Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 241: The second option, League of Legends? (Four k)

In the silent room, the bright sunshine became more and more hot as the sun rose.

Kai Ying stood quietly in the room, hanging her head slightly, her eyes flashing with complex colors.


Boom, boom.

Lin Shan did not rush, tapped his index finger on the tabletop, making a crisp and regular tapping sound.

Although he didn't mean anything else, this kind of silent pressure immediately made Kaiying's scalp numb.

"What should I do? Do I really want to become a parent? But I have no other way. Raast has not regained consciousness until now. Is there really only this last way left to me?" , Kai Ying feels as if she is already in a quagmire, there is no hope for the road ahead and a dead end for the back road.

The love for Lin Waner and the struggle with her own self-esteem, everything seems to be doomed.

Kai Ying's face changed for a moment, and finally, slowly turned into a bitter smile.

"Uncle, can you give me one last chance? I want to be upright, and the Ming media is marrying Wan'er away, instead of just ending up like this, I will be considered as a parent. In the eyes of outsiders, I have become a wretched uncle. The reputation is not good, and she even said that she has no eyes, even a trash man."

The clear voice gradually echoed in the empty room, with trembling sounds, it seemed that Kai Ying's mentality was not as firm as it seemed on the surface.

He knows that this is a gamble. Lin Shan is a man with a very strong personality. He said that he is not two. If he refuses Lin Shan's choice this time, he will inevitably be dissatisfied, and may even ruin himself and Lin Waner. The fate between.

But he is really unwilling

Thinking of this, Kai Ying couldn't help closing her eyes, quietly waiting for the answer from the other party.

Let fate.

The next moment, Lin Shan's low voice sounded.

But what was unexpected was that Kai Ying did not hear the tone of reprimand, nor did he receive the sharp eyes of glaring, but sighed.


"Huh?" Kai Ying raised her head suddenly, her eyes filled with puzzlement.

"If you are the kind of soft guy who can only obey, I drove you away a long time ago, where would it be your turn to pick up my daughter?" Lin Shan slowly stood up on the big table with both hands, like an eagle The sharp eyes stared at Kai Ying, who was puzzled, and said in a condensed voice.

"I originally thought that in these six years of desolation, you were already accustomed to obedience. After all, you watched the weaker and weaker than yourself gradually grow stronger every day until you surpassed you. I think you are also used to it. Right? But now it seems that this has tempered your mind and tempered your will."

"Since you haven't succumbed to fate, then I now give you a second choice."

Lin Shan left behind the table, walked to Kai Ying's body step by step, and patted him on the shoulder.

"What choice?" Kaiying forced herself to suppress the joy that appeared on her face. She never expected Wan'er's father to think like this.

"There is still half a year before the Soul Master Competition, which is 7 months to be precise. I will find a way to send you to an academy and guarantee a place to participate in the competition. The requirement for reaching the second option is the promotion ranking. Within fifteen. In other words, just get the place to enter the finals."

"Whether you are relying on your teammates, your personal strength, or what it is, as long as you can get the place to enter the finals with your current strength, then even if you pass the level, you don't need to be in Zhuolin's house. On the contrary, I still Will treat the whole family as a girl’s dowry, so you can be considered as a matchmaker, you understand."

Lin Shan's voice was quite relaxed, as if it were very simple to achieve this condition.

But Kay Ying felt cold when she heard it.

Advance to the top 15 of the Tiandou Empire Spirit Master Competition?

Just rely on his current 30th level soul sovereign?

You know, if there is no Soul Sect in the team that can reach this kind of promotion match, it can't be justified!

The last one was also a top-level soul sovereign of the thirty-seventh level.

And my uncle also said that he would send himself to an academy, and he would have a place for the competition. If he wants to come, he is not a top academy.

For this second option with no strong, no team cooperation, and no hope, Kai Ying could only smile secretly.

There is no way, anyhow there is a chance to choose one's own destiny, even if the chance is slim, then you have to bite the bullet.

"Uncle, I understand, I choose the second one." Kai Ying nodded and said quietly.

Now that he has determined the way forward, he will do his best no matter what, otherwise, he will have no face, nor is he qualified to propose to his beloved one.

