Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 229: The nuclear light blade, the end of the sunset forest

Chapter 235 Nuclear Light Blade, The Final Chapter of Sunset Forest (4k)

Time passed bit by bit.

After the left arm bone absorbs the energy of the right arm bone, the uranium can be fused completely without pressure.

Although he didn't have any regrets about this, he originally said something quieter just because he felt the pain. It didn't mean that he could not bear the energy of the soul bone, but in the end, the spirit bone·world appeared. operating.

In other words, he split his 70,000-year soul bone into two energy levels of 50,000 and 40,000 years.........

The fusion of uranium and the right arm bone of the Submerged Porcupine was much smoother than expected. It only took him less than three hours to complete the entire fusion process.

When the last ray of blue light completely melted into his right arm, the process of fusion also ended.

"Huh--" Uran's breath took a long time, and Uran slowly opened his eyes, and the blue-gray light in his eyes flashed away.

If someone else compares the contrast between before and after, you will feel that the temperament of uranium has changed a little. The original feeling of uranium is that kind of elegant and cold, but at this time, it has a faintly sharp edge. Fen Fengrui is a bit similar to Zhu Zhuqing after turning on the Desolation Spirit Body state.

"Finally finished, but this spirit ability surprised me a bit, and it almost perfectly fits all my current situation." Uran stood up in place with a loud sound, patted the floating soil on his body, and stretched out his waist wantonly.

The sound of crisp bones and firecrackers sounded, like sitting in the office for a day, twisting the waist when preparing to get off work, and there was a sour feeling all over the body.

Very fascinating.

"Okay, let me see how far my soul bone spirit ability can reach." After absorbing this soul bone, he clearly felt that his mental power had gained a small margin. Increase, this is not the case in the past.

"Sure enough, I didn’t expect it to be that the writing wheel eye is a martial soul with spiritual attributes, and the radiant eye is a mutant martial soul, but it does not make the spiritual attributes disappear, and the submerged soul porcupine is the spiritual attribute, from the word soul. It can be seen that the spikes on the back can directly attack the spirit. After I absorbed its spirit ring spirit bone, my spirit power has increased, and it should have reached the level of the 92nd Tier 3 Title Douluo." Uran looked happy, and quickly estimated the amount of his mental increase.

You know, the four spirit rings he had absorbed before did not have this situation at all.

When I thought that he could increase his mental power by absorbing the spirit beast, Uran didn't know what it was like at the moment.

If his first four spirit rings were all produced by spirit attribute spirit beasts, then his mental power at the moment might already be comparable to level ninety-five.

But this is the case in the world itself. If he lives smoothly and then obtains the spirit ring, then he may not be able to really dig out the big killer in the radiation field, let alone the spoiled, he can open a few gou jade, or Unknowns.

Although the forest has brought him many blows, it has allowed him to grow to this level.

"Forget it, there is no need to regret this. Without the forest, there would be no me now. With the increase in mental power, I may be able to deal with the soul emperor by relying on mental power and pupil power alone, and this is not my limit. Going home and learning a specific cultivation method, I may be able to control the Soul Sage and even the Soul Douluo. After all, my spiritual power is of the Title Douluo level." After thinking a little bit, Uran immediately focused on the soul. Above the bone.

The submersible porcupine has infinite power. With this right arm bone, the power of his right arm has been greatly enhanced, which he can feel at this moment.

The right hand seems to be full of power, and when I hold it in the void, I can actually feel the faint squeezing feeling...

If it is pinching people, I am afraid that one can pinch the bones of the soul master, right?

There is also the third benefit of fusing this soul bone, which is also the most important thing.

Soul bone soul skills.

"Turn on." As he thought, Uran raised his right arm with excitement, his radiating eyes slowly turned in his pupils, his arms stretched out, and immediately afterwards, his right arm was completely breathtaking. Blue-gray.

If you look closely, you will find that it is not the discoloration of his arm, but a faint light attached to his arm, and these lights are exactly blue-gray.


The next moment, the light on Uranium's arm, mixed with soul power, extended directly forward.

It formed a sword with spirit power materialized, sharp-edged, and completely composed of spirit power.

It extends from the back of his hand and merges with his right arm.

"This is?" Uran was startled, then his face condensed, observing the light blade on his arm very solemnly.

Completely composed of energy, full of indestructible lethal destructive power.

"I seem to have seen this thing somewhere... I remembered it, it appeared when I first merged the soul bone world!" Uran's memory is not bad. After unfolding through the light blade in front of him, Uranium immediately recalled that it was once in the forest. Uranium had merged with the first soul bone, and the gray air flow circulated all over his body, finally becoming the embryonic form of a light blade with arms.

But unfortunately, it finally disappeared completely, as if it was just a dream.

After that, even if Uranium used spirit bone energy or spirit power forcibly, it still didn't let the light blade that had appeared once again.

