Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 228: Soul bone evolution! (Four k)

Chapter 234 Soul Bone Evolution! (4k)

Uranium, who had calmed down, slowly opened his dull eyes.

His face is no longer as excited as before, and his mood has calmed down.

After all, he was only fourteen years old, and he hadn't been able to completely control the joy of getting endless power before, so naturally he had the same second-degree scene just now.

But he was also a traverser at any rate. He was a human for two generations, and the means of sorting out his emotions were not comparable to ordinary young people. Soon, he cleared up his mood.

"Huh, I have reached the level of the soul king, and coupled with this soul ability, I think I am already qualified to step into the ranks of the strong." Uran whispered, his face calmly thinking.

After all, nuclear explosive kicks cannot be used in normal conditions, so his methods are generally only explosive kicks and ordinary knife cuts. At most, time pauses are added. In addition, the radiation field cannot be used, too much. More restrictive means........

"I always feel depressed and it's not right. I really want to let go of my hands and feet and do a lot of work. The previous discussions with Xiaoxue are pretty good, but it's a pity that I was beaten by hanging, this is the first time I have encountered it." Uran sighed softly with the fading spirit power fluctuations.

After the spirit master obtains the spirit ring, he will understand what a spirit ability is.

In addition to choosing a name, all he had to do was to make this soul skill more adept.

At this moment, in Uran's understanding, the fifth spirit ability he obtained was somewhat special.

Unlike Douluo Continent, different from any world, Uranium's current fifth spirit ability is simply an alternative version of express delivery.

"First from the palm, use soul power to condense a round energy ball." Following this idea, Uran slowly raised his palm.

As soon as the voice fell, an extremely huge breath suddenly rose up, not from the palm of his hand in front of him, but from his entire body.

The blue faint brilliance emerged quietly, perhaps just a small blue light spot, but when the billions of blue light emerged together, it was a blue world.

Uranium immediately felt that he had become the center of this ocean. His body was like a huge inclined mouth, madly releasing the rapidly gushing blue ocean to the outside world.

An unprecedented sense of control rose from the deepest part of the body. At this moment, Uranium neither felt the pressure and exhaustion of the huge energy disappearing from the body, nor did he feel the emptiness in the body. He was surprised to find that when the heat flow inside the body When the courage surged outwards, an extremely gentle breath flicked across the body gently.

He seems to have complete control of everything around him.

This is not an illusion...

I don't know why, when I felt this gentle breath, Uranium suddenly had an urge to cry. It seemed to be a kind of lingering emotion, as if what I was suffering at this time was mother's caress.

"Being a stranger alone in a foreign land... Earth..." The nose was a little sour inexplicably.

Closing his eyes, Uranus was unwilling to let this feeling pass. He gave up feeling about everything in the outside world, and he didn't even use his mind to calculate his own gains and losses at this time. All his mind was placed there without reservation, and nothing. Above the gentleness requested.

Uranium seems to have seen the scene when he was born in this world, and the moment he left the earth, a private car was suddenly rear-end collision, and under the huge impact force, he directly killed him on the wall. Pain, the kind of unforgettable despair, he will never forget.

Although he has been reborn in this world and has lived for fourteen years, his kind father and gentle mother seem to have become his second home, but if he can return to earth...

In a trance, Uranium seemed to have a sense of understanding, but a little lost.

The current situation does not mean that he can go back.

The blue energy is an extension of his power.

A huge blue light rushed in, Uran's body was completely immersed in an extremely soft ocean floating gently, without any pain. There is land, just the breath that gently touches his soul.

One spirit ring appeared one after another.

The first spirit ring escapes the flame beast, the second spirit ring wind sickle beast, the third spirit ring night demon bat, the fourth spirit ring radiation titan great ape, the fifth spirit ring, the surviving porcupine.

Huge energy began to gather.

The fifth spirit ring, the nuclear missile fist, the black and gray 10,000-year spirit ring, began to shine gradually.

At this moment, it seemed that the space was frozen.

Behind Uranium, a simulated nuclear missile slowly solidified, as if it would go straight into the sky in the next moment.

The whole body is faint blue, about ten meters high, with a pointed top and a straight bottom, as if it were an upright pencil and a bullet with a deadly glow.

On the whole body, this special ‘spike’ has no trace of impurities, it is crystal clear, and can see everything inside, just like an ornament made of crystal, with a dangerous and seductive trembling beauty.

But if someone with knowledge of the goods carefully observes the inside of this one, they will find a very scary scene.

Inside the ‘Spikes’, there are swift surging, extremely active microwave particles!

Once this thing explodes, the power is unimaginable!

"So that's it, is this a positioning mark?" At this moment, Uran's right hand was also rendered with a faint blue, just like the nuclear missile staring completely behind him.

