Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 225: If you want to die, it is easy to turn your palms (fourk)

Chapter 231 You want to die, it's as easy as turning your palms (4k)

At night, the moon and stars are sparse.

Several silhouettes suddenly swept across the night sky, and continued to bounce forward along the trail of the road.

The shadow of the tree was trembling, and the soul beast was constantly forced to leave by a strong sense of oppression, and the silhouettes of soul masters flickered, quickly approaching along the road opened by the uranium.

Like a vicious snake...

Suddenly, these seven or eight figures stopped.

"Master Marquis, this is it." One of the old men looked at the coke traces on the ground and respectfully said to the gorgeous but rather gloomy middle-aged man.

The moonlight shone, shining a picture of the middle-aged man's face that looked like a lusty pig brother at Xiaoxue.

The middle-aged man blushed. Although the Qingyi on his body looked ordinary, but there was a faint flow of light. Obviously, this shirt should have been blessed with spirit power protection. On his ordinary face, there is a touch of arrogance that is difficult to hide. This is a must for every nobleman.

"The person I want is a little girl about six or seven years old. Just follow this trace. I want to see her tonight."

The middle-aged man freed his hands and stared at the remaining fire on the ground like a wolf, as if at this moment, his eyes were also ignited by the fire, and his eyes were blazing and twinkling. Fiery desire.

He has already checked, the so-called Eye of Destruction martial arts, the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire do not have such a family at all, and there is no such martial spirit inheritance in the ranks of the nobles.

In other words, the twenty-year-old Soul Sect is just a commoner...

Since he is a civilian, it means that there is no expert secretly protecting him, and he does not have the qualifications of nobles to give him a head. Although His Royal Highness is willing to resist the Prince Xuexing for the other party, if it is a dead person and a civilian, it must be the Crown Prince too. I won't turn my face suddenly.

Talent, but only after time has passed before he is qualified to stand on the table. This person named Uranium is just a thug at best in the future. The twenty-year-old Soul Sect, although talented, can do the same as him. , Not without, he is not the only one.........

As for the three soul kings he had seen with one leg swept back, that can only show that the other party's talent is unusual, since it is a person of His Royal Highness, it must be eliminated in advance.

The most important thing is that Piff is innocent and guilty, with such two beautiful little beauties, but he has no ability to protect them. Isn't this specially tailored for him?

At the thought of these two beauties happily under his crotch, Galenus trembled undetectably, as if he had already felt the intoxicating sight..........

"To blame, blame you for being caught in my eyes." Thinking of the intoxicating picture in his mind, and the two nightingale crying, Garenau seemed to feel that everyone was sublimated, and he thought impatiently. To enjoy it all.

Because of Uranium’s combat effectiveness before, he deliberately brought a seventy-one level soul sage who had been invited heavily, plus two soul emperors and five soul kings. It was more than enough to kill that person, but if he didn’t dare to kill If you do, maybe he can be abolished and let him see with his own eyes how his girlfriend and sister serve him.

Thinking of this, Garlie's mood became more surging, his lower body was towering, his ugly face showed vividly.

In the next moment, after investigating the surrounding situation, the old man said respectfully again, "Master Marquis, it has been found out. They continue to set off at night and follow this road, and they will probably be able to catch up with them."

While talking, the old man pointed in a direction that was stepped on.

"Then hurry up, you go and bring them all back. The two female dolls are not allowed to hurt anything. The man, interrupt his limbs and bring them back." Garenu narrowed his eyes slightly and said lightly to the crowd.

"Lao Bi, trouble you." After speaking, Galenu bowed slightly towards the black-robed figure at the farthest point. This person is the spirit of the beast martial arts, the spirit of the beast martial arts, the spirit of the sensitive attack system!

"It's okay, you've already paid." The husky voice of the old figure known as Bi Lao sounded, and said lightly.

"Yes." A group of soul kings replied respectfully, and under the leadership of the two soul emperors, they were ready to rush toward the rugged trail.

But the next moment, a cold laugh suddenly sounded!

"No need to find, I'm here."

The sound is as close as it is in the ear!

