Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 207: The end of the sunset forest, the evening bell has already sounded (4k)

The two rested in place for a while, and after adjusting their clothes, they were ready to set off.

Before leaving, Uran called Zhu Zhuqing and explained to her the guess that there was a top spirit beast in the sunset forest.

And it's foreign.

Various signs indicate that the number of high-level spirit beasts in the central area of ​​the sunset forest is declining. In the past, he could meet five or six in a day, but now, even if he encounters it, it is a thousand-year-old spirit beast.

It seems that all the people of ten thousand years are dead.

This was exactly what he was worried about. There was a big problem here. Something was killing spirit beasts frantically. Even from the eyes of a human being Uranium, the number of high-level spirit beasts around was already extremely pitiful.

So he didn't plan to stay here for a long time. Taking advantage of the fact that he had just reached level fifty, he finally looked for a suitable soul beast, if he couldn't find it within five days...

Then run far away, it is too dangerous to survive here.

"Let's be careful, that's it." Zhu Zhuqing also didn't care about this, but with the third spirit ability Desolate Spirit Body and Soul Bone Skill Shadow Leap, under normal circumstances, she is already very difficult to die.

"No, it's just me, Zhuqing, you can go back first." Uran shook his head and rejected Zhu Zhuqing's follow. He had his own ideas.

The recent soul beasts have been pitiful. Recently, a top-level soul beast was frantically killing the surrounding soul beasts. If he continues to stay with Zhu Zhuqing and does not activate the radiation domain, then he will have no time anymore.

"Are you sure." Zhu Zhuqing frowned slightly when he heard Uran's words, but he didn't rush to refute, but planned to listen to Uran's thoughts.

"Yes, I have a very important thing to do. If you are nearby, I will be a little helpless." Nodded, Uranium didn't fully explain his purpose and ideas, but he also talked about a more general one. meaning.

In the field of radiation, after infecting the land, it can also increase soul power by absorbing the radiation energy in it.

As for the forest after being washed by the radiation field?

He doesn't care.

Moreover, as Zhu Zhuqing became stronger day by day, he couldn't help but aroused the desire to become stronger.

In his previous life in the forest, the time he spent playing love games was longer than his cultivation time, which was an obvious sign.

His idea of ​​becoming stronger is weakening, which is unacceptable to Uranium.

"I'm sure, I'll send you away first. We have left the human world for a long time." The urgency in his heart urged Uranium to act, and the anxiety in his words faintly made Zhu Zhuqing feel.

"But, didn't you say that we might be able to live in the sunset forest for a long time?" She originally looked forward to living with Uranium, but now, I am afraid it is too late.

Uranium...what the **** is wrong with you?

Zhu Zhuqing sighed slightly, then stopped refuting his ideas, and nodded silently in agreement.

"I know."

The two were silent, looked for a direction, and rushed directly towards the outskirts of the forest.

But not long after Zhu Zhuqing and Uran left, in the place where they had been before, a gray fur, small-sized centuries-old soul beast sharp-toothed rabbit suddenly appeared.

It turned around as if premeditated, and after sniffing the direction, it looked in the direction where Uran and Zhu Zhuqing had left.

In the eyes, an unnatural red rhyme began to light up.

Everything that happened before my eyes was greeted by this sharp-toothed rabbit...

"When will you be able to finish this? Where will I wait for you?"

Zhu Zhuqing panted slightly, his stature kept jumping in the forest, making a muffled noise.

And Uranium is like a stroll in the courtyard, with a vigorous body walking through the sunny forest with a harsh wind.

The two walked smoothly.

Because the nearby soul beasts have become extremely rare.

Another reason is that the two of them move very fast, Zhu Zhuqing is even comparable to the forty-level agile attack system soul sect. With this efficiency, it is naturally almost twice as fast as when he first came.

However, Zhu Zhuqing is thinking about it at this time. Compared with the past, there are still some differences.

One day passed.

The periphery of the sunset forest is in sight.

She turned her head and looked to her side.

Uranium was more determined than she had imagined, as if after passing through the martial arts fusion skills between the two, her mentality had changed in an instant. In the faintness, he could see that his expression was somewhat incomprehensibly dark.

Zhu Zhuqing did not understand what happened, but it did not prevent her from continuing to understand and support all Uranium's actions.

"I'm waiting for you in Tiandou City, Tiandou Hotel, Uranium."

Parting is imminent.