But at this moment, Uran's mood is quite complicated.

"My spirit ability is actually like this, is it a fusion of previous energy? Or, another spirit bone spirit ability that appears according to my thoughts?" Slowly raising his right hand, the light blade also raised. Visible to the naked eye, under the light, there is no shadow.

Moreover, in the perception of uranium, its consumption is not large.

"Well, I might have to test, whether it is a'sword' style made of high-energy particles that can cut everything; or is it made of soul power. Once it encounters a stronger soul power, it cannot be cut off." With his own thoughts, Uranium swept across the distant tree directly.

In the next moment, Uranium was taken aback!

He suddenly felt that his spirit power was fading rapidly!

Immediately afterwards, Uran watched the blue-gray spirit power energy on his right arm soaring!

The ‘sword’ composed of soul power continued to extend, like a four-hundred-meter sword, cutting diagonally across the towering giant tree!

The light blade extends very long! And his entire arm was beginning to be filled with energy, as if the light blade widened and lengthened!

"This is also OK?" Soul power consumption is only consumption after all, but the results it has achieved are huge.

The big tree more than four hundred meters away, directly and silently fell obliquely to the upper half, and fell to the ground with a rumbling noise.

For a time, the dust was high, and ordinary birds were scattered.

Uran looked at everything in front of him and couldn't help being stunned.

If this can be infinite distance, if his spirit power is enough, wouldn't it be Star Cutting Sword? Cut an asteroid in outer space on Douluo Star?

Although it is only more than 400 meters right now, he feels that although the consumption of soul power is rapid, it is not too much for his overall soul power. More than 400 meters, at most 5 to 7%. Look like.

"Awesome, this is only about 40,000 years. If it is a complete 70,000 years, the consumption of soul power may continue to decline. It is indeed the production of radiant soul beasts. With the increase in my radiation domain, it has almost fully increased. , The ordinary one hundred thousand year spirit bones may not have such a powerful strengthening as mine."

Radiation spirit beasts are completely different from ordinary spirit beasts for Uranium.

Because the spirit ring produced by this kind of spirit beast fits almost perfectly with the uranium, the consumption of spirit power is greatly reduced, and the power is greatly increased, because this is comparable.

For example, the first and second uranium spirit rings are respectively produced by the yanyan beast and the wind sickle beast. They have nothing to do with radiation, and the spirit abilities produced are also very common. The three spirit rings after that are more than one. metamorphosis.

It is tailor-made for uranium.

"If I want to obtain spirit rings in the future, maybe I only need to radiate spirit beasts. After all, I am not a twin spirit. For me, each spirit ring is one step closer to the end. At least, I only need to kill four more. Soul beast, I won't have to slaughter these innocent creatures anymore." Uran secretly warned himself in his heart that power is only an extension of the soul.

Only when you control your mind can you control the true power, and you cannot be blinded by false illusions.

"Since I am a Radiant Eye Martial Soul, why don't I call you Radiant Light Blade? Alas, right? The name sounds weird. It's not domineering. Douluo Continent doesn't know what radiation is. , I want to change it." Uran put away the light blade, looked at the faintly shining arm, and couldn't help but move slightly.

"Well, the nuclear light blade... is in line with my strength. There should be no problem."

Next comes the highlight.

"Okay, let's try another spirit bone spirit ability."

He wanted to see what kind of surprise the spirit bone world, which had absorbed the energy of this right arm bone for 30,000 years, could bring him.

"Let's get started." Uran grabbed her long silver hair, combed it to the back of her head, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

The breeze passed by, and the hair was flying quietly in the wind.

got windy.

The wind in the forest, mixed with a faint water vapor, is shocking and refreshing.

The cool breeze playfully rolled up a few fallen leaves, slowly flying in the air.

With the vision of uranium, if you condense your mind to see things, you can even see dust with relatively large particles.

"Time, stop."

The indifference and low groan, as if dominating all things, suddenly sounded in the open space.


Suddenly, Uranium seemed to hear a slight chime.

It was the clock named time, and it paused slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the space began to be distorted strangely, and the black and white picture flashed away, and then returned to its original appearance.

However, the world has changed.

Uranium stood in the midst of this world, watching with his own eyes, the dust in the air, from floating to fixed.

From moving to stationary.

The wind stopped abruptly and was forcibly interrupted by this special spirit bone skill.

There was deathly silence all around.

Uranium didn't seem to hear any sound, and the water flow stayed in the air while it was surging.

The same is true for splashing water.

"One second passed."

Uranium whispered.

"Two seconds passed."

This has reached its limit.

"Three seconds have passed." Uran's expression became excited.

The longer the time, the higher the value of this spirit ability, the geometric multiple will increase!

"Four seconds have passed!"

Uran's body trembled slightly!

"Five seconds have passed!"