"Who!" The middle-aged soul king who was guarding by the side suddenly rang the alarm bell, hurriedly guarding the Marquis Garianu's body, Wuhun instantly possessed his body, and looked at the source of the sound vigilantly.

The gloomy woods.

Accompanied by the slamming sound of falling leaves, a tall and thin figure was completely revealed under the moonlight.


"It's you! You dared to run out, really knowing how to live and die..." Galenu was who he was. He fixed his eyes and saw that it was the young man he saw at the auction house at noon with a contemptuous smile.

But he said so, but Galenau was actually taken aback. At such a close distance, even Lao Bi hadn't noticed it just now?

The soul masters did not give him a sense of security...

What kind of aura is hidden, if the real soul masters just went out, leaving only a soul king to protect themselves, then based on the previous opponent's record, he is very likely to be attacked.

Thinking of this, Garlienu’s forehead oozes a little bit of sweat, but it is well hidden by him. In the aristocratic life, he has long developed a feeling of emotion and anger. If It's just a disguise to show anger.

But at this moment, he really felt a little frightened.

"You didn't choose to escape, but did you take the initiative to come over to me?" Garienu watched Uranium get closer and closer, and his sullen face twitched, mocking Uranium.

"If you don't get close to you, how can you raise your ashes?" Uran glanced at Garenu, who was under the protection of the soul kings, the soul emperor, and the soul sage. The original cold voice instantly became icy, like a cold wind. In that awe-inspiring coldness.

Some of the surrounding space solidified.

The huge soul power pressure rushed straight into the sky, and the Uranium figure became more and more illusory with the horrible soul power fluctuations, like a phantom in the wind, with an unpredictable sense of sight.

Such a terrifying coercion instantly changed the face of the soul saint known as Bi Lao. With this level of soul power fluctuations, even he had to activate the martial spirit body before he could release it to the surroundings. He seemed to feel a cold tingling sensation gleaming between his brows.

After living for so many years, Mr. Bi naturally understood what it was.

That is, cold death.........

"How is this possible?" The old man's face became extremely ugly, didn't he say a good soul sect?

"Oh? Is your perception okay? Unlike these idiots, I don't know when I die." Uran suddenly raised his head, the radiating eyes in his pupils stared at the horrified Bi Lao, and his lips were slightly soft. Yang.

"It's a pity, you are all going to die." The bitter voice seemed to melt into substance, piercing the body and mind of everyone around him.

He really moved to kill.

This group of people are all going to die, moreover, they have to cut the grass and root...

A bloodthirsty red glow suddenly appeared in Uran's eyes.

"Kill him for me!" Garlie's anger in his heart reached its peak, and he endured the fierce heartbeat that was pounding in his heart, and pointed to Uran's direction and shouted sharply!

The five soul kings did not hesitate, the spirits possessed, the spirits of various plants and animals, the leopards, mice, books, trees, and birds, and all kinds of strange spirit masters attacked in the direction of Uranium!

The wind blade rolled up, screaming again and again, the metal-like pages formed a storm like a blade, and they rushed in the direction of Uranium!

At this moment, Uranium felt his body sink suddenly, as if being slowed down by the roar of the roaring soul leopard.

"If you want to die, it's easy..."

In the next moment, Uran raised his head slightly, and the red light in his eyes flourished!

Uranium's figure suddenly disappeared!

Very fast!

Can't see the afterimage!

Even Old Bi, who is the soul saint, can't see where Uranium is!


Four or five long-range spirit abilities suddenly tore apart the unmanned ground, and a cloud of smoke rose up.

And there is no one in this smoke and dust.

"How is this possible?!" Earl Galenau watched Uranium suddenly disappear from the battlefield with his own eyes. The speed was so fast that it was definitely not reachable by a normal Soul Sect!

But right now, the siege of the five soul kings actually failed to hit the opponent, which obviously exceeded the speed of the soul king!

"Is it possible, this guy, is the speed of the soul emperor?" Galleon's heart suddenly trembled, and he let the opponent run away, and at this speed, if he waits for the opponent to grow up, then his family... .......

Thinking of this, Garley's fury aroused deep regret!

Why provoke him? !

