Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 224: Return to the forest and prepare to kill pigs (four k)

Chapter 230 Returning to the Forest, Preparing to Kill the Pig (4k)

The two chatted for a long time, until Xiyang tilted slightly.

Most of them are miscellaneous digressions, such as favorite things, soul masters, and the adaptability between soul rings.

But the more talked about is Wuhun Hall...

Each time, Xue Qinghe deliberately or unconsciously brought the topic to the Wuhun Hall, and then vaguely talked about the things that the Wuhun Hall had done, such as helping a deeply hidden village to awaken the Wuhun and let this group escape from the world. The primitive people return to the embrace of the town, or contrast the special place between Wuhun Hall and Tiandou Empire.

Although every time from the perspective of Tiandou Empire, Uranium still keenly perceives something wrong.

"I don't want to recruit me into the Martial Soul Palace so soon, right? Qian Renxue's brain hasn't broken, right? I've only met a few times..." Uran couldn't help but complain.

Although Uranium had such doubts at this moment, Xue Qinghe still noticed something, and immediately stopped talking, and did not mention anything related to the Wuhun Temple, and then went around a little bit, and transferred the topic to Xiaoxue and Zhu Zhuqing. Body.

He was curious about the relationship between these two men and Uranium.

Regarding Xue Qinghe’s curiosity, Uran calmly spoke out the words that he had compiled in his mind, such as Xiaoxue’s life experience, but related to Zhu Zhuqing, Uran did not mention any lovers or particularly important places. Lest Zhu Zhuqing is paid special attention by Xue Qinghe for his own reasons.

After talking about the most important thing, I got a reply from Uranium, and the chat gradually came to an end.

Tuk tuk...

Suddenly, the door of the closed room was knocked.

"His Royal Highness." A gentle old man's voice came from outside the door.

It seems that the time is almost up, Xue Qinghe slowly stopped in her clear voice, looked at the setting sun outside the window, and apologized, "Excuse me, Brother Uranium, I have a private party with Duke Habolt at night. Up."

"It's okay." Uran shook his head, feeling nothing wrong.

"Haha, Brother Uran, I'm leaving now." Xue Qinghe smiled apologetically again, then stood up and walked outside the door.

Watching Xue Qinghe walk out of the room and leave the auction room with the red-robed old man waiting outside the door, Uran finally breathed a sigh of relief after boarding a carriage.

"Huh, affection Xueqinghe is still Tiandou socialite, Duke gathering, Earl Salon, Chamber of Commerce, and the palace to assist Emperor Xueye in political affairs. No wonder I feel that his threat to me is not very high, and the feeling is to expand my presence. The influence of the Heaven Dou Empire has even given up most of his cultivation time." Uran looked at the refreshing Xue Qinghe and finally disappeared from his vision, and couldn't help but vomit.

With Qian Renxue's innate twentieth-level spirit power talent, plus her age is not too small, the soul emperor in her twenties, this cultivation progress is too slow.

If there must be a reason, it is probably because the other party deliberately lowered it. Otherwise, it would be terrifying that Prince Tian Dou was actually a twenty-year-old soul saint.

"Huh? No, she has such a strong talent, why shouldn't she stay cultivating properly? After you finish your practice and inherit the **** test, you still need a fart Prince Tian Dou. In this era when Tang San was not a god, angel Gods can push everything flatly and slam everything to dissatisfaction." Considering Qian Renxue's age, Uran's heart became more intent.

No wonder people of storytelling would say that Qian Renxue's brain is not good, and he has already seen Xue Qinghe's communicative ability. This wave of storytellers is on the fifth floor, and he is on the negative floor. .........

As the surroundings calmed down, Zhu Zhuqing saw that there was no one nearby. The smile that had been suffocating in his heart could no longer be restrained. He straightened his body, his eyes bend like crescent moons, and he pointed at the sofa with a single finger. Righteous Uranium chuckled constantly.

Xiaoxue's brain circuit seemed to have turned around, Shui Ling's big eyes blinked, but she smiled with her small mouth in a reserved way, instead of trembling and laughing like Zhu Zhuqing.

But it seems that this is just an illusion, she seems to have not recovered yet...

Zhu Zhuqing's coldness, which is like iceberg snow lotus, seemed to be crooked by uranium.

"It's nothing funny, am I just like this?" Looking at the smiling girl in the room, Uran was stunned for a while before he slowly recovered, and looked up and down Zhu Zhuqing, and said helplessly: "I've seen him for the first time. You smiled like this, but I was really serious just now..."

Shao Qing, Zhu Zhuqing narrowed his smile, but the appearance of Uranium's just now fooling Prince Xue Qinghe came to mind again, and his face turned pale for a moment.

