Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 237: Nuclear Kick vs. Extreme Fist (5k)



The vigorous footsteps echoed in the distance.

But after a certain distance, the sound of footsteps suddenly disappeared.

There was no sign, the surroundings were terribly quiet.

The next moment, in the direction Uranium was gazing at, two tall trees suddenly slowly separated from each other, and a huge figure quietly walked out from there.

Seeing this big guy, Uran's eyes narrowed insignificantly.

He could not bear to end this big guy with a nuclear kick. Although he had never seen the Titan Great Ape before, the humiliation brought to him by the other party was already vividly shown on the stone.

But it’s Xiao Wu’s friend, and it’s not dying

At this moment, what was in front of Uranium was like a mountain.

The dark hair of the whole body shone lightly under the dazzling sun. Although it was on all fours, the height of the shoulders was definitely more than seven meters.

If you stand upright, the height will probably be 15 meters away.

It was lower than the radiation titan giant ape he had ever faced, but the threat this big guy brought to uranium far exceeded that radiation titan giant ape.

One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast

Look outside. This is an existence that resembles a monkey and a chimpanzee. Except for a pair of lantern-sized eyes gleaming with citrine, the whole body is extremely black.

This big guy's body is really too majestic. It is incredibly magnificent. Not only is it huge, but every part of its body is covered with muscles that are more terrifyingly strong than granite, and the bulge is like a small hill.

"If you can kick it and explode, I'm afraid these muscles will explode and they will be as gorgeous as fireworks?" Uran thought darkly in his heart.

One man and one ape, looking at each other.

Some of the surrounding atmosphere solidified


A soft cry suddenly sounded from the back of Uran's right hand.

A gleaming grey ancient clumsy breath began to extend along the arm.

Eventually condensed into a sword without edge.


The Titan Great Ape didn't pay attention to Uranium's combat readiness action, it just made a simple action.

Take a step forward.

Although it was only one step, with its majestic body, this step had already narrowed the distance from Uranium.

"Come on!" Uran took a deep breath, and the second spirit ring on his body radiated brightly, rushing towards the Titan Great Ape.

The extreme nuclear energy response, even if the radiation field is not activated, still has a 50% increase in speed, 50% strength, a drastic increase in dynamic vision, and a state of rapid recovery from physical trauma!

In a short moment, the tyrannical energy fluctuations were suddenly released, and Uranium took advantage of the force to vacate on a towering tree next to it, lifted it with one hand, and did not hesitate its soul power, and went straight to the Titan Great Ape.

At the same time, in mid-air, the nuclear light blade on Uran's right hand suddenly extended tens of meters!

Like a straight sword!


Visible to the naked eye, a black gas wave erupted on the Titan Great Ape, and the condensed black light suddenly expanded outwards, blocking the light blade of uranium like an entity!

Seeing that his new spirit ability didn't work, Uran's expression became unrecognizable and solemn.

And the giant giant ape, watching Uranium fall from the sky, pounced straight towards him, without any movement, even a trace of sarcasm hung on the face of the huge ape.

Uranium's eyesight is so good, the Titan Great Ape's expression can't escape his eyes naturally, but he can't use it in the air, he can only bite the bullet and put the light blade on his chest.

He seems to have seen the possibility of the Titan Great Ape's counterattack next!

This is an extremely mysterious intuition!

Just when Uranium was about to approach. It also moved.

It burst out at a speed that was completely disproportionate to its own body, and ran straight into the uranium in the air, and ignored the extremely sharp nuclear light blade that was guarding the uranium.

Uranus clearly felt that when the Titan Great Ape pounced on him, everything around him became dignified.

His body was as heavy as it was filled with lead. The speed that was originally like a glimpse of light suddenly dropped, and everything in front of him seemed to be slightly distorted.

Realm, this is the power of the realm.

The huge fist of the Titan Great Ape was swung out, and Uranium could clearly feel that all the earth elements in the surrounding air were condensed in this fist.

Feeling this deadly punch, Uran felt his scalp exploding!