"Start with you first." Suddenly, a voice mixed with cold killing intent suddenly sounded from the center of the battlefield!

And, it's on the side of Galeon!

Garley's anger suddenly sank, and a deep anxiety grew uncontrollably in his heart.

But then, he didn't feel the attack from the opponent coming.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned his head and looked behind him!

The aura of Bi Lao who had been guarding him, disappeared!

No, it's not disappeared. Galianu is also a soul master at any rate, and he can see some things clearly at night, but at this moment, he regrets his turning around...

The terrifying fear rushed from the tail vertebra to the top of the head, and the scalp was about to explode.

Uranium appeared behind Garienu like a ghost, standing side by side with Bi Lao, as if the two were good friends, but Uran's expression was quite cold, like a deep, biting ice lake.

If Uranium didn't carry Bi Lao's head..........

The Seven Ring Soul Saint was suddenly headed by the owl!

Suddenly, Galenau felt the whole worldview collapse.


Bi Lao's headless body slowly fell backwards.

As the existence with the highest spirit power, it didn't even last a minute before being cut off by Uran's head with a knife in one hand, and fell to the ground messily like a dead dog.

"How is this possible?!" Galie looked at all this in horror, and even the anger in his heart was overwhelmed by shock.

This is the soul saint!

Not Chinese cabbage! Kill if you say it!

This is the soul saint close to the top of the Douluo Continent, why now.........

When the matter developed to this moment, the party concerned, Jia Lienang, had only regrets, deep regrets.

Things have happened, he can even kill the soul saint!

"Nothing is impossible. Next, it's the turn of the two soul emperors." Uran approached Galianu, and squeezed Bi Lao's head into the other's arms with one hand, his eyes glowing with red light. Stared at the two soul emperors who were still looking for where others were.

After all, he appeared too fast. When he was just finished fighting, he killed a soul saint like a chicken. Others did not react at all, until the sound of Bi Lao's body fell to the ground, which made the other soul king Soul Emperor. Rotate position.

But what they saw was the pale, expressionless Galenau, and the gray-haired head in his arms...

The indescribable horror climbed onto the backs of those present.

Soul Saint, was just killed?

Even if it's a toad, you should jump before you die, right? All the soul masters present had such an absurd idea in their minds.

In the next moment, the eyes of all soul masters moved to the center of the battlefield, on the demon-like figure.

Gudong...The two soul emperors who were being stared at, couldn't help swallowing, their expressions were so nervous that their arms trembled.

"Grass! I'm going to kill you!" A fat soul emperor was stared at by Uranium and his scalp was numb. He couldn't help it anymore. With a stern roar, he swooped directly in the direction of Uranium under his possession. Go!

The speed is as fast as blue lightning!

"Humph." Uran looked at the scared soul emperor, without blinking his eyes, he whispered, "pause"

Say what you say.

Time is suspended.

This is the second timeout.

It was the first time that the soul saint was killed. No one could stop his attack. No surprise, after the soul saint was slashed by him, he couldn't hold back his true spirit, and his consciousness remained forever. In this period of stagnation, I can never wake up.

Although only a short period of two to three seconds, it is enough for uranium to do things that are normally difficult to do.

Like now.

Kill these two soul emperors...

"It's not like looking for death. I killed it. I didn't have any sense of existence." He shook his head and raised the fine iron short knife in his hand that didn't know when, Uran's figure was suddenly blurred!

In the next second, he came to the back of the last soul emperor, shook the blood bead on it at will, and slowly retracted the knife.

It is as if the space distortion is calmed down.

The time that was stalled, once again started the wheel of time.

But in this there are two people who have been left in the mezzanine of time forever.

No matter it is anyone, once it dies within the cessation of time, it can never be resurrected.

Because, in the time he died, there was no such person.

Everyone didn’t know what was going on, the forward soul emperor didn’t even notice. Under everyone’s gaze, he rushed forward, head flying...

This is the real split operation...


Blood water instantly rises from the high-pressure broken neck!

Go straight for more than three meters!

At this moment, the surrounding battlefield was quiet.

Only the two figures that slowly fell, gradually heard dull noises.

(End of this chapter)

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