Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 206: Destroyed Tower! (Four k big

The basic tone of the forest at night is deeper and there is no wind.

Around the original temporary camp, a large circular crater appeared. The side wall was smooth and straight. It was not like a normal blast, with a funnel-shaped depression.

As if this area had been cut away.

There are faint fluctuations in the space, with blurred distortion and brilliance.

If the uranium is outside, I am afraid that I will exclaim when I see this scene.

But unfortunately, Zhu Zhuqing and You did not see this scene. Just as the light burst, the spirit power in the two of them was instantly emptied, and the strong sense of weakness caused them to instantly fall to the ground and become unconscious...

The martial soul fusion technique has always been a powerful skill. It was the first time they tried. During this period, they went through two martial soul fusion techniques. The soul power and mind consumption are huge, and they have never adapted to this. It’s strange if you don’t faint.

Still keeping the hugging posture, they just fell so straight...

But the land of the underworld that was exiled did not dissipate because the two spirit powers stopped supplying, but continued to exist steadily.

This underworld universe has always been in place, just in that big pit.

No words...

The sky is getting bright...

When Zhu Zhuqing never knew whether she was in a coma or awake in her sleep, she really even wanted to die.

She shrank her whole body in Uran's arms, and even put her finger on Uran's lips unconsciously, touching his face.

I saw Zhu Zhuqing's whole body tightly attached to Uranium, and his bumpy figure was pressed into an astonishing curve. His calves were wrapped around Uran's chest, and his small head was pressed against Uranium's chest. One hand was tightly wrapped around the opponent's waist, as if he was afraid of letting go. Can't embrace the general.

"What's going on..." Zhu Zhuqing struggled to get up from Uran's arms, but found that his other leg was pressed underneath, and his waist was also hugged so tightly that she couldn't help but let her His face flushed instantly.

As Zhu Zhuqing struggled more and more, Uran opened his eyes dimly and was shocked to find that Zhu Zhuqing was so entangled with him. He turned over and sat up.

The blush on Zhu Zhuqing's face eased, staring at him sullenly, "Say, did you last night..."

The last sentence, did she touch me all over, she still couldn't say it.

"I, how could I do it?" Uran said blankly.

"You..., don't let me go." Zhu Zhuqing straddled Uran's body, staring at Uran's hands that were still on her waist, unwilling to let go.

Uran hurriedly let go, allowing Zhu Zhuqing to stand up and adjust his makeup, staring blankly to the side, "You, look..."

"What do you look at..." When the words were spoken, Zhu Zhuqing subconsciously glanced at Uran's eyes, and this glance made her eyes unable to return.

The two of them were stunned to see that the surrounding landscape had been completely changed.

The original dark brown, khaki, and sandy-gray land has changed.

Deep gray.

With a thick and dead gray.

Moreover, all the trees and rocks that existed around were gone, leaving only a plain environment that could be seen at a glance.

If it was just such a changed landscape, Zhu Zhuqing and Uran would never be so surprised. After all, the martial soul fusion skills they used together even emptied all of their soul power, leaving the two of them in a coma overnight. If they rely solely on nuclear explosion kicks, the range is even larger than this, and it is normal for them to be powerful.

But the scariest part is that the spatial fluctuations in this area are abnormal.

Very abnormal.

The illusory translucent luster is constantly discounting, as if there are thin lines in the air.

The surrounding landforms smelled of nuclear radiation. At this moment, uranium had only one feeling.

The radiant energy in the body is boiling.

This kind of region happens to be his radiation field, the best place for cultivation.

Although this is good for him, but...

Uran's gaze was immediately placed on Zhu Zhuqing, who seemed to have nothing wrong, and the pupil of the element activated instantly, trying to see a little black radiant energy from her body.

This is not something she can bear.

But what is strange is that the energy fluctuations in Zhu Zhuqing's body are very pure and stable, and have not been affected by any nuclear radiation at all.

"What's going on? My radiation domain is actually fully opened under the guidance of the Martial Soul Fusion Technique. In addition to retaining the radiation responsible for suppressing the immortal grass energy, I actually released it without reservation."

Touching his chin, Uran stretched out his hand decisively and squatted on the ground, touching the deep gray with one hand.

"Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhuqing and I's martial arts fusion skills can actually change the landscape, but it seems that this place is still very dangerous. Maybe the power of martial arts fusion skills has not passed." As he thought about it, his palm covered it. Above the ground, an astonishing energy poured into his hands instantly from the ground!