Playing around is playing around.

"Uran, there will be nothing wrong just now?" Zhu Zhuqing hurriedly walked to Uran and asked nervously.

To deceive the prince is a felony!

Once detected, the consequences are unpredictable!

This is Zhu Zhuqing's most worrying point, if Xue Qinghe notices it, then something big will happen.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's anxious appearance, Uran smiled helplessly, "Don't worry, don't you worry about me? The big deal is that we will go to the Star Luo Empire. With me, no one in the Star Luo Empire can do anything to you."

Regarding Uranium, Zhu Zhuqing could only slightly chin her head, but the next moment, she blinked her big beautiful eyes and asked in a low voice at Uranium, "What are you planning?"

She already felt that Uranium seemed to be planning something, and the previous Uranium did not have such a great sense of belonging to the Heaven Dou Empire. She would actually want to change for the Heaven Dou Empire. If she was not particularly familiar with his temperament, I am afraid she would still I thought it was another person.

However, regarding Zhu Zhuqing's question, Uran only spit out two words with a smile.


"Okay, it's already afternoon, let's go help Xiaoxue pick some clothes, and then it's time to go back to the forest, my fifth spirit ring...I have been looking forward to it for too long." As the sun sets, the afterglow of the setting sun is gradually approaching, I can't help but say.

Go back quickly, lest something goes wrong in the forest.

As soon as he heard back to the forest, Xiao Xue suddenly woke up from his dazed state, his eyes gleaming!

"You little idiot, you feel refreshed when you hear about returning to the forest?" Uran looked at Xiao Xue and stood up immediately, and couldn't help but laugh.

Listening to Uran's slightly joking words, Xiaoxue was silent for a rare moment before whispering, "I don't want to show off, the Prince just now, I always feel something is wrong, that's why. The human world is so dangerous. ......."

The immature voice echoed continuously in the room.

Depression is contagious.

Zhu Zhuqing could not help being a little silent. Xiaoxue is not a human, but a spirit beast. If it is a titled Douluo, I am afraid it is very likely to be aware of it, but the uniqueness of Xiaoxue as an immortal grass makes it difficult for ordinary titled Douluo. It's not human at a glance.

"...Since you have such worries, it is better for us to return to the forest as soon as possible, and then start transforming, Xiaoxue." After a moment of silence, Uran raised his head and said softly.

Although I really want Xiaoxue to accompany him for a while, but in this current situation, he has no ability to protect himself after all, and the destructive power is definitely enough, but this is not the reason why he can run wild.

The high-end Douluo in this world, such as the Angel Douluo Qian Daoliu, and the next-level strong sword Douluo, once left the nuclear explosion kick, he may even become Xiaoxue’s weakness... .

"Don't worry, I will become stronger immediately. After the transformation, leave everything to me." The original solemnity was swept away, Uran turned his head and asked Zhu Zhuqing with a smile, "Zhuqing, do you want to go? Test how much your soul power has? I just saw a martial arts hall by the roadside."

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, his pretty face unchanged, "No, in my perception, it's probably around 37th level, but what's strange is that I obviously improved so much soul power at once, but I don't have that kind of foundation. A feeling of instability."

The girl paused for a while, and then continued, "Moreover, I still feel that there is still a mass of energy in the body that has not been absorbed. Level 37 is not the limit."

Listening to Zhu Zhuqing’s doubts, Uran smiled softly, "Of course, immortal grass is not something that uproots the seedlings and promotes growth. It is named in the name of immortal. It itself is a thing that consolidates the foundation and cultivates the essence. It will not shake the foundation, but It will deepen the foundation. As you practice in the future, I think you can experience it."

"And you can't absorb this mass of energy right now. You may have to wait until the fortieth level when the spirit ring transforms your body again before you can adapt."

While speaking, Uranium also felt the energy in the body, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raised.

After absorbing these energy, his spirit power will be able to advance by leaps and bounds!

After sensing the inside of the body, Uran and Xiaoxue looked at each other and sent her a reassuring look, and then signaled Zhu Zhuqing to leave the auction house.

No need to stay here.

Going back to prepare for the fifth spirit ring is what really matters.

Zhu Zhuqing also nodded, "Well, I actually like the forest for a long time. It's like a paradise. I cook some light dishes every day, practice my soul power, and look at the scenery..."

However, immediately afterwards, Uranium struck Zhu Zhuqing’s illusions at the moment, “You will definitely get tired after staying for a long time. Why not choose the mainland to stroll around? If you stay in one place for a long time, then go to the next place.”

"So what do you plan to do? After the soul master contest is over, with our soul power, we should have already graduated? But didn't the academy train us as the next generation of Emperor Dou?" Zhu Zhuqing suddenly remembered something. As the three of them walked out the door, they asked immediately behind Uranium.