Uranium looked up quietly and looked at Zhu Zhuqing, who was shining with light in his eyes. For a moment, it seemed as if his heart had been severely beaten, and his whole body lost strength, and he couldn't even respond to her words.

Just staring blankly at Zhu Zhuqing turning and leaving, turning his head one step at a time.

Zhu Zhuqing is gone.

But he has a reason to do this.

But this taste...

"Damn!" With a violent punch and a whirring wind on his arm, Uran passed by a big tree beside him, and he staggered a few steps forward with too much force.

"Damn!" A punch fell through, and the anger in my heart was instantly ignited. He lifted his foot and kicked directly on the big tree. As a result, the trunk shook violently, the dense branches shook more, the leaves were rustling, and the fallen leaves were flying. Withered.


In a series of sounds, Uran struck out with heavy punches, pouring all his incompetent anger on the big tree.

"I can't even control the energy of the martial arts fusion skills... Every day I play around, when will I save the family... Even Zhu Zhuqing, except for the nuclear explosion, is of the same level. I may not be able to beat her next time... When will I waste my time!"

Gasping for breath, accompanied by the final heavy punch that will knock down the tree, he started to sweat slightly, as if he had a catharsis, and his spirit became more vigorous.

"Strength! I need more power, the soul king is not enough! My purpose of coming to the sunset forest, about Zhu Zhuqing has been achieved, the fairy grass, the third spirit ring are all done, then... The problem with my own spirit power is like the Star Dou Great Forest."

Turning his head, Uran looked at Zhu Zhuqing's away figure, and the cold color in his eyes became thicker.

As a member of the Uchiha family, the stronger the talent, the more severe the spiritual extreme.

The eyes of the writing wheel are the pupils of the portrayal of the soul. The Ergouyu was opened when it was about to die, and the Sangouyu was also opened under the strong crush of the Radiant Titan Great Ape, bearing the fear of dying.

Almost all Gouyu upgrades are due to lack of ability and new powers appear at the moment of death.

Naturally, the fear of stepping into eternal sleep, the fear of losing oneself, the fear of losing consciousness, the fear of meaninglessness in one's life once one dies, the endless fear, and the fragments of death that have been faced are deeply etched in him. In the heart.

Forever, never forget.

Because he has no power, he must die if he encounters danger.

But right now, as the unknown soul beasts wantonly kill other soul beasts, if Uranium does not act, then he will fall into the final situation where there is no soul beast to infect him with radiation, and then use it as food.

In other words, if this point is really reached, the journey of the sunset forest will completely fail.

"If I find a suitable ten thousand year soul beast within five days, I should be able to accept the soul beast within fifty thousand years and use radiation energy to break his genes, otherwise it will be difficult for me to safely absorb it. If I can't find it within five days, then I will start Radiation to this land will begin to be absorbed after a certain period of time after the infection. I am not strong enough, stronger, stronger..."

Determined, Uran turned and left, and ran directly in the direction he came.

Since there is no Zhu Zhuqing, he can use the nuclear blast to fight with all his strength.

"There is no need to keep your hands anymore, radiation field, open..." As he walked, the invisible rhythm began to spread around.

He was settled on this land.

The normal trees around seemed to be covered with a faint ash in an instant.

Plants, ground, rivers, rocks, everything within a radius of one thousand meters, everything has undergone this special change.

The fallen leaves on the ground that have lost their roots, after experiencing a threshold, suddenly the roots become deep at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a few breaths, the gray-black breath assimilates its veins and leaves.

Deep gray and black.

He squeezed a leaf, and before he tried hard, it was already stuck and turned into powder, flying in the air.

The surrounding trees have lost their previous greenery and luster, and with the full opening of the radiation field, they are gradually moving towards.

Complete death...

The soil began to turn black, the speed was extremely fast, and even without paying attention at the first glance, it had spread a few meters away at the second glance.

Moreover, this speed is still accelerating.

Not long after, the towering tree that was closest to the uranium location died completely, the bark began to shed like blood, the roots began to decay, the leaves began to turn yellow and gray, then withered, fell on the ground, turning black from the end.

Seeing all this, Uran's expression didn't change the slightest, and he even felt that the corner of his mouth raised a Ruoyouruwu smile.

"The elegy of the sunset forest should sing my name..."

The speed of uranium is not fast, and the radiation field will turn the surrounding into hell. If someone can look down from above the forest, I am afraid they will find an amazing scene.

