Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 236: The fish that slipped through the net under nuclear radiation (5k)

Uran quietly watched the black-haired ponytailed young man staying in place, not knowing what it was like.

From the other person, he can keenly feel that despair

It's like after experiencing great ups and downs, I have no hope of future promotion, and I feel sad about the unpredictable future.

What made Uran even more surprised was that the other's body was the same as that of a woman, which made him feel familiar.

"What the **** is this?" The scene in front of him where his boyfriend is protected by a strong girlfriend does not make Uranium interesting. The reason why he stayed here and has not left is because he wants to understand. This kind of special throbbing appears on strangers.

This kind of breath is very similar to myself.

It's exactly the same.

"Is it nuclear radiation?" Suddenly, Uranium seemed to have thought of something, his face suddenly changed.

This thing, if a normal person encounters a high concentration, I am afraid there is only one way to be tortured to death.

Healing soul masters can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and they can't go deep into the treatment at the atomic level.

Let alone the original level of dna.

Even if it has the healing ability to change the origin, that is not something that an ordinary soul emperor soul saint level healing soul master can achieve.

"No, they don't even have residual energy in their bodies. It's strange, who is so powerful that they can expel these radiation energy?" Then, Uranium discovered something wrong.

"Furthermore, the fluctuations in this energy stay are exactly the same as mine. I am afraid that they have been in contact with the place where I have been."

"That's all right."

Standing in place for a while, Uran turned and left without hesitation.

If it is said that the other party caused such a tragedy because of his own nuclear radiation residual energy, then he has to intervene no matter what he says.

But now in his eyes, they were two clean people.

Except for the young man named Kaiying, there is an invisible red vortex in his body, which has been absorbing the soul power of the opponent.

Even Uranium secretly used the pupil of the element to take a look, and his scalp was numb.

Also feel fortunate for each other.

If it weren’t for his three spirit rings to be firmly connected to Kaiying’s life, otherwise the red vortex had already shattered the spirit ring and absorbed all his spirit power.

Then it's not just the soul master, the most likely is to be sucked into a level 1 soul warrior and become a real useless person.

When "Interesting" left, Uran's face was still flat.

He didn't have the idea of ​​showing up for the other party, and he didn't care about the life and death of strangers.

Unless it is useful to him, or he has a guilty heart.

He doesn't want to do such a thankless thing. The red vortex looks like a very difficult guy to deal with. Since the other party can maintain the weak dignity of the soul, let him live like this. Not the woman just now. Having said that, under the Wuhun Hall, she can ask her father to arrange units.

Out of this street, Uran looked around, then strode towards the city gate located at the west gate.

After passing through a few strange streets and asking about the way down the road, Uranium finally saw the west gate facing the Star Dou Forest after ten minutes.

Because it is close to the soul beast forest, the surrounding area is quite prosperous, with soul beast skins, medicinal materials, and many trade shops, like a busy city.

On the streets, you can see soldiers patrolling everywhere, and there is a constant flow of people.

Uran glanced at the surrounding shops, without stopping at all, he walked out of the west gate and walked towards the Star Dou Forest.

Zhu Zhuqing still practiced peacefully in the hotel, and did not follow him to explore the Star Dou Great Forest.

Because he knew that the Star Dou Great Forest was not a place without top spirit beasts like Sunset Forest.

Inside, there is a top existence that is ranked among the top in Douluo Continent today.

One hundred thousand year soul beast.

And there are still two.

Uranium does not have the confidence to safely protect Zhu Zhuqing. Once he fights, he will inevitably use extraordinary combat skills.

After entering the Star Dou Great Forest, Uranium seemed to regain the former feeling.

It's just that this time, he no longer came to the Star Dou Great Forest with a refuge attitude and an escape mentality.

He is now returning like a king.

He still clearly remembered how many death moments he had encountered in this spirit beast forest.

He still remembered how powerless and hopeless he was in the face of a mortal environment.

"I really miss it. My past, my childhood, have been spent in the Star Dou Great Forest." Uran smiled lightly, his eyes full of nostalgia.

Picking a wild flower at will, Uranium slowly picked it up and held it in front of her eyes.