Under the impact of a huge amount of soul power, he was slightly confused.

"this is!"

"Another world? No, this is not the world. This should be the kind of special space similar to the dark demon evil **** tiger, but my scope is very large, and my existence time is also very long. It has been all night. , There is still no trace of dissipating."

After absorbing this energy, Uranium instantly understood the truth.

It was as if he had taken back what belonged to him in the first place, and had complete control over this space.

"Uranium, our martial soul fusion skill may not be Netherworld White Tiger, or other powerful killing properties. I think everyone in this area will be brought here and brought to this underworld by us. Zhou Yu.” Zhu Zhuqing also felt this, and said immediately.

This space was created by her and Uranium. Naturally, it has the supreme right here, even above Uranium.

"Zhuqing, do you still remember the inheritance talent of Desolate Bloodthorn Cat? Shadow World." Suddenly, Uran said such a sentence.

"You mean..." Zhu Zhuqing, a smart Bingxue, said after Uranus spoke the next moment.

"The shadow world has been perfected, and then because of the ghost of the ghost cat, has it become this universe of the underworld?"


Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's answer so quickly, Uranium couldn't help but feel relieved secretly. No wonder he and Zhu Zhuqing had that kind of heart-warming feeling in the past, and now he has merged the martial soul fusion skills. This sixth sense between the two has improved It's a step.

"Yes, originally I couldn't do martial soul fusion with you, but Moonlight Wang Chunlan strengthened your ghost cat, and moonlight is always accompanied by shadows, so the soul bone of the bloodthorn cat is in your body. , May have an unknown fusion with Xiancao."

Looking at the surrounding environment, Uran's expression remained unchanged and continued.

"If I guess right, this area was constructed by you. Whether it is a different-dimensional space isolated from the world of Douluo, or the faintly spreading rifts in the space, it is all created by your martial soul. , The soul bone is constructed. As for me, I don’t know if you feel it, this place is full of energy."

Uranium didn't point out that it was radiant energy, and he would not explain the horror of radiant energy. He just hoped that Zhu Zhuqing could feel it. That would be great.

"Well, I feel it, it puts a lot of pressure on me, it's very solid."

In the expectation of Uranium, Zhu Zhu nodded and answered honestly.

"Just feel it."

The voice just fell, "Would you like to feel the remnants of our martial arts fusion skills? Try it." Uran turned his head and said to Zhu Zhuqing beside him.

He has a hunch that the horror of this space is far more than that.

How could the radiant eye only have the current level? He only needs to open the radiant field to do it.

There is still something to continue digging.

Zhu Zhu was curious about it early in the morning, and hurriedly touched the gloomy gray ground with his hands.

Her reaction was much greater than that of Uranium, and her whole body was sluggish for a moment, and it took a long time before she recovered.

The two looked at each other and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"Why, how come so much spirit power remains here? Uranium, how much strength did you hide before? This is just the residue of our spirit fusion skills. I feel so much energy, even more than our own spirit power. It's going to be too much." Zhu Zhuqing's voice trembled a little because of excitement. No soul master would not want to have a powerful soul ability.

She could feel that in this area, all the spirit power was like a suckling swallow returning to the nest, desperately rushing towards her body, and she only needed a thought, the spirit power that surged, It would stop on its own, as if there was an endless supply of spirit power around her, allowing her to release various spirit abilities.

The martial arts fusion technique is not a process of one plus one, but a fusion interaction of ten times ten, one hundred times one hundred!

Uranium said: "Wait later, you can try it. You can directly turn on the Desolation Spirit Body, and then let the spirit power in this space charge you up, can it offset the extremely expensive third spirit ability maintenance condition. If it can If it is maintained, then the enemy we have drawn here will have a dead end."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded excitedly: "Well, the power of the spirit fusion skill will definitely increase as our cultivation level rises! Our spirit fusion skill can now defeat the soul king-level powerhouse, then wait , Don’t we need to be afraid of no one!"

"Soul King? You look down on our martial arts fusion skill too much. Just if you can turn on the Desolation Spirit Body for a long time, you can fight against enemies of the Soul Emperor level, and even if the opponent wants to run, there is nowhere to run. , But I have a guess, after releasing this martial soul fusion technique, we will lose combat power for a while?” Uranium was also excited, but he was calmer than Zhu Zhuqing and began to consider the practicality of the martial soul fusion technique. .

