Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 238: The prototype of the challenge hierarchy

In the early morning of the second day, Uranium got up early.

In the early morning forest, Uranium saw this scene every day, but no matter how many times it was repeated, the feeling of the appearance of light would still shock his heart, and the sun's rays would drive away the darkness.

It means that a new day has come.

His goal today is to find a suitable ten thousand year soul beast, preferably a cat.

No, it's a cat soul beast.

For example, tigers and leopards are acceptable.

"She now needs a spirit ability for frontal combat. It can't consume as much as the spirit ability of Desolate Bloodthorn Cat, and the spatial slash damage that comes with this spirit ability is too great, and if you are not careful, you will kill you." In the forest, Uranium secretly considered.

If the spirit skills are too strong, they can’t be used. Strong means that they cannot be used as a conventional method and can only be used as a conservative hole card. The speed and strength of it.

But Zhu Zhuqing can’t learn from him. He has three-gou jade radiation eyes as a base for his physical fitness, so he can show the ability to crush everyone without spirit abilities. Zhu Zhuqing’s first two spirit rings are ordinary, and they are not. Innately full of soul power, it is not the best martial soul, and there is no twin martial soul.

No one can tell how many years the Star Dou Great Forest has existed in Douluo Continent, but after walking into the depths of the forest, the denseness of the sky and the sun is enough to tell people how long it has existed.

As it went deeper and farther away, Uranium vaguely felt bursts of fresh air blowing from the front, and it was refreshing with the fragrance of plants. Unspeakable comfort.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, the 36,000 pores all over the body seemed to be stretched out, the feeling is unspeakably refreshing.

The tall trees nearby are at least 30 meters or more, which is only the boundary between the periphery and the depths. The dense forest has no paths at all, and the shadows of the trees are heavy, and the real scene can not be seen.

"Actually, I might be able to choose a ghost tiger. In the original work, there is a practical spirit ability like Nether Shadow clone. As a sensitive attack system, she is not the type that is directly opposite to the strong attack system. This kind of interference may be possible. Use it."

After thinking for a moment, Uranium gave up thinking.

Although there are many soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, if a suitable soul beast is to be encountered, it depends entirely on luck, and even if he wants to break the sky, he has to decide based on the actual situation. What if there is a better one?

Across the open woodland, Uranium continued to deepen toward the forest, and the air became more comfortable, as if the temperature had dropped a bit, and the refreshing feeling with the fragrance of the moist earth continuously stimulated his sense of smell.

"I need a new level system. Soul power and spirit rings are still not accurate enough. For example, the protagonist basically has no pressure to play one ring, and some special spirit masters can show a dozen under certain circumstances. The fighting power of a group of people. Just like that of the Moon Silver Blade Martial Spirit Diana, once entering an encounter, this kind of edge cannot be blocked by ordinary people, and it is even more powerful in the moonlight environment." Uran recalled that name. For Diana's girl, what surprised him was that she had silver hair and a ponytail.

If it weren't for the difference in eyebrows, the temperament, and the strange martial arts, he would probably think that it was his own sister.

"The grade system needs an anchor to determine the cornerstone, just like the 0 and 1 in Arabic numerals. Then, what should I use to determine it? However, what is certain is that this set of grade system should be applicable to myself ."

Since there are not many high-level Ten Thousand Years Soul Beasts in this area, Uranium has time to think about this for himself at this moment.

If he waited for a more dangerous area, then he would have to prepare wholeheartedly.

After all, there are more than animals in the forest.

There are also types of plants that do not move.

It would be uncomfortable to be attacked.

"Why, just use myself?" Suddenly, Uranium seemed to think of something.

If you say that the normal state of your three-gou jade radiation eye is level 1, then after the limit nuclear energy reaction is turned on, it will be level 15, or level 2.

After you are ready to use the nuclear kick, the level will increase again, but the span between the two is too large, so you can't use simple 1 and 2 to determine.

However, it is foreseeable that because the attack power of the nuclear kick is too strong, its level is ∞ before it is determined.

It means infinite.

"However, this can only determine the frontal battle. Regarding the level system of the auxiliary type, let's just focus on the frontal battle first. Other bells and whistles don't need to be considered." Uranium randomly cuts the branches with a nuclear light blade, and keeps walking. Forward.

"Oh yes, I still have single energy, no energy, and dual energy, three energy nuclear kicks can be adjusted at will, so if there is an opponent that I can't beat after using the second spirit ability, then I can only Use nuclear explosion kick. Instead, the buff spirit ability of the buff type is counted as an increase of less than 1, such as the limit nuclear energy reaction is 05."

"In this case, in a normal state, I am at challenge level 1. After turning on the second soul ability extreme nuclear energy reaction, the challenge level is 15. If I can use burst kick, then the challenge level will reach 2, single energy nuclear kick, challenge Level 3, dual-energy nuclear explosive kick, you reach challenge level 4. Three-energy hybrid nuclear explosive kick, challenge level 5."

Although a bit simple and rude, for Uranium, it is indeed a good way to determine the combat effectiveness of one's opponents and to make a comprehensive analysis.

After all, for him, UU reading www. can either beat or fail.

Can be played, analysis is useless.

If he couldn't beat it, he couldn't analyze it accurately.

But Uranium is confident, and in terms of combat effectiveness, he is absolutely invincible in front of him.

So there will be no enemies that cannot be defeated.

If you look at this challenge level, Erming the One Hundred Thousand Year Soul Beast Titan Great Ape is just an opponent whose challenge level is between 2-3.

And the little blood in the soul beast stage is above the challenge level 4, even Uranium suspects, the three-energy nuclear explosion kick, for the little blood, which can escape into a different space at any time, and has a strong life-saving ability. effect.

That is, the estimated probability is at Challenge Level 5.

"Hey, I turned around and flicked Qian Renxue and changed the Tiandou Imperial College to a modern university. Maybe after she took over the Tiandou Empire, the noble enrollment system will be cancelled. I will directly set this challenge level. Simplify it a little bit and throw it inside. For the whole inner courtyard, outer courtyard, core students, seed students, the promotion assessment depends on who is the strongest in the same challenge level, and then promotes."

"It feels a bit old-fashioned to think this way. It feels like other fantasy novels. There is nothing new. It is better to develop in multiple ways. There are always people who are not good at fighting. It is impossible for a person who fights to understand everything. Intellectuals are the core productivity these days. If you want to be promoted to the inner courtyard, you must have a certain score in the liberal arts. If you are promoted to the core student, then the science is not bad. Hey, let the people of Douluo feel that they are from the modern society. A brutal beating of compulsory education for two years.

As Uran continued to dream about the story, suddenly, a tiger roar broke his plan for the future.

"Damn. Looking for death."

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