Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 239: Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast Shadow Tiger

A deep roar came with a faint smell, and the woods on the left swayed, as if there was a strong wind.

"The cloud is from the dragon, and the wind is from the tiger. It should be a tiger-like soul beast." Uran calmly made a judgment.

At this moment, after confirming his combat effectiveness, he is fully prepared for the next battle.

As soon as the voice fell, a colorful tiger had already jumped out of the woods and landed firmly on the ground.

It was a pitch-black tiger. Not only was there no king pattern on its forehead, but its eyes and four claws were all black. Its body length was more than five meters, and its shoulder height was about two meters. Although its body was huge, it was extremely Vigorous.

From the appearance of the soul beast's cultivation base, in general, the higher the soul beast's cultivation base of less than ten thousand years, the larger the volume. After ten thousand years, it will gradually become smaller.

Of course, there are some exceptions, for example, some extremely powerful or extremely weak spirit beasts do not follow this special behavior. The black tiger in front of him could tell at a glance that his cultivation base was between 30,000 to 50,000 years, and it was just suitable for use.

"Roar..." The low roar sounded continuously, and the fierce tiger bared its sharp teeth, and its bloodthirsty eyes stared in the direction of Uranium.

"...I don't know why, how do I feel that this tiger is so like a black man in the dark that suddenly shows white teeth. It's not as black as it is, but the teeth are very white." Can't help but vomit.

He has such confidence in his extreme confidence in his strength.

As if feeling Uranium's malicious gaze, the pitch-black ‘black tiger’ moved instantly.

In a series of afterimages, it had already rushed over, and the target was Uran's fragile head.

The soul beast of this age already had the ability to understand what a human soul master said. Obviously, Uran's ridiculous tone just now made the other party no idea about it.

"It's just right, I don't bother to go and look for you." Although this'black tiger' is fast, but under Uran's dynamic vision, it is obviously not enough to see. With a soft drink, Uran's figure suddenly blurred!

Uranium did not hesitate to take action instead of retreating.


The soul beast appeared directly on the spot where Uranium was just now, and the tiger's claw swept across, and directly shot on the afterimage of Uranium!

"Huh, it turned out to be the Shadow Tiger. Although the speed is generally fast, it is powerful and precise. It seems to be the same type of spirit beast as Zhu Zhuqing." Almost the moment when the Shadow Tiger appeared in the original location of Uranium, Uran's voice was also Behind Yinghu sounded.

The Radiant Eye itself is a mutant martial artist with dual attributes of agility attack and spirit. After taking You Hongtianrenju, which focuses on speed, his mental reaction and movement efficiency at this moment completely exceed this 50,000 years. The soul beast.

If it were converted into a spirit master, it probably had the speed of a top agile attack type soul Douluo, or a powerful attack type title Douluo that was not good at running.

The reason is that the three Gouyu awakenings are equivalent to the three main martial soul awakenings, which means three speed increases. If he awakens the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel, his speed will be even higher.

This is the natural advantage of Shao Lun Yan, which is completely different from the other Martial Spirits of the main body, Wu Hun...

When Uran's ridicule sounded, Yinghu's body was invisible for a while.

Visible to the naked eye, in the sun, the shadow of Uranium and Shadow Tiger overlapped.

"Roar, I remember that Shadow Tiger is very rare, and the talents are generally shadow clones, or shadow attacks, shadow jumps, etc., I don't know which type you are." Although Uran noticed this weird point, but did not have the slightest Panic, but let the other party continue to show ability.

"Dancing as much as you like..."

But unexpectedly, Uranus noticed a touch of human ridicule from this shadow tiger.

It seems that he has a chance to win.

It also seems that as the shadows of the two sides overlap, any resistance of Uranium is futile.

"Is it possible......" An ominous premonition flashed across Uran's heart.

Without hesitation, a gray glow suddenly lit up!

But the next moment, it seemed to be stuck.

Half of the gray mang stretched out stiffly, but did not have the slightest momentum to continue.

Even the body with Uranium became stiff!

"What's the matter? I can't move my whole body?"

Although my heart is horrified, the uranium has not been revealed!

Something is wrong, the talent of this Shadow Tiger is not right!

At this time, Uran realized that his shadow should be slanting out at this position, but now, he could clearly see it.

The shadow completely changed direction...

With the appearance of control, the shadow tiger in front of Uran's eyes suddenly moved.

A black steel tail swept over his chest fiercely!

The pressure of the wind whizzed, just a simple spirit power attached to the tail, that terrifying power could not help but make Uran's scalp numb!

The next moment, almost when the tail was about to fall on Uranium, the black lightning froze suddenly!

From rapid to emergency stop!

And the strange thing is that as the tail flick stopped quickly, the vellus hair on the tail did not shake at all.

There is no feeling that a soul beast should have at all.

It seems to have become a living specimen in an instant.

"You almost suffer. Your talent is actually shadow control. It's no wonder that with such a small number of soul beasts as Shadow Tiger, they can have a life of 50,000 years and still have such an alternative shadow control. It seems that you are completely qualified." When he stopped, Uran patted the floating dust on his body and twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

Time stopped.

All control effects exerted on him will be suspended, or disappear.

If it was a spirit ability like mind control, Uranium wouldn't take time to stop this spirit bone ability.