It seems that I want to see all my past from this wild flower.

"But now I am different from the weak me. Even if the 100,000-year soul beast comes, I can retreat all over, let alone the 10,000-year soul beast." He placed the wild flower back to its original position, soul power. Slightly revolve, flowing in the stems of wild flowers.

Soon, the two ends of the cut were barely connected together.

The vitality that had passed away, once again barely revealed its own glory.

"Soul power is really omnipotent. Maybe someone will become infertile in the future. You can also use your soul power to dredge the blocked fallopian tubes and vas deferens, or activate sperm activity, tsk tsk." Uran tsk tsk tsk, feel the soul. Powerful and interesting.

The topography in the interior of the Star Dou Forest is very complicated, and there is no road in the forest. The work of opening the road naturally falls on Uranium itself.

With the use of spirit power, Uranium's arm showed a gray wave, and the aura stretched like a light blade. The right arm swung at will, splitting the thorns on the way, without affecting his forward speed at all.

The nuclear energy light blade, the soul bone soul ability without cooling, but it consumes soul power when used.

Like Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor's leg bones, the spring breeze was blowing and regenerating, it was a passive and active spirit ability.

Because of his confidence in his own strength, Uranium did not deliberately raise his hearing and eyesight to the strongest state. He was as tyrannical as him, and he didn't need to move forward cautiously.

The academy once specifically talked about the knowledge of wild soul beasts. The wild soul beasts are extremely aggressive, and they hate the human beings who have improved their strength by smashing them.

The most frightening thing is that among the wild soul beasts, some are clustered, that is to say, it is very possible to encounter a group of powerful wild soul beasts. In this case, unless the soul master himself is amazing, otherwise It's hard to resist.

"However, although I have great strength, I still have to maintain a basic awe of life. My previous state of wanting to destroy all living beings is a lesson. I only need to take away the soul beast life I need. ."

Soon, he met the soul beast. And it is a group of soul beasts.

Uranium stopped moving forward. He first discovered this group of spirit beasts, a group of wind wolves.

This kind of spirit beast is slightly larger, has a strong attack power, and is a spirit beast with a strong vengeance, and it usually acts in groups.

However, the age of this group of wind wolves is obviously only a few decades, and the leader is only a hundred years old, and there is no danger to him.

Wind Wolf's sense of smell is very keen, and he has obviously been spotted at this distance, but he hasn't been shown, obviously, he has no interest in him.

Even after feeling Uranium's terrifying spirit power fluctuations, as Uranium moved forward indifferently, they faintly moved a little, as if they were discussing something.

Soon, when they saw the uranium one step closer, they ran away and got into the woods without a trace.

The Star Dou Forest is too dense. The words covering the sky and the sun are not exaggerated at all. It is not easy to see the sun in the forest.

He went forward for about an hour, and by this time it was noon.

Since this hour, he has encountered many spirit beasts, but most of them are ten or a hundred years old. After encountering spirit beasts, most of them avoided uranium and did not directly conflict.

Occasionally some people came up to death without opening their eyes. His pupil technique directly solved the problem. Of course, he did not kill these spirit beasts, but only controlled them. After they left a certain distance, pupil technique was naturally relieved. .

This place still belongs to the periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest, high-level spirit beasts are rare and relatively safe.

His goal is to help Zhu Zhuqing hunt and kill a suitable Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast. He needs to go deeper. The more he gets inside, the more dangerous it becomes. Moreover, what he asks is not the ordinary 10,000 years, 20,000 years. .

It would take about 50,000 years at least, and it would take seven to eight thousand years, or even ten thousand years, to be worthy of Zhu Zhuqing's fourth spirit ring.

After a little trimming, drinking some water and eating something, Uranium moved on.

At this time, the sky was gradually darkening, the air in the Star Dou Great Forest was moist, and the rich fragrance of plants made the whole body refreshing. If it weren't for the soul beasts no longer anywhere, perhaps this place was enough to become a fairyland on earth.

But only one day is obviously not enough to reach the depths of the forest.

After walking for a day, Uranium found a place to stay at random.

Nothing happened all night, and after one night of grooming, his energy was restored to its best condition.