A small gray dot was spreading around, not fast, but quite stable.

"All lives should kneel before my eyes..."

In the dense forest, the low voice constantly echoed in it.

"I am Uchiha Uranus. In front of Radiation Eye, everything will surrender..."

"Just start with the sunset forest."

In the darkness, the figure of Uranium was completely submerged and disappeared without a trace.

However, the scope of nuclear radiation is expanding.

Once two-gou jade alone was enough to pollute an area of ​​more than 50 square kilometers, let alone three-gou jade, hundreds of square kilometers can be done.

The Sunset Forest is not the Great Star Dou Forest. Hundreds of square kilometers are enough to cover one-fifth of the Sunset Forest. After all, this is the largest domestic spirit beast forest in the Heaven Dou Empire, and it is the only place for all high-level and intermediate-level spirit masters to obtain spirit rings.

Not long after Uranium entered the depths of the sunset forest, several figures also walked into this sunset forest full of opportunities and dangers from the other side.

It was four men in black clothes, and a woman in tight-fitting combat suits. There was also a boy who was about fourteen or five years old, but was tied up, and was rushing towards the inside of the forest. go with.

Soon, it seemed that they had arrived at the designated place, and the five immediately stopped and threw the tied young man on the ground. They slammed into the stone on the ground and made the young man let out a cry.

"Death! What is it called?"

Such a speech by a black-clothed young man suddenly stagnated the young man, his body trembled uncontrollably, but no sound came out again.

The other five did not communicate, but stood quietly and began to pack up their overnight luggage.

These five people have a temperament that is very different from that of ordinary spirit masters.

"Eldest sister, is it really necessary to kill all the soul beasts I encounter?" Among the four men who were reorganizing, a stronger man with a beard frowned.

The burly man is 1.9 meters tall, has a sturdy head, and his muscles bulge like a gorilla, full of power.

"It's okay for a soul master to kill a soul beast anyway. I'm still happy if I killed them all." Another young man with a dagger and nails cut off said with a smile, "Old Shi, logically speaking, you see After so many times, how can there be such a compassionate heart."

"I just think that the soul beasts we encounter are getting fewer and fewer. Those who are low in age may not care about them. After all, there is no threat to us. There is no need to go to the other side's lair and kill them all." Waved his hand.

What else did the big beard and young man want to say, but the woman suddenly spoke indifferently:

"Okay, you still don't know what Routh's style of doing things, he also has a hobby of killing and killing, please satisfy him."

This woman has a very good figure, with uneven, clean short hair, fair skin, and a pretty face, but there is a tinge of blood in her eyes that destroys the beauty of her figure.

"Look, Big Sister said so." The young man grinned.

"What about this little baby? Does it do any good to bring him to the forest? It's very pitiful, so let's let it go." Yan Che pointed at the dazed young man and couldn't help asking.

As soon as this sentence was said, the young man's head was slightly raised, and there was a hint of hope in his eyes.

"He? I will use it as a blood guide later. Some specific soul beasts like this kind of high-quality soul master blood, especially the howling, flesh and blood, and wailing." Sitting on the innermost side, just started. The elder sister who watched the books at the bonfire said lightly, not taking torture and killing in the slightest.

Hearing what the other party said, the **** boy could see the earthquake with his naked eyes, and his whole body began to tremble, and a series of slight, uncontrollable noises were made. Accompanied by the body rubbing on the ground, everyone’s eyes were immediately focused. On his body.

"There are still three days to reach that spirit beast's range of activity, and my sixth spirit ring is counting on this little guy as a blood lead, Routh, don't play it to death." It seems that it is not more than forty years old. The woman of's has reached the peak of the soul Big sister, are you still worried about me? I am experienced. "The young man named Routh glanced at his unbearable beard, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Lao Shi, you were more bloodthirsty than I was when you opened the Martial Spirit, how come you have made such a sympathetic look now?

Hu told him that his original appearance suddenly changed, revealing a hint of sneer.

"You stupid, you don't know how to give others hope that you will be tortured in the future. This process is more comfortable than the whole process of torturing, which makes him always fearful? You don't even know art, but you still came out of school. ."

Hearing these words from the beard who seemed to be communicating well before, the young boy's pupils dilated and his expression looked desperate.

In the darkness, only the screams in the camp continued to be heard, echoing in the forest.

The scope of radiation is expanding.........

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