Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 240: Kai Ying and Lin Waner (4k)

Time is like water, always slipping through the fingers inadvertently.

The cool spring has been replaced by the slightly hot summer, and the lush green branches are beginning to be mixed with withered yellow.

The Douluo Continent has no obvious four seasons, and the climate is pleasant, quite similar to Shenzhen in the previous life. It is not cold in winter and not hot in summer.

But uranium still chooses to plan out these climate changes.

Because only in this way can he feel familiar with Douluo Continent, even if only that.

It was still the neat hut, the sun was shining in, and it was covered with spots.

On the wooden bed in the room, the boy's eyes closed, his hands were sealed, and his breathing felt like a natural phenomenon.

The hard work of nearly half a year has given the young boy's fair and fair face a touch of firmness. The lips that are tightly pressed together show a bit of warmth and luster, and the fair skin of a woman is like a woman. In a few months Under the assiduous practice, he still maintains a tender and slippery posture. The small body that does not seem to be very strong, but contains the fierce explosive power like a cheetah.

But faintly, you can see the silver-gray metallic luster on the skin. Although ordinary people can't see it at all, if you are extremely sensitive, you can find that this teenager has unimaginable terrifying energy accumulated in his body.

He is surpassing humanity

Regardless of the angle of view, the teenager seems to be undergoing transformation at a terrifying speed. When this transformation is completed, it will shock anyone!

In the young boy's extremely smooth breathing, a trace of the ancient awkward air current mixed with a little gray, slowly oozing out from under the wooden bed, and finally following the boy's breath, poured into his body.

After a long while, the young boy's eyes opened suddenly, and among the red eyes, the bizarre martial arts two-color light flashed quickly, his mouth was slightly open, and a mouthful of turbid gas was spit out...

As soon as the turbid gas was separated, Uranium's little face suddenly became energetic.

After opening his eyes for a while, Uran twisted his neck and made a crisp bone sound. The palms were slightly squeezed. A feeling of substantial strength made Uran's mouth a touch of joy.

"Finally reached level fifty-eight..."

Closing his eyes slightly, Shen Shen sensed the soul power in his body, and Uranu murmured with a smile.

Lying in the wooden bed, leaning against the cold wall, Uran is a little intoxicated with the sense of full power in the body. According to the usual breakthrough pattern, there will be a period of warmth after reaching a new spirit power level. During the cultivating period, uranium with the aid of uranium ore can reach the filling stage through accelerated cultivation.

Sitting quietly on the wooden bed for a while, after the joyful mood gradually calmed down, only then slowly stood up, his white arms were stained with a silvery gray mixed atmosphere, showing off splendid splendor under the reflection of the sun.

I stretched out lazily, and the bones in his body were like rebirth, and there was a burst of crackling.

Randomly twisted his head, Uran's right hand faced under the bed, and his soul power spurted out, and suddenly a piece of crystal beige ore was rolled into his palm.

"Yes, although it is fatal radiation for other people, for me, this kind of stone is a big tonic. Although the short-term increase in soul power cultivation is not as good as the radiation soul beast, it is better than long-lasting, and it can At the same time'eat' a lot of pieces." Sucking more uranium ore from under the bed, the uranium frowned slightly, and murmured, "Why is that shadow tiger so tenacious, or did I emit too little radiation energy? Five months have passed. It’s only now falling to the ten-thousand-year limit."

Thinking of this, Uranium sighed with regret. If it weren't for this guy to degrade so slowly, he wouldn't have built a wooden house in the forest, and by the way, he would specialize in uranium ore to assist in cultivation, but now, he is finally relieved. .

"Now there is only half a year left before the Soul Master Competition, and this period of time is enough for me to reach the level of the Soul Emperor, but I want a one-hundred-thousand-year-old spirit ring, which looks like Douluo Continent, and it's the Star Dou Forest Have."

He pursed his lips, Uran just about to step out of the wooden house, his heart moved suddenly.

"No, there is also the far north. I'm going to find Tianmeng Ice Silkworm to see if the timeline has reached Douluo II. I remember that Tianmeng Ice Silkworm said when he met Huo Yuhao, It has been absorbed for nearly ten thousand years, or the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is not even good at counting. In fact, it has been slowly absorbed in the Star Dou Forest."

Uranium’s eye pupils radiated slightly inexplicable light. If it was the first case, then what he got was not only a Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm that was nearly a million-year-old soul beast without combat effectiveness, but also Wannian cold marrow that has been absorbed.