His extremely keen perception told him that if he took the punch, he would definitely explode the whole person!

"Damn, the one hundred thousand year soul beast is really hard to deal with, it deserves to be the monster at the top of the Douluo Pyramid." He cursed in his heart, Uran didn't choose to avoid the punch, but changed his posture slightly.

The fourth spirit ring lights up.


In the midair, Uranium's right leg began to burn!

Red, blue, purple, countless energy began to gather!

Time seemed to slow down.

The huge face of the Titan Great Ape suddenly changed, as if he was afraid of the energy displayed by Uranium at this moment, and it seemed that he had made a certain determination.

The black air wave condenses into a solid body on its huge fist.

And then, its extremely large body also changed its color!

An extremely solemn black luster covered the whole body, and even the yellow-orange eyes were covered by the black light.

Its aura suddenly rose to its peak.

Go ahead, just like a black meteor!

"Nuclear kick!" Uran gritted his teeth and forced these three words out of his teeth.

In contrast, Uranium's fourth spirit ring had its brightness increased to its maximum!


A breath of horror began to sway around...

The big trees around, shake without wind!

Although it was only a single energy bonus, this extremely terrifying coercion still produced huge fluctuations in spirit power!

One man, one ape.

Eventually collided!


A terrifying force, as if the heavens and the earth are breaking apart from the battlefield!

The vigor formed by the vigor, directly from the uranium body, condenses like the substance, and shook away to the surroundings, to the sky!

Everything around, ancient trees, vegetation, but streams, were all shattered or evaporated!

Almost at this moment.

Throughout the Star Dou Great Forest, countless sleeping soul beasts suddenly woke up, opened their eyes, and looked at the location where Uranium and Titan Great Apes were. In the eyes of various sizes, instinctive fear emerged!

Whether it’s a human or a soul beast, it’s the same...

Star Dou Forest, beside a huge lake in the center of the core.

At this time, in the lake, a huge figure suddenly emerged from it, and the water was flowing!

The body of this monster tauren, with its head alone, is at least four meters tall. It is huge, and its big eyes shimmer like two lanterns. It is connected to a huge snake body that is black and blue and several times thicker than a water tank. .

This soul beast is the sky green cow python.

"This power! Second child, who did you fight with? Um! No, this breath" The Sky Green Bull Python's tone suddenly became suspicious. In his perception, that Dao and the second child were fighting against each other. Breath, very familiar!

It's that human!

"How is it possible? Is it so strong after only one year of leaving the forest? Impossible. It is impossible to force the second child's limit fist out. It's not that Title Douluo can't do it at all." Tian A dignified look appeared in the huge eyes of the green cow python, and he suddenly regretted that he did not kill this innocent human in the forest.

But at that time, considering that if that human dies, at least one-fifth of the entire Star Dou Great Forest will fall into dead silence, even spreading to the center of the lake, so he did not do anything after all.

But at this time, a group of fierce beasts who were asleep absorbing the ice silkworm of the Sky Dream, among them, the nearest huge figure suddenly opened their eyes!

The cold light flickered, and the light of thinking shone in the huge pupils.

But the next moment, he slowly closed again

With one punch and one leg, it solidified in midair.


A terrifying crack appeared on the ground!


It is like a silent world, gradually lit by light.

An inconspicuous milky white shock wave, from a small point, appeared in the center of the battlefield, until it turned into a circular ring-shaped shock wave.

Push it around!

At this moment, the clothes on the upper body of Uranium were broken every inch, the strong body, countless blood vessels, bright and bright, as if it would explode at any time.

Endless light.

Endless heat.

Start burning!


Suddenly, two figures, one large and one small, flew out from the fiery crystalline land that produced terrifying haze in the middle of the battlefield!

A not-so-large mushroom cloud, fluctuating along this soul power rising into the sky.


In the next moment, radiation haze swept across the entire mess!


The force of the counter-shock also instantly shakes the uranium hundreds of meters away!

The ultimate punch of the Titan Great Ape almost didn't knock the uranium kicked by the nuclear explosion on the spot, turning it into meat!