The three of them walked side by side on a wide road, surrounded by shops, which was very lively.

"Graduation is definitely a graduation, but we don't need to graduate and don't go to the college. I will probably spend more time in the college." After thinking for a moment, Uran calmly said.

"Well, maybe in the future, we can still go to the college to be a teacher or something." Zhu Zhuqing seemed to think of the spirit power requirement of being a teacher, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Forget it, they are all aristocratic children, not a good seedling, I don't have the idea of ​​being a teacher, I become stronger and famous, which is part of the feedback to the academy." Uran played with her hair that slumped on her chest, and rejected Zhu Zhuqing’s idea.

But at any rate the school also provided a lot of high-level soul beast meat for meals, so he should report it back to the college.

While walking, Uran quickly learned from Zhu Zhuqing that the sunset forest was blocked.

However, Uranium had already mentioned this question to Xue Qinghe. He just mentioned it briefly. After he was going to the Sunset Forest and obtained the fifth spirit ring, Xue Qinghe naturally responded casually, presumably there would be no one at all. Stop.

If you guessed correctly, it should have been caused by fighting Xiaoxue before.

"The problem is not big."

Sunset over the forest.

Soon, the three of them came to the sunset forest, and the road was smooth and unimpeded.

"Let's go in." Uran glanced at the somewhat dim forest and said to the two with a smile.

In the next moment, Uran took Zhu Zhuqing and Xiaoxue into the outskirts of the forest like a busy car.

The Sunset Forest in this direction faces Tiandou City, and there are countless spirit masters trying to obtain spirit rings from the Sunset Forest. There is no road in the Sunset Forest. If people step on it too much, the road will naturally be formed.

It has been half a day since entering the sunset forest.

The star is hanging high, and the evening breeze is blowing, bringing the sound of the wind.

The bright moonlight shone on the three people walking at night, the moon was like a silver plate, lightly shed light.

The number of soul beasts encountered along the way is very small. Although they have encountered several thousand-year-level soul beasts, most of them are just over a thousand years old, and there are faintly terrifying fluctuations of small blood. Those soul beasts did not come. Provoked the three of them.

Originally, according to Xiaoxue's words, she could instantly disperse all the spirit beasts in the surrounding area for fifty miles to make a space out, but Uranium rejected Xiaoxue's proposal.

"A large-scale use of coercion will make other spirit beasts afraid to escape, causing them to rush into the survival area of ​​other spirit beasts, thus starting a death fight that shouldn't have been there, just like me before... .You only need to ensure the pressure within a certain range, don't disturb their survival." Uran glanced at some still very weak soul beasts, and said unbearably.

In fact, he is not very happy to use radiation to kill the submersible porcupine, but in order to become stronger, he can only do his best under this limited situation...

Uranium couldn’t tell whether the surviving porcupine was an evil spirit beast, or if it was a fake big sky like a spirit beast that must be killed, whether the spirit beasts are evil or not is a matter of the spirit beast. thing?

But it is precisely because of this that Uranium feels that life is more precious.

"I'm thinking, someday, can I make a way to become stronger without killing the spirit beasts. Wuhunwuhun. Each spirit master means that at least ten of them have died in his hands. It is worth cherishing, not to mention the soul beasts who have been living and cultivating all the time and are much older than human beings?" Uran's heart was full of suffering.

But he understood that this suffering was as false and meaningless as the tears of a crocodile.

He still has to kill the submersible porcupine, because he has to become stronger, he has to be strong enough to detach from the world's laws, so strong that his offspring, the sensual and gentle offspring like himself, will no longer bear the killing of innocent lives. Suffering and pain.

Why isn't there a way of cultivating soul power to become stronger without the need for soul beasts?

He is the gentle Uchiha Uranus.

But this kind of gentleness is awakened... the power that can destroy the world!

Radiation field!

Nuclear explosion kick!

"This is the power to protect If there is no such power, the word gentleness is just a moan without illness, it's ridiculous like a bubble..." Uran lowered his head and sensed the position of the submerged porcupine. , The belief in my heart is gradually firm...

"All kindness is built on strength, otherwise kindness, gentleness, bravery, and faith are all false and empty. All the pains right now are just short-lived dreams. Once the dream is awakened, life will continue. "

"I seem to understand the meaning of Uchiha's kaleidoscope..." whispered, Uran gently stroked his face, and in his eyes, three fan-shaped icons slowly appeared in Uran's eye sockets. In the rotation.

Only those who have lost love can understand the weight of love.

Uchiha didn't open his eyes with hatred.

But love.

(End of this chapter)

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