Early the next morning, Uranus started his process of going deep into the forest.

Because his speed is very fast, and there is no soul beast to let him stay, if he encounters a roadblock, he will directly open the radiation eye and use the pupil technique to let the opponent leave by himself.

Soon, after three days of travel, Uranium came to the depths of the forest.

"Soul beasts have become so few, it only took eight years." Uran sighed while looking at the rather depressed scene deep in the forest.

He still remembered that in this deep environment, thousand-year level spirit beasts were everywhere, and even ten thousand years were not a few.

But at this moment, in his perception, there was no commotion in the past.

"Have you all been killed?"

Standing in place for a long time, Uran smiled bitterly, preparing to move on.

He is a member of the Slaughter Soul Beast, how can he talk about this ridiculous kindness, his current compassion is as false as the tears of a crocodile.

At this moment, suddenly, the wry smile on Uran's face disappeared instantly, and the extreme coldness breathed out from him, and the five spirit rings, accompanied by Uran's hum, began to appear.

One yellow, two purple and two black.

The fourteen-year-old Soul King is terrifying!

"Something is coming." Uran raised his head, his expression serious, and looked at the bright sky.

There seems to be a black spot, suddenly appearing in the air, and getting closer and closer

"Damn! It's you again!"

Such a familiar scene suddenly made Uranium's calmness disappear!

With uranium's eyesight, it is easy to see what the black spots are getting closer and closer!

A huge stone monument fell from the sky!

"Titan Great Ape" Uran gritted his teeth, and these words popped out between his teeth.

Familiar encounters appear again.

Uranium seemed to relive the past, and he was like that at that time. A huge rock fell from the sky and hit him not far away.

Obviously, he could be killed if he was more accurate, but the other party deliberately missed it.

On the old stone tablet, a few words were clearly written on the other side's finger.

Humans leave this!

It was a very humiliating memory.

Following the parabola, Uranium can clearly see that the place where this boulder falls is not on him, but around him.

A heavy soul beast coercion suddenly appeared from a distance.

And, in the perception of uranium, getting closer

The Titan Great Ape is here.

After sensing the familiar breath of Uranium once again in the Star Dou Great Forest, it came

Visible to the naked eye, the boulder is close at hand.

Along with the howling wind pressure, Uranium could already see that on the stone tablet, it was exactly the same writing as before.

"Do you still think of me as the soul master that was once very weak?"

Somehow, facing the humiliating memories in his heart once again, Uran suddenly calmed down.

"Then let you see, my heyday."

The corner of Uran's mouth raised a sneer that seemed to be mocking.

"Zavarudo! Time, stop!"

Soul bone·World, time stops!

With the distortion of space, the fierce wind pressure suddenly lost all potential energy.

The huge stone stele was abruptly stopped the movement of potential energy and stayed in the air.

Close at hand.

The sharp roar that the Titan Great Ape had just prepared was forcibly stopped.

The swaying leaves, the flying dust, everything is under the power of uranium.


The next moment, Uranium jumped high.

Energy began to gather on the right leg!

The fourth spirit ring lights up.

Immediately afterwards, a volley sweep kick fell, brazenly mixed with terrifying power!

Time keeps turning

The huge spirit power fluctuation suddenly appeared in the perception of the Titan Great Ape.


In the midair, a splendid explosion suddenly lit up!

The boulder bursts!

The rubble is scattered!

When the Titan Great Ape suddenly exploded when he sensed the mid-air, his huge face was stunned for a while.


Uranium fell to the ground lightly without a trace of dust on his body.

It seems that invisible power has isolated everything.

"It's not good enough, but it has made me much more comfortable." A cold voice rang from the woodland.

He was waiting for the Titan Great Ape to approach.

The other side still has some distance.

At this moment, on the other side, in the city of Dreinork, Kay Ying entered a huge building.

Wuhun main hall.

Under the arrangement of Lin Waner's father, Kaiying chose a clerical job to start today's schedule, data sorting, and daily summary.

"Hey, handsome guy, early." Someone greeted Kai Ying along the way.

After leaving the academy, Kai Ying suddenly discovered that in fact, not so many people knew him at all. They didn't know that Kai Ying was a waste of six years that could not be promoted, and even regressed his spirit power.