After the fifth second of Uranium counting, suddenly, the surrounding space began to twist!

The next moment, the distortion dissipated!

The effect of time stopped, restored to its original state!

"Five seconds! Five seconds! This is enough to determine the outcome of a war!" Uranus could not calm the excitement in his heart as he meditated on everything he had just experienced, and even his arms trembled.

Trembling for my own strength...........

But suddenly, Uranium frowned.

It seems that there is a sense of prying, passing by in a flash?

"It should be impossible. With my mental strength, I can feel it even with Extreme Douluo's observation. It seems that my power is too strong and it makes me too sensitive. In this world, gods would never look at it. The lower realm is different, but the world is different. My time stop will not affect the God Realm at all. Otherwise, a soul bone of tens of thousands of years can stop the God’s time, and it is too worthy of the spirit beast." Thinking of this, Uran could not help. With a quick smile, he was amused at the inexplicable feeling he had just now.

He was now a little doubtful whether the feeling he had just felt was prying, because he couldn't feel the feeling of being watched.

"Is it possible? Is it Douluo Xing's world consciousness?" At this time, Uranus considered this again. After all, this is a bit in line with the feeling just now. The whole world is itss, let alone prying, even if it is fair and honest. I can imagine it.

"Well, it's meaningless to think about it. I'm done. The Sunset Forest has no spirit ring that meets Zhu Zhuqing's. And my sixth spirit ring, I want to challenge the level of one hundred thousand years. The Sunset Forest does not have one hundred thousand. This place, it's time to go." He smiled and shook his head, Uranium began to collect the material from the Submersible Porcupine.

But first, we must take away the radiant energy from it.

Soul spikes on the back? take away.

Although his eyes were blown out, a pig head with a very good appearance? Cut and take away.

Hard black carapace? take away.

After processing for more than an hour, Uranium slowly stopped.

He had taken down everything he thought was valuable, except for the blackened blood, the submerged porcupine in front of him was almost taken apart by him.

After all, it is the top-level existence closest to the 100,000-year soul beast, and there are many good things on its body, and among them, the value of the soul spike is the most expensive.

If Uranium is right, I'm afraid it can store souls, that is, as long as there are soul spikes nearby after death, they will be absorbed in, lest they end up in the end.

The body of the deceased can be frozen and preserved. Someday in the future, there will be some resurrection spirit ability, and then the person will be resurrected and the soul will be stuffed back...

"Forget it, these are all guesses, the soul is so mysterious, the ghost knows if it is true." After finishing everything, Uran nodded in satisfaction.

it's all over.

You can go home.

Although the forest is fun, and you can live with Zhu Zhuqing, after all, it is not as comfortable as the super warm bed in the Tiandou Royal Academy.

He also missed the people of Emperor Dou, and it was time to go back and see everyone.

"Everything is over." Uran closed his eyes and began to feel slowly whether there was any radiation field that had not been absorbed in the sunset forest.

After all, he had infected three soul beasts frantically, and there was still a piece of woodland.

But surprisingly, in his perception, there is nothing.

"Has the radiation field been removed by Little Serum?" Uran was slightly taken aback when he felt there was nothing, but the next moment, he showed a joyful smile.

"In this case, there is nothing to finish. This forest has undergone such a major blow, I am afraid that it needs to be well cultivated before it can regain its vitality. I will ask Xueqinghe to talk about the situation and seal this forest. Otherwise, It is not a paradise for soul beasts anymore." Uran thought for a while before he came to such a conclusion.

High-level spirit beasts are almost dead, and other spirit masters can't get any spirit rings at all. Maybe the best choice is to close the forest. After all, this is his fault. Even if he intercedes, let Xue Qinghe implement it.

Because he can't do it alone.

"Then, sunset forest, ciao~" Uranium greeted the forest behind as he turned around.

Ciao, Italian means goodbye.

Although Sunset Forest doesn't necessarily want to see him again...

Uran turned and left, Xiaoxue, Zhu Zhuqing's position basically coincided with his route, so he only had to walk towards the outskirts of the forest.

Soon after the uranium left.

The leaves remained as usual, moving slightly.

The wind in the forest blew across this land of struggle, mixed with a slight **** air, drifting into the distance.

And more and more water vapor covered and diluted this **** smell.

The forest is calming the messy land with its own ability.

The reduction of soul beasts, UU reading www. did not make the ecological balance a problem, because the soul beast always becomes stronger.

Small soul beasts appeared in various places in the forest and began to occupy habitats and water sources, but other soul beasts invaded and started fighting.

The multiplication of all things remains as usual.

The scattered fallen leaves danced and floated up and down in the forest.

But it never fell to the ground.

The wind gradually became louder.

The cool wind took away all sorrow and brought the breath of life.

This is the charm of nature.

Humans have never been the masters of nature..........

Sunset Forest Roll-End

(End of this chapter)

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