Seeing Kaiying's unconscious worries about the second choice, Lin Shan's thick eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and said coldly, "Kayying, the girl is my only daughter. Her mother left when she was born. Now, as a father, I don’t have many days to be with her. I put all my love on her. If you dare to do something that makes the girl sad, I will squeeze your egg. broken!"

Following Lin Shan's words, Kai Ying suddenly trembled, as if she had already thought of that frightening moment.

"Okay, go and rest. Today is your holiday. You think about the future. I don't mind treating the girl as a dowry. I have nothing but her. But you will always be The man who accompanies her must be capable, even if he is just taking money to do some business."

Speaking of now, Lin Shan's thoughts have all been explained.

He was afraid that his daughter would suffer after marrying Kaiying, so he simply gave all the money to Kaiying and asked him to do some small business. Even if he wouldn't be rich, he wouldn't let the girl suffer.

After that, Lin Shan's face became solemn and patted Kai Ying on the shoulder again.

Suddenly, the pressure like a mountain seemed to condense in the opponent's hands, causing Kai Ying to tremble in her heart.

And this kind of pressure suddenly made Kai Ying understand.

This is pass.

Handed his beloved daughter into the hands of another man.

The pressure like a mountain

It is Linshan's expectation of Kaiying!

"Well, uncle, then I'll go out first." Taking a deep breath, Kai Ying smiled and nodded towards Lin Shan.

Then he walked towards the outside world and opened the door.

Suddenly, a beautiful shadow close to the door fell into the house without force!

The next moment, Kai Ying only felt the nephrite jade in her arms, and a fragrant wind came.

"Kay Ying" Lin Wan'er whimpered with tears, hugging Kai Ying's waist tightly, burying one end on his chest, wet with tears.

She had heard it all outside the door, and heard it all.

"Kay Ying, that's enough, it doesn't need to be tested anymore. As long as we are together, I will be very happy." Facing Lin Waner's unabashedly candid words, Kai Ying gave an awkward smile, but didn't say any more. What, but more firm in my heart.

As a man, how could he enjoy the shelter of his girlfriend and stop moving forward? Now he really doesn't have the qualifications and mood.

Kai Ying patted Lin Wan'er's back, released her little hand, turned around resolutely, and walked slowly towards the outside of the Wuhun Hall...

Standing in place looking at Kai Ying's heavy back walking like a mountain, Lin Wan'er hesitated for a while, but finally did not walk up.

"Father, you are pushing Kai Ying like this. You know that his spirit power has never been able to advance. You still do." Just when Kai Ying's back disappeared completely, Lin Wan'er couldn't help but question Lin Shan.

The tone was obviously more serious than when he had just faced Kay Ying, and he did not have the coquettish style before.

In this regard, Lin Shan could only smile secretly.

The girl had already turned her elbow out before she got married.

"He hasn't reached the limit, don't push him a little bit, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future. When he visits the gentle village, let alone keep going, he can maintain his self-defeating, he is already excellent. While he is still young, hurry out. Chuang Yi Chuang, only 19 years old, and also has 30th level of spirit power, although he is not a super genius now, but it is not considered rubbish. When he is 30 years old and 30th level, look, he dare to go out?"

Lin Shan saw farther than ordinary people. He knew very well that Kai Ying at this time lacked a little excitement. Maybe there were so many people of the same age who were better than him in the Soul Master Competition. Once his brain was hot, he would return to the original. What does it look like?

As for the fact that Kay Ying would be defeated, he had never worried.

Kaiying has been tempering for six years, and there is still no sign of collapse, which can explain all this.

After leaving the Wuhun Hall, Kai Ying came to the street.

The streets are full of people, shops are lined up, bustling, and lively.

"What should I do? If I return to normal conditions at this time, with my talents in these seven months, I may be able to improve by two or even three levels. In that case, I will gain The chances of ranking can be even greater."

Kaiying thought while walking down the street.

At this time, on the other side of the street, a pair of handsome men and women were walking slowly from another direction.

"How about it, what do you think of the fourth spirit ring?" Uran asked at Zhu Zhuqing who was beside him while looking at the interesting things in the surrounding shops.