It's like scaring yourself, always thinking that everyone knows.

Although it was only a few days to work, Kay Ying felt unexpectedly comfortable.

The people here are very enthusiastic and they speak nicely. He likes it very much.

After all, under the pressure of real life, he admitted that he had failed.

He was once a genius, well-known throughout the academy, a thirteen-year-old thirty-third level soul sovereign, with a natural spirit power, and even became famous in the college joint competition. Originally, he thought that such smooth days would continue forever.

But the rest of life is a nightmare to wake him up

During a trip to the Star Dou Great Forest, seven people went there, only three were left.

One teacher, two students.

It was Lin Feng, Kai Ying, and Lin Wan'er who had a broken arm.

Originally, this was nothing, because it was a good idea to get the spirit ring and meet the top spirit beasts, and it was good to be able to escape back, and the dean didn't blame them, because all these were uncertain factors.

But after that, the surviving teacher Lin Feng began to have a low-grade fever.

If uranium is present, you can find that the radiation energy in Lin Feng's body has already accumulated a lot.

The reason is that he fought with the Radiant Titan Great Ape for a while in the dense radiation land

This radiant energy soon affected some teachers and students.

Soul King Lin Feng, Teacher Lin, has become a radioactive source that can emit radiation.

Because his concentration was already too deep, he left within a few days.

In the college, the dean immediately isolated all symptomatic teachers and students after he noticed something was wrong.

Not long after, these people also entered the same situation as Teacher Lin, but it was just a difference between morning and evening.

It can be said that the second blow caused by this return to the academy almost closed the academy.

People die a lot

Strangely, Laast also fell asleep.

But there is one thing that makes everyone very strange. Kai Ying and Lin Wan'er only have a little at the beginning, but after that, they have no symptoms.

There is no such thing as high fever and low fever, red skin, and other things that Teacher Lin had experienced.

Why are you okay?

What is your talking Wuhun?

What are you hiding?

Naturally, all the spearheads were directed at the surviving Kaiying.

He certainly cannot expose Laast’s existence. He said before he fell asleep that he cannot be revealed. Therefore, he can only choose to use his own words to justify such a sharp topic, and he can only use his own words to change the words. They came, but looked at him coldly.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is lying.

Things are getting worse.

Kai Ying is well-known in the city, but not a good reputation.

Rumors that he killed the teacher began to spread in the college.

This is anger.

A small number of sane people know that Kai Ying cannot be blamed for the college death incident. The terrifying, poisonous soul beast is the most important thing, but most of them are ordinary people who have been hot-headed because of this incident~www There may be soul masters who have lost their loved ones.

Although the vice president took all the responsibilities for him, whether it was compensation or whatever, the vice president was responsible for it.

However, those who survived in the college were still very dissatisfied with him, and mocked him from time to time.

Kaiying can swear that it was really not he who killed the students and teachers, but he became their vent of anger.

As his spirit power began to disappear and his level gradually regressed, rumors began to circulate in the academy that the gods were angry.

With the asylum of the deputy dean, he can study normally in the college.

Until one day, the vice president passed away

Dong dong dong

Suddenly, a knocking sound awakened Kai Ying from the memory.

"Huh is so boring, I actually start to remember it again. Everyone knows that I can't say for my own reasons, why I still refuse to let me go." With a soft cry, Kai Ying wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Only the brainless people will blame you. Don't worry. Few people in Dreinork pay attention to your deeds. Don't treat the college as the whole world. From now on, let's start living well." Lin Waner stood by the counter, Quietly listening to Kai Ying's whisper, comfortingly said.


The more famous Kaiying became, and the more prestige he once had, the more humiliation it brought to these proud students.

They had long forgotten about Teacher Lin, let alone angered him.

Their idea is very simple. Why is it that a waste that can't be upgraded in spirit power always enjoys the resources of core students? Why are they not?

"It's time, you can start to work, and when it's over, I'll be waiting for you at Yaxuan." Lin Waner pointed to Shichen and said with a smile.

"Yeah." Kaiying nodded.

Today is the life of a civil servant in Wuhun Palace from nine to five.

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