And if it’s the second case, then he can look forward to the spirit ring in the future. After all, if there is a beast spirit ring, he will not look for the ordinary one hundred thousand years, especially the Ditian, if it is possible, He wanted to try his ninth spirit ring, so Di Tian took it.

However, judging by Xiaoxue’s previous words, Uranium feels that the second situation is more serious, because she grew up in a place called the lake of life, and around her, there are still several hundred thousand years old. The existence of guarding a place.

"I remember that in Douluo II, there is a small island in the lake in the core area, and there is a lake on the small island. Will Xiaoxue grow on the small island? And, in Douluo Yili, I didn't say The core lake is very small. Could it be that the lake where Xiaowu and Daming Erming are located is just a corner? After all, they have already been drinking water by the lake, which is definitely not the central location."

"The lake of Douluo One is called the Star Lake, and the small island in the center of the Star Lake has a lake of life. The island is transformed into the body of the Silver Dragon King. In other words, the little blood grows on the body of the Silver Dragon King. Parasitic grass? And the Silver Dragon King is the king of soul beasts, one-half of the dragon **** of the gods, and the blood grows on her body. The talent is to swallow and evolve, absorbing all soul beast talents."

"Forget it, Di Tian should let it go first. After all, there is a Silver Dragon King on my head. I don't think that when I am at level 89, I can carry all the beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest for 900,000 years at the same time. Di Tian, ​​and one-half of the Dragon God’s Silver Dragon King has a hammer explosion. After all, I’m just a nuclear blast with great power. If my body is attacked, I will die easily.”

Shaking his head, Uranium gave up the idea.

Although the nuclear explosive kick is very strong, it can hardly be eaten by a single trick. The nuclear explosive kick is similar to the top bomb. It is only useful when the bomb is critical. After all, he is only a human body and cannot withstand the attacks of others.

If you are touched by a beast, you will die.

"It feels like my sixth spirit ring can come with a protective, invincible golden body similar to Xiao Wu. After all, as a human body, I am still too inconvenient, and I am not right. If I am not a human, then am I? More troublesome?" After thinking about it for a moment, Uranium focused on his own.

The strengthening of the body seems to have reached a certain threshold.

This feeling of fullness gave him a foreboding.

Unless it is a kaleidoscope, there will be no qualitative change.

"Okay, let's set off. It's time for Zhu Zhuqing to obtain the spirit ring. This Shadow Tiger is almost enough to be absorbed by Zhu Zhuqing. It is just right for about nine thousand years. The difference between ten thousand years and one thousand years is still a bit big, I You can't risk letting her absorb the ten thousand year class."

When he walked out of the room and closed the door with his backhand, Uranus galloped in the direction of Dreenok City.

On the Douluo Continent, whether it is the Heaven Dou Empire or the Star Luo Empire, the Spirit Hall in any city will be a landmark building in this city.

The Wuhun Hall in Dreinork City is a huge dome structure. The width of the front is more than 100 meters and the height is 30 meters. It is divided into four floors.

The whole building is brown, and there are three long swords on the Wuhun Hall logo on the front door. According to Kai Ying's judgment, he knew that these three patterns on the sign represented that the Spirit Hall of Drei Nork City was an intermediate Hall of Spirits.

"Yo, Kai Ying, Miss Lin Wan'er came to you just now, she said you know the location." As soon as Kai Ying arrived at the Spirit Hall, she was called by the guard at the door.

The two guards at the door looked like they were around twenty-five years old, and the spirit power fluctuations on their bodies were a bit obvious. It seemed that they should have reached the stage of a spirit master. Although the place where Draenork City is located is quite prosperous, soul masters are ultimately a noble profession, and few great soul masters are willing to do the inferior work of watching the gate.

"Hey, Kai Ying, if you want me to say, you can quickly take down Miss Lin Wan'er, lest your spirit power retreats and become a great spirit master, it is difficult to speak, everyone can see that, Miss is to you It's sincere." Suddenly, another soul master joked with evil fun.

"This" the black-haired young man who was about 20 years old nodded embarrassedly. He has been working as a civil servant in Wuhun Hall for half a year. He is somewhat familiar with these two gatekeepers, and the other party naturally understands Kai Ying. Strange things happened.