The reason is simple, because spiritual things are still effective on uranium even within the time frame when time stops, so they have no meaning at all.

But if it was controlled by a body like Yinghu, it would be different.

Don't care about uranium at all.

Soul bone·world is different from soul bone·nuclear energy light blade, light blade needs soul power to unfold, but the world does not use it.

It is a moment of thought.

"Furthermore, shadow control is very compatible with Zhu Zhuqing’s shadow folds, and both belong to the shadow system. For Zhu Zhuqing, if she can use shadow control to ensure her absolute sovereignty after she comes to the other party through folds, or control Protecting the soul master who is supporting the soul master to create a breakthrough opportunity for herself, then it must be very easy for her to defeat a team one by one with her ability."

After seeing this talent, Uran immediately thought of Zhu Zhuqing's future combat methods.

Leaping over, a body freezes the opponent who is threatening to him, and then kills the auxiliary soul master casually.

Or it could be a spirit master with the ability to resist, avoid the opponent's counterattack, and then kill it at will.

"However, since I already know your talent, then you are not a threat to me." Randomly grabbed the silver hair and unfolded the uranium radiation field.

Almost in the next instant, uranium recovered the radiation field.

Although it was only a short while, Uranium could already feel that the other party had absorbed a certain amount of radiation particle flow.

"Okay, let's go. Five seconds, although it is short, but in the actual battle process, it is still quite long. It seems that I need to find some more radiation soul bones to extend its time."

With a chuckle, Uran's footsteps lightened, and he retreated instantly.

The speed is fast, and the afterimages are constantly shining with faint light.

Three seconds later.

Time, continue.

"Roar?" With a low growl, Yinghu's dark face was humanized dumbfounded by the naked eye.

what happened? Suddenly, that human soul master is gone? ?

Tilting his head, Yinghu sniffed the remaining odor in the air. It was not that he had never encountered an invisible soul beast before.

However, there was silence all around, and even the original uranium aura disappeared.

"Roar..." Yinghu shook his head, suddenly suspecting that the humans who had just appeared are just his own imagination.

There is really no one around.

This sudden battlefield fell into silence again.

"How do you feel that I am so different from the ordinary Douluo aboriginals? For me, as long as I can fight, I basically decide the victory or defeat within three moves, unless I just don’t know something and I will be overcast. In addition to the situation, in normal times, speed and strength alone are sufficient to defeat most enemies. However, other spirit masters basically have to lose a few spirit abilities, rely on the characteristics of martial arts to entangle and entangle them, and then use any soul guides, A hidden weapon can only be won by grinding it, which is fundamentally different from me."

At this time, Uran thought that a Soul King in his own district would have no pressure to face a 50,000-year-old soul beast. This was obviously because the physical combat power of other soul masters was too much.

"Is it possible that the nuclear cells are constantly strengthening me? I remember that when I discovered the soul sect, I only dared to fight a dozen to 20,000 to 30,000 years old. Nowadays, 50,000 years old soul beasts, I dare to go freely. "Uran suddenly recalled the increase in the radiation eye's effect on the body, and he was already faintly aware when he awakened Sangou Yu.

"Moreover, this silent increase is silent. Before I know it, I already have the confidence not to be afraid of high-level soul beasts, nuclear energy cells, ha ha, am I uranium ore refined? Even breathing Can slowly become stronger, although only a certain level of increase will make me make significant progress."

He laughed at himself, and Uranium began to prepare to live in the forest.

He not only had to make sure that this Shadow Tiger would not be squeezed out by the energy of radiation particles suddenly, but also that it would not be torn and eaten by some soul beast inexplicably.

Then he really is, it’s a good I don’t know if there will be a chance to learn from the blackened things that Titan Great Ape showed before, it seems to be an anime with me The armed color that I have seen here is very similar, and the defensive power is amazing. It can withstand the 10,000-degree heat of my single-energy nuclear explosion. Although the whole body is almost mature, it does not turn gray on the spot. "

In the forest, Uranium cut a path at will, thinking about what to do in the future.

The first thing to be sure is that he will stand beside Xue Qinghe.

He is very strong, and he is not afraid of what Wuhun Palace can do to him.

The rules are set by the strong, although they still don't know this now, then later.

They will feel it.

"No matter what Pope Bibi Dong, or Qian Daoliu who eventually became a god, or Qian Renxue, the eldest lady of Wuhun Hall, after seeing my power, I must be the true master of Wuhun Empire. Let it out?"

Uranium did not follow the original idea of ​​history. Perhaps he had the urge not to change history, but that was just for the stability of the family.

But now, the threat of the family is no longer. Although there is this kind of bloodline defect, if no one can enter the divine power space at all, all the defects can be regarded as meaningless.

And the establishment of the Wuhun Empire is a benchmark for unifying the Douluo Continent.

Unification! The ultimate dream of Huaxia people!

"In ancient times, the king of Qin swept away, and the wastes were eliminated! But now, I can unify a whole continent. It's exciting to think about it."

Uran doesn't mind being used by Xue Qinghe, doesn't mind helping Qian Renxue do things, and doesn't care if she is her little brother.

Because sooner or later, it's all his..........

"My Chinese dream, as long as the Wuhun Empire is established..."

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