There were no twists and turns in the process. By the time Zhu Zhuqing arrived at Shadow Tiger, the opponent had been downgraded to about 8,500 years. Although the age was beyond the difficulty of obtaining the normal Fourth Ring Soul Sect, it was not a ten thousand year level after all. The physique of eating high-level soul beast meat was easily absorbed.

Even this time makes Uran a little doubtful, can she safely absorb her ten thousand years?

Although the true spirit power data of this spirit ring had reached the level of forty thousand years, what it showed was nothing but purple blackening after all.

"Forget it, ten thousand years and non ten thousand years, for the spirit ring produced by the radiating spirit beast, there is no difference at all. It is nothing more than a good look. The tree is so popular that Tang San was assassinated before."

"Well, I feel pretty good, and the spirit ability is very suitable for my situation. It is similar to what you had previously guessed, but it is more powerful." Zhu Zhu quietly nodded, and after feeling his spirit power, he couldn't help his mouth. Raise an arc.

After being promoted to the Soul Sect, in her perception, the silver energy light ball inside the body was almost digested.

However, more spirit power was digested in her body into physical quality instead of spirit power.

Therefore, the spirit power she obtained was not as much as Uran's imagination, she is now a forty-fourth level soul sect.

"By the way, since we have gotten the spirit ring, then, when we go back, we should retreat, right? You also said to get your second team again? I'm not sure to play the first team alone." Zhu Zhuqing suddenly thought He said that he opened the second team with Uranium's sentence and suddenly said with a strange expression on his face.

She has seen the power of teamwork.

And she didn't think that the soul of the soul sect now could be equal to the uranium of the soul sect period.

The most important thing is that she is a sensitive attacker.

"Don't worry, I thought about it a long time ago. Do you remember the way we used to enter the eyes of the Ice and Fire? As long as you cover the sky on the battlefield in advance, then with your soul bone skills, it must be very easy to solve a group of people "Uran smiled relaxedly, not worrying about the future at all.

He annoys himself to hit people, unless it is a more critical opponent, such as a few in the original book with a little strength, or he has no idea of ​​fighting against others at all.

It is better to train Zhu Zhuqing as soon as possible and let her go seven times.

"However, this kind of covering the sky with lime is too sloppy, others can break it with any spirit ability." Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but vomit.

The idea of ​​uranium is really too simple.

"Simplicity isn't good? The simpler, the fewer flaws. Think about it, it's impossible to solve all of the smog covering it all at once, right? In the remaining time, use the soul bone to solve the auxiliary soul. Teacher, then use the third spirit ability to finish all the power attack system frontally, you see, it's easy, right?" Uran said with a smile, rather relaxed.

"It always feels like what you said is too easy." Zhu Zhuqing still feels that Uranium's method is not very, when will you wake up I need your strength. "Suddenly, a rather lonely voice rang beside Uran, interrupting Uran's thoughts of speaking next.

A black-haired man with a ponytail passed by Uran.

And this voice was also unconsciously murmured by the other party.

"Raast?" Uranium was stunned suddenly, staying in place.

A familiar name.


For no reason, Uran glanced back suddenly and looked at the man who passed by.

The quite familiar figure, although there was an interval of six months or so, the farce he had seen before suddenly reminded him.

"I remember, his name is Kaiying? Kaiying Laast! Isn't it? No way!" Uran looked at the man walking further and further, and scenes of past flashes in his mind.

"League of Legends Martial Spirit? Wait, Diana from Shrek Academy, with the crescent moon logo on her head, and the Moon Silver Blade Martial Spirit"

"It wouldn't be a coincidence?" Although he was very unwilling to believe it in his heart, Uran still decided to follow up and take a look.

"League of Legends is a game on earth, maybe you can know something about crossing from Laast's mouth."

"Zhuqing, I have something to do. Let's go first. You can go back to the hotel first, and come back when I'm done." Without hesitation, Uran whispered to Zhu Zhuqing, then let go of her hand. The figure disappeared in the crowd.

Even Zhu Zhuqing did not have time to speak.

"Oh, Uranium?" The girl frowned slightly, standing in the crowd, watching Uranium quietly, and followed a man away.

On the other side, Kai Ying's mind was empty, and she walked out of the city along the street, towards a distant mountain.

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