Almost in the instant it solidified, three-quarters of the soul power inside Uranium's body was taken away, which was extremely terrifying consumption of soul power!

Short-range missiles are ready.

"Using the spirit power mark to determine the position is invisible and innocent. The spirit power that I fill determines the flight speed, flying height, bullet explosion strength, and range. As I thought, the spirit power determines everything." Ahead, Uran glanced at the nuclear missile exuding awe-inspiring temperament. He felt relieved for no reason.

But the next moment, he frowned.

"But, if it wants to determine the opponent's specific location, what should I do?" Douluo Continent is so big, it is hard to guarantee that he will not have any enemies on the other side of the continent. He can't run over to kill the opponent himself, right?

"Positioning........ I probably understand. It is a mark. As long as I stop somewhere, I will naturally determine the position. As long as I want to, the nuclear missile will quickly set off to surprise the enemy. Express delivery." After thinking for a moment, Uranium understood why its own blue energy would continue to spread outward, and the light spots of feelings were just coordinates.

"In other words, do I need to take the initiative to locate the coordinates? Then, I am afraid I still need a large-scale, super-wide-range radar-like spirit ability, otherwise it would be too tired to keep walking and clocking on my own. No, I have already determined After the Soul Master Competition, you will travel around the mainland. It seems that this is nothing." Uran smiled and shook his head, dispelling the thought just now.

"Okay, it can be cancelled. I am afraid that its power will not be lower than that of a nuclear explosion kick. Fortunately, as long as it is not launched, I have full control, but after cancellation, I can only return half of the soul power. The rest will be wasted on the structure." The faint blue light spot outside flickered for a moment, and then quickly poured back into the uranium body.

As he just finished speaking, the crystal clear giant nuclear missile behind the uranium began to fall apart.

Like dust, drifting away in the wind.

Along with the cancellation of the spirit ability, Uran suddenly felt a pure spirit power pouring into the body from the outside world, making up for the terrifying consumption he had just now.

The strong soul power pressure gradually disappeared.

Everything around him fell into eternal peace.

"Huh.... It feels like I can lift the Soul Sage without using nuclear explosive kicks and nuclear missile punches." Uran's eyes gradually lit up with a light breath, his mind Have a bold idea.

He wants to cultivate a force that belongs only to him.

If you want to change the Douluo Continent, there are bound to be many things, it is impossible for him to do everything himself, naturally he needs subordinates to help him.

As for what power gave him the confidence...

Uran remembered what he had said before. If conditions permit, he would take a trip to the sea and take a look at Sun Moon Continent.

There is the most prosperous place of Soul Dao Technology, and see if there are any talented people there to do things for him.

The energy contained in the radiation field is an endless chain reaction. As long as there is a soul guide to control this energy, it must be possible to build a nuclear power station, an alien version of the power station. From his observation, Douluo Continent is still in a very superstitious slave feudal society.

It's nothing more than productivity, or the quality of Wuhun, but this is something that can be changed by the power of technology.

Even the Soul Guidance Cannon and the nuclear power plant were acceptable. He wanted to bring changes to the Douluo Continent, not like Tang San, who would ignore it after becoming a **** and continue to maintain this deformed slave feudal society.

He is not an exquisite egoist, he is a traverser, does not do anything, is he worthy of his identity? Are you worthy of his crossing?

All empires, nobles, and sects will all be swept into the garbage dump of history!

Since the soul master has such a powerful ability, why not come to build a new society?

And there is still a Star Luo Continent that hasn't been developed, it's really impossible, and it's okay to drive these few imperial remnants to the New World.

Such as Wuhun Hall, Clear Sky School and so on.

"This is very interesting. If it can be named for thousands of years, I will be excited." Uran waved his hand at random and sucked all the radiant energy generated around him into his body.

The battle ended.

Uran glanced at the huge wreckage of the porcupine wreck, and suddenly frowned slightly.

The next moment, frowned Shu Ping, followed by a burst of ecstasy!

He felt it!

It's a soul bone!

Uranus was not idle, and touched his hand on the Submersible Porcupine. After a while, a trace of excitement appeared on his face. Standing like a knife, Uran cut off its right paw, and dissected it three or two times to reveal it. A strange bone.

This bone was dark blue with strong spirit power fluctuations. It was obviously a spirit bone. Uranium's luck is not just so simple, it's so good!

The stronger the soul beast, the more powerful the soul bone it will drop!

Moreover, it is the right arm bone in the middle ranking among soul bones!

This is definitely a surprise, because only one hundred thousand-year soul beasts can stably drop soul bones, and there has never been a rule that soul beasts with the age of surrender porcupine must fall.