As soon as "Puff" hit the ground, Uranium couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Bright red blood spilled into the sky, like crystal clear red crystals.

"Cough, cough, it’s easy for things to happen when the brain gets hot, cough cough, I don’t think it really wants to fight. Well, forget it, show that my purpose of using force has been achieved, lest I get my soul later Ring, it ran over to destroy it." With a light cough, Uran turned over with difficulty, panting heavily.

He just wanted to ‘slightly’ to learn, if he really wanted to kill the big guy in front of him, he wouldn’t have the possibility of using the defensive ability or counterattack spirit ability.

He stopped adding dual-energy nuclear explosive kicks immediately, and even his ashes were raised.

"Am I really a human being, the only mere soul king, but already has the ability to kill a hundred thousand year soul beast. And this is my purpose to constrain." Such a question suddenly flashed in Uran's mind.

If it wasn't for him to keep looking forward to this world, if it wasn't for the fetters of a group of people that made him cherish kindness, otherwise with this terrifying destructive power, he would become the real meaning.

The end of the world

"It's okay, although the injury is serious, the breath in the body is disturbed, and the internal organs are showing signs of displacement, but the Titan Great Ape must be more injured. I feel comfortable, I wanted to do this before." The breath in the lower body was slightly calmed. , Uran slowly stood up on the ground, looked at the Titan Great Ape still flying in the distance, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.


The behemoth landed crashingly!

It's just that it fell to the ground without resistance!

"Roar~" The low beast roar suddenly erupted, and the burning pain in the whole body seemed to evaporate its emotions to the extreme!

A faint meaty fragrance gradually began to flutter.

"If you don't consider the radiant energy of the nuclear explosion kick, then the 10,000-degree high temperature at close range cannot be resisted by anyone or any soul beast." Uran slowly raised his hand, ignoring the'baked' Titan Great Ape. , Stretch your arms to the center of the battle.

The third spirit ability, energy absorption halo, opened.

The radiation field begins to absorb.

In a few moments, nuclear explosion clouds, radiation dust, and particle beams were all absorbed.

Except for the messy ground, and the crystalline land that has remained warm.

With his upper body, Uran straightened his messy long silver hair a bit, and walked towards the Titan Great Ape, who fell to the ground and tried to repair his body with his soul power.

He felt that he was playing very well, and it has been a long time since he was so cool.

"Fortunately, you protected your body with black light fluctuations. Otherwise, you would not fly upside down, but become ashes on the spot." As the voice sounded, Uran kicked the Titan giant who collapsed on the ground. Ape, stimulated with severe pain, pulled its consciousness back.

It is true that the opponent's 100,000-year soul beast is indeed the strong at the top of the Douluo Continent's pyramid.

But Uranium is not a native of Douluo mainland.

And what he used was not an ordinary spirit ability.

This spirit ability is called Nuclear Kick!

The deep and deep voice of "Hateful Human" sounded. The Titan Great Ape, who had closed his eyes because of pain, opened his eyes at some unknown time, and his yellow crystal-like eyes sparkled with avalanche-like anger!

But unlike the surface anger, at this moment, Er Ming's heart is filled with endless sadness.

As the king of the forest, it will die here

Killed by humans

It seemed that he had seen through the bluff of the Titan Great Ape, it was obviously just a soul beast that hadn't even touched anyone, and he wanted to pretend to be in front of him.

Uran chuckled, lowered his body, and patted the other's huge ape face, "Congratulations, you took a life, I didn't want to kill you, who made you throw that inscribed stone at me , So, just take it as a lesson for you."

Patting the palm of the opponent's ape face, faintly, a blue dot of light flashed, flashed, and instantly submerged into the opponent's body.

After speaking, he turned his head and walked in the direction of another forest.

His second goal has been achieved.

Test your top combat effectiveness.

And, give the opponent the space coordinates of a fifth spirit ability.

He can perceive the position of this coordinate at any time, such as approaching or far away.

