is a cross-tier battle!

The immortal grass baptized Zhu Zhuqing's talent and made the ghost cat of ordinary quality go further.

Zhu Zhuqing did not act, but frowned, and then said: "Uranium, I still feel that there is a condensed energy in the body. I have not fully absorbed the fairy grass, but I can continue to absorb this energy. Maybe the soul Strength can be increased by a few more levels."

"Yes." Uran nodded, apparently recalling the pain he encountered when he picked Moonlight Wang Chunlan.

"Then, you can give it a try, can you make a leap?" After talking about this, Uranus continued to lead the topic to where he was interested.

When the girl heard Uran's words, she slowly closed her eyes and began to guide the spirit ability of the soul bone, trying to change her landing point to under the moonlight.

But she did not disappear there, nor did she consume her soul power.

The fold failed.

Zhu Zhuqing was not surprised about this. She had known it a long time ago. Although Moonlight Wang Chunlan did not make her leap stronger, but...

"Uranium, this immortal grass has made me blur the range of shadow bending again. It was originally a dark environment to be able to bend, but now, in a low light environment, I can move. And the loss of soul power is much less." Zhu Zhuqing felt it carefully and continued.

"Okay! This is an all-round enhancement, Zhuqing." Uran's expression was full of surprises. This trip to the fairy grass can be said to have made a lot of money.

Not only did he harvest enough spirit power and energy, even Zhu Zhuqing had also improved his spirit power, soul bone, spirit skills, martial soul, and fighting skills. If Zhu Zhuqing in front of him fights, he will not use it. In the field of radiation, maybe she can beat herself who just awakened Sangouyu.

Instead of him now.

After finishing talking about Zhu Zhuqing's martial arts increase, she couldn't help falling into silence.

The moonlight shone like a breeze, and the two looked at each other for a long time.

Zhu Zhuqing was very nervous.

The same is true for uranium.

Uran's tone trembled slightly, "Come here."

The two of them stared at each other, and neither dared to act rashly.

"Come on, Zhuqing." Uran said again.

Only then did Zhu Zhuqing nod his head lightly and bit his teeth, his whole body covered with a faint silver light, his body was erratic, it looked like a moonlight, and he rushed towards Uranium.

Accompanied by the scream of space, Uranium's martial soul opened its radiation eyes.

The second spirit ability, extreme nuclear energy reaction, distorted the surrounding space.

The same was true for Zhu Zhuqing. The third spirit ability, absorbing the shadow brought by the Desolate Bloodthorn Cat, suddenly became somewhat transparent, and a faint gray luster gleamed from her body.

The gray world spread from her body, transforming everything around her.

Under the silver moonlight.

Uranium also rushed towards Zhu Zhuqing, not hurriedly nor slow, just like walking in the garden.

It seemed that he felt Zhu Zhuqing's figure getting closer and closer, and the shining martial soul, Uran could not help feeling the slight hot sensation in his eyes.

At this moment, Uran's eyes were only Zhu Zhuqing, and his left hand stretched forward, as if to invite a dance, to meet Zhu Zhuqing's illusory gray, silver gleaming figure.

The two figures finally overlapped at this moment, Zhu Zhuqing accepted the invitation, put his slender jade hand on Uran's palm, and hugged each other.

At the same time when they each released their spirits after embracing each other, they all lit up within ten meters in diameter, and a special light burst from them.

That kind of light is very peculiar, it is a kind of strange brilliance that changes the three colors of gray, silver and pale. The strong spirit power fluctuations began to spread from the feet of the two of them, rushing towards the surrounding!

In an instant, the radius of a kilometer was all covered by light!

In an instant, Zhu Zhuqing and Uran's bodies shook violently at the same time, and the spirit power of the two erupted like a blowout, evacuating all their strength almost instantly.

The area shrouded by the light gradually changed into a gray brilliance, like a distorted and old old photograph, with a deep silence.

In the field of radiation, I don't know when, the maximum effort has been opened.

Zhu Zhuqing's body was instantly cleaned by the torrent of energy from the Radiation Domain and passed by but she found that her body had completely ended with the Douluo Continent, and the Radiation Domain could no longer harm each other.

Shadow physique.

Converging on the boundary between reality and illusion, walking on the edge of light and shadow.

Under the moonlight, this place shrouded in gray brilliance began to rise...

Space distortion!

The huge amount of radiant energy instantly ignited this imprisoned land!

Energy in the field of radiation! The fault of shadow and reality! The shock of superimposed spirit power!

All lives will die in this hell!

This is the banished underworld.

This is a place of shadow that does not belong to the real world.

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