The current cultivation environment is completely comparable to the radiation-absorbing soul beast, and Zhu Zhuqing will not be disturbed by the radiation field, which is really great!

Zhu Zhuqing's face became stiff, and said: "This is a problem. It is too powerful and it makes people headache. Moreover, when we use it, our soul power is drained instantly and people faint. If we are facing an enemy, I am afraid We have not waited to kill them, we will be attacked first."

Uranium looked around and said: "The first time we use it, we are inexperienced, and the next attempt should not consume so much. It should indeed **** up the soul power in our body. I could feel a huge suction at the time. It’s not something I can stop. But it’s always a good thing to have such a powerful skill. We will practice a few more times and get used to it. Now we have a question, how do we get out?

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help being stunned, with hesitation on his face, he slowly stretched out his hand in the direction of Uranium.

"We should be able to leave here if our spirit power blends together."

But Uran waved his head again and again, "Don't you think we can use the ground here to construct something? In case our spirit fusion skills will indeed cause us to enter a short-term coma stage, there must be something to block us. ?"

He suddenly remembered the Pandora's Tower constructed by the alien life body Ebert in Chuangqi, completely controlling everything, because the energy of Pandora's Tower originated from the opponent itself.

Isn't this just the same as the uranium that can completely control this space right now?

Moreover, the surrounding air is full of radiant energy, so there is no need to pull the opponent in and be beaten to death. You only need to hide in a safe place and wait for the opponent to die suddenly.

Thinking of this, Uran's eyes lit up instantly.

"If you think about it this way, isn't it too disgusting? After using the Martial Spirit Fusion Skill, no matter what he is doing, he can't get out anyway. If he hides in a safe place, I'm afraid the other party is more anxious than us. "

Isn't this the second formation in the Royal Fight team, the ultimate enhanced version of Yanzi and Shijia brothers?

The only difference is that the toxin is replaced by nuclear radiation, and it is still severe nuclear radiation. And the defense of the Shi family brothers has become...

Wait, the question is, what is it made of?

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Uran's gaze on the smooth and level ground, and suddenly he had an idea.

"If you want to build something, you can use the ground to try it out. I feel that its hardness is amazing, unlike ordinary spirit skills that can be broken, and we can manipulate this land at will."

Looking at all the uranium, Zhu Zhuqing quickly expressed these thoughts.

"Yeah. I think it's good." Uran nodded in agreement, and then began to leave.

No one knows how long this area can exist, but what is certain is that it can be maintained by spirit power, because it is not even a world at all, it is just a martial soul fusion technique.

"Then, let's start the experiment." Uranium determined the course of action, and immediately started the action without hesitation.

Soul power was rippling, a solid wave suddenly exploded from Uran's body, his consciousness turned, and his attention was gathered on the gray ground in front of him.

But before Uranium made a bigger move, he just made the land in front of him swell, and after making the foundation of the magic tower, Uranium felt that the world around him was in a trance.

Everything around him was plunged into darkness, and Uranium only felt that his body was light and effortless. What made him even more strange was that his spirit power fluctuations seemed to be getting weaker and weaker here, and there seemed to be some strange changes in his body.

"what happened?"

Suddenly, the surroundings lit up, and the feeling of being down to earth came. Uran was surprised to find that he had returned to the forest, as if the underworld universe he had seen before was just an illusion.

But the uranium that is truly mastered can still be recalled.

Zhu Zhuqing also appeared with uranium.

The two fell to the same place, and the ground that had disappeared because of the martial soul fusion skill appeared again, but it was no longer the original gray color, but a normal appearance.

Everything is like a dream.

"It seems I want to change the ground pattern of the space, the soul power loss caused by it is quite large, which directly caused the underworld universe to be unable to continue to maintain, and we just came out." Uran smiled awkwardly. I also wanted to try if I could create this kind of Pandora's Tower, but I didn't expect that just a foundation would have already collapsed the universe of the underworld.

It seems that the spirit power of him and Zhu Zhuqing is still a bit small.

"Since I have come out, I have reached level 50 soul power, let's set out to find a soul beast."

Soon, Uranium put the matter of the universe of the underworld behind, and smiled freely at Zhu Zhuqing.

"Yeah." The girl nodded in response, with a touch of warmth in her eyes.

In fact, uranium did not say one thing.

The so-called magic tower is after all just an excuse.

What he wanted most was to build it with his own hands, which belonged only to him and Zhu Zhuqing.


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