Even if the opponent wants to kill him, this coordinate can also be used to locate nuclear missiles.

Although the Dongfeng Express of Uranium is not particularly strong, as the express industry, it is still the core of the core of the mission.

Seeing Uran's departure, the grieving Titan Great Ape was unable to close his eyes, recalling the humiliating words in his mind, and couldn't help but hammer the ground in anger!


Great shock.

For the first time, it felt that its own strength was not as strong as expected.

Even a mere Soul King is not the opponent's opponent.

The power of nuclear explosion kick is not comparable to the ordinary soul skills of Douluo Mainland.

The general 80th level assault system spirit master may not be able to hurt this Titan Great Ape.

At that time, Zao Wou-ki, who was at level 76, was thrown away by the Titan Great Ape in a few strokes. There was nothing about the Titan Great Ape.

This is the state of Zao Wou-ki opening the Martial Spirit Real Body.

"I'm so angry!" The Titan Great Ape looked at the fading smell of cooked meat on his body, roared a few times, feeling a little groggy.

Sooner or later, he will be burned to a big meat.

Although it is a bit simple and honest, it is not stupid.

It knows that once a hundred thousand year spirit beast dies, one hundred thousand year spirit ring and one hundred thousand year spirit bone must be produced, and the other party actually gave up the one hundred thousand year spirit bone in front of him. Obviously, there is a special reason!

Even the kick just now doesn't seem to be the opponent's full strength!

Because this is only the fourth spirit ability, that human fifth spirit ability is useless!

When he thought that the extreme punch he had cultivated as hard as he could not beat a human soul master who hadn't exhausted all his strength, Er Ming couldn't help being filled with grief.

After a while, with Er Ming's self-healing ability, he quickly recovered to its original appearance, but the hair was burned away, leaving a bald patch.

When the cold wind blew, Er Ming couldn't help shaking a little.

After trimming for a while, Er Ming finally dragged his tired body and walked slowly towards the center of the lake deep in the forest.

The wreckage is everywhere, the very messy battlefield, only Er Ming's lonely back is left.

at night.

The silver moon hangs high.

The crisp bird song of the nightingale reverberates continuously in the forest, and against it is the sound of the burning bonfire on the ground.

Due to the moistness of the broken wooden branches, the crackling sound from the orange-yellow campfire was constantly heard.

With the bright flames, Uranium fell on the and wrote today's diary quietly with a quill pen.

April 15th: Sunny

Today, I played Erming Titan and Great Ape and felt very comfortable.

Although I was a little worried that he would ask someone to come and beat me, I was not worried. I stopped running when it was a big deal, and stopped for five seconds, which was enough for me to run far.

It was very annoying to not find a suitable Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast, I felt that today's fighting might be too powerful, many soul beasts have run away, and I don't know where they are.

If I want to formulate a new combat system, I always feel that using the spirit master spirit ring hierarchy can only reflect the level of a person, not the overall combat power. I am a soul king, if I give my full strength, Title Douluo can be yin. dead.

I feel that my mental power has improved again, maybe it is because I have solved the knot that was once dominated by the Titan Great Ape, the Radiant Titan Great Ape, and the normal Titan Great Ape Erming, are all nightmares of childhood, now I should be close The 91st-level Title Douluo's mental strength has increased.

It seems that I don’t have any knots anymore. Either I had a fight or was killed by me. Oh, yes, there is also a crazy soul beast, and I don’t know who caused the ghost. I haven't encountered it, and I have a chance in the future.

After finishing writing, Uran took the diary back with satisfaction.

Feel free to pillow under his head and slowly close his eyes.

By the campfire, the body was covered with bright moonlight, and under the bright moonlight, he fell asleep peacefully.

But in the extreme distance, the sky green bull python in the center of the potential lake suddenly trembled.

There seems to be a bad feeling.

It used to drive the crazy soul beast to expel humans from the forest. What it did not expect was that after the ordinary soul beast was expelled by the one hundred thousand year soul beast into another terrifying existence territory, the soul beast Just crazy.

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