The spirit power has been regressing. Obviously, it is the first time the entire Tian Dou Empire has been a weird event. Due to the talent of Kaiying, there are also Soul Emperor level Healing Soul Masters who have seen it, but it shows that everything is normal. The soul and the body were all concealed wounds, all have been checked, but there was still no progress.

In this regard, Kai Ying has completely given up hope for himself, anyway, he can live a stable life, he is content.

But when he thought that Ke Ren'er was already waiting for herself on the third floor at this moment, Kai Ying couldn't help feeling warm.

But what followed was worry about his own situation.

He is a sensible person, and he naturally understands that with his current state of being a useless person, he is not worthy of the girl who shines like an academy pearl.

And her father

Kai Ying's heart trembled at the thought of that gloomy middle-aged man.

But afterwards, Kai Ying straightened her mentality a little, with a professional smile on her face again, and walked slowly towards the Spirit Hall.

There were not many people in the Wuhun Hall, only some servants were cleaning around.

Kai Ying followed the stairs to the third floor of Wuhun Hall, and came to the corridor on the third floor. He only saw a circle of rooms here, and from here he could also directly see the hall on the first floor, without asking, here This is the office of Wuhun Hall.

Seeing Lin Wan'er anxiously, Kai Ying quickly came to the door of a room without knocking, and pushed in.

But as soon as he pushed the door and entered, the raised smile on Kai Ying's face also stiffened.

"Careful." Some low voice sounded from the room. This is a bright office. Behind a large desk sits a middle-aged man, neat Soul Master costume, and the standard Five Swords logo on his body. , Showing that he is a Soul Sect level war spirit master.

And beside the middle-aged man, was Lin Wan'er who looked at him worriedly.

However, after reprimanding Kai Ying, the middle-aged man turned his head to look at Lin Wan'er, and said softly, "Girl, you go out first, I have a chat with Kai Ying."

"Father?" Lin Wan'er had an ominous premonition in her heart.

Did Dad ask her to call Kai Ying over?

"Father, what's the matter with you, can't I listen?" Forcibly suppressing the trace of anxiety in her heart, the woman couldn't help but wrinkle her eyebrows slightly, and constricted the blue silk on her chest.

Kai Ying stood there, shook her head with a wry smile, and smiled at Lin Wan'er, "Wan'er, you go out first, I have something to talk with uncle."

It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided. It seems that the uncle came here with the idea of ​​a sudden attack, so that he did not consider the time to respond at all, even Lin Waner didn't seem to have expected it.

Kai Ying's sudden utterance made the woman stunned. She turned to look at Kai Ying, who was slowly approaching, and sighed in her heart.

Slowly retracting her gaze, Lin Wan'er saw her father's solemn and Kaiying's determination, her eyes dimmed slightly.

Come true

"Yes." Nodding lightly, Lin Wan'er walked out, turning her head one step at a time, closing the door by the way.

Seeing Lin Wan'er's vigor and resoluteness at this moment, the middle-aged man couldn't help but nodded secretly. She seemed to have the style of her youth, and her talent was far beyond.

Nine-level innate soul power, a thirty-seventh-level auxiliary soul master at the age of nineteen, this is one of the best geniuses in the entire province of Fathno, not to mention that the cultivation speed of auxiliary soul masters is obviously slower than that of the strong attack system. , I’m afraid I didn’t have such achievements when I changed to a normal soul master.

But the middle-aged people are more aware of the reason why their daughter is practicing so hard.

that's because

As the door clicked and closed, the whole bright room fell silent.

Kai Ying could not help being a little nervous with the silence around him.

The heartbeat pounded, as if to jump out of his chest.

"Gudong" seemed to be feeling the pressure of the middle-aged, Kai Ying swallowed secretly, but still felt that his mouth was dry.

For a long time, a deep and deep voice sounded.

"You brat, do you know how much I have spent on you."

The middle-aged man sitting behind suddenly spoke, and his sharp eyes like an eagle suddenly fell on Kai Ying who was at a loss.

Kai Ying instantly felt that her heart had touched her throat!

But the next moment, the middle-aged man's rather gloomy voice slowly rang in the empty room.

"I have no objection to you being with my daughter. Anyway, you are the one I saw when I grew up. Although you are like a useless person, I don't care. The girl feels happy on her own. But I have already pushed her too much. The nobles have asked for marriage. I just want to ask you, can you really bring happiness to the girl?"

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