"Good thing, and it was dropped by the Radiant Soul Beast, and it fits me very well." Uranium lifted the soul bone with joy on his head and placed it on top of his head, allowing it to be directly illuminated by the sun.

In the sun, the dark blue soul bone is crystal clear with indescribable magnificence, like the remaining spikes on the back of the surviving porcupine, exuding a faint refraction.

It seemed that Uranium could see another rich and vivid world through this soul bone.

There is no doubt that its quality is extremely good, and it can even be called perfect.

This is much stronger than the soul bone of the Radiant Titan Great Ape obtained by Uranium, and the number of years alone is enough to hang it!

"Then start quickly, absorb the spirit ring, and then absorb the spirit bone. Not only can I obtain a key spirit ability, but it can even improve my physical fitness." Slowly put down this right arm bone, there is no uranium. Say anything more, sit down directly cross-legged, and mobilize the spirit power that has just broken through to cause the spirit bone to blend with yourself.

It can be clearly seen that under the action of his soul power, the right arm bone melted into a dark blue liquid slowly seeping into his right hand.

The liquid from the right arm bone of the surrender porcupine poured into his arm. At the beginning, he felt very comfortable, as if a warm liquid covered his right hand.

However, this warmth soon turned into scorching heat. Although the spirit power in his body was operating at a high level, it was unable to intervene in the fusion of the spirit bone of his right hand. And the scorching heat gradually turned into blazing heat.

It can be seen that Uranium's entire right hand has turned dark blue, and it seems that something is about to come out of his palm.

The violent burning sensation made his forehead start to sweat, and the feeling of putting his palms on the fire was too painful. Uran only felt that his right hand was burnt, and the whole right arm gradually felt this way.

Unconsciously, Uranium frowned slightly.

"Be quiet." In the spiritual world, Uran suddenly stared at the spirit bone energy in his arm bones.

He had the experience of fusing soul bones, the more powerful the soul bones were to fuse, the more difficult it was, especially when he first merged, thinking of his unbearable experience of fusing soul bones, now he still feels pain in his body.

But now, even the Submersible Porcupine had been killed by himself, and its residual energy was still restless, and he simply didn't take him seriously.

It seemed that Uranium's reprimand had an effect. Visible to the naked eye, Uranium's originally blue and barking right arm began to gradually reveal a touch of flesh.

Of course, this is not the reason for his mouth, but there is a new whirlpool, which absorbs most of the energy of the submersible porcupine soul bone!

Uranium looked at the energy flow inside the body, and suddenly trembled.

The left arm bone of the radiating Titan Great Ape is actually absorbing the energy of the right arm bone!

This is incredible!

Isn't the soul bone already fused into one? How could this unconscious situation still occur!

But the next moment, Uranium's complexion slowed down.

He could feel that the two spirit bones seemed to be connected.

As the thoughts in his mind turned, the original situation where the left arm bone and the world swallowed the energy of the right arm bone disappeared instantly, as if the child who stole the food was caught by his parents on the spot.

But the difference is that the soul bone does not have its own thinking. Everything it does is made by the uranium subconscious, while the uranium of the surface consciousness obviously does not notice this.

It's all because Uran just yelled to make the right arm bone quiet...

The 70,000-year-old soul bone seems to have only been left for more than 40,000 years, and half of the energy was eaten up by the left arm bone at once. If Uran didn't discover it in time, I am afraid this soul bone would become a waste soul bone.

And that left arm bone, in Uranium's perception, began to change.

The gray bones gradually became silvery.

"This is, soul bone evolution!" Uranium is not a commoner with little knowledge. He knows very well that soul bone evolution requires prerequisites!

But Wu Mingming had previously absorbed the spirit power of a lot of radiating spirit beasts, as well as the heaven and earth aura of the eyes of ice and fire, and even ate immortal grass. Everything he could do did not evolve this spirit bone!

But right now, it actually... began to sparkle with deep soul power fluctuations.

Visible to the naked eye, Uranium's tight body, one side shimmering with a faint blue luster ~ ~ one side is emitting ancient ash, as if there is indescribable power, and it is gradually awakening.

Uranium was surprised and delighted at this moment. What was surprised was that his left arm bone had evolved when it absorbed the right arm bone. It was like putting his own bgm on the face of someone else's TV home. The joy is that he seems to have found the reason for the evolution of the soul bone!

That is another soul bone!


It's the long-lost book push link again, pushing a friend's book.

It is of the Xianxia type, and the family is mortal.

"The Legend of Life"

The following is a brief introduction:

Cangli Ling's blood stains the sky, this is the road to the rise of a legendary family, and no one can do it!

"Yuquanmen" with more than 1.3 million characters

(End of this chapter)

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