Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 241: I will be loyal to you! The spiritual world of Raast! (Six k...

Chapter 241: Uranium vs. Raast! (6k)

The moon is like a silver plate and the sky is full of stars.

On the top of the cliff, Kai Ying lay on the grass, holding a piece of green grass in her mouth, chewing slightly, letting the slight bitterness fill her mouth.

"Oh..." Recalling the conversation with Lin Shan and Lin Wan'er in the afternoon, Kai Ying sighed lightly, and lazily pulled back her palms, resting her hands on her head, her eyes a little trance.

"If Raast never wakes up again, what should I do, do I really live a life like this?" The low muttered voice suddenly spit out from Kai Ying's mouth without any margin.

In Kai Ying's heart, there is a secret that only he knows: his martial soul can speak, and he has his own thoughts and even his own power.

However, after returning from the camp, Raast said to him that this world is not right, and there is such a level of power. I will sleep for a while, and then disappear.

He couldn't even enter the spiritual space originally called by Raast.

But what was surprising was that Kai Ying found that she and Lin Wan'er did not have the same festering traces of Lin Wan'er before.

Kai Ying still vividly remembers the death of Teacher Lin at the time.

Skin redness, hematemesis, high fever, low-grade fever, collapse of body functions, and gradual cessation of organ functions. This is a desperate sight that even advanced healing spirit masters can do nothing.

Even the high-level healing soul master who took the initiative to heal has fallen into symptoms similar to those of Teacher Lin, as if it is contagious.

In the end, how many people died in the college, Kai Ying did not know.

But what is certain is that this encounter has greatly hurt the vitality of Princelinton College. Many senior soul masters are friends of Teacher Lin. At that time, they all visited the seriously ill Teacher Lin, but they were all recruited.

"It seems that everything on me and Wan'er have been expelled by Laast. It saved me. Whether or not I am afraid that I die, it will die. In short, I have to thank it."

"Bah." Kai Ying suddenly jumped up after spitting out the grass roots in his mouth.

"Haha, strength, this world, without strength, is not as good as a bunch of shit, at least, no one dares to step on shit! People like me who have turned from genius to useless wood make everyone laugh at it. , Those people used to look up at me. Now, they are already very disdainful, but they still want to step on their feet to show their strength." The shoulders shrugged gently, Kai Ying's low self-deprecating laughter Laughter, with grief and anger, hovered slowly on the top of the mountain.

"I am afraid that the disappearance of my spirit power was done by Layast. I remember it said that before, it was only by absorbing my father that my grandfather's spirit power was able to wake up. Now, what it said is to sleep For a period of time, the ghost knew how long this'period time' was based on its lifespan? It has been six years! Even a pig should wake up!"

With ten fingers inserted into the black hair, Kay Ying's teeth were biting his lips tightly, although he did not show any uncomfortable emotions in the room, and Uncle Lin also said those things for the good future of him and Wan'er. Words, but after all, it was also because of his lack of strength.

"I'm too weak. Originally, even if I didn't have Laast, it didn't matter. With my talent, I could bring happiness to Wan'er, but it has been absorbing my soul power. For six years, the strength has not improved. , Even regressed a lot, it's only six years alone." Kai Ying's voice was hoarse but firm.

"It seems that you need help?"

Just when Kai Ying was desperate for her strength, a voice that couldn't hear her age suddenly reached her ears.

Kai Ying's face changed, and she turned around suddenly, her eagle-like gaze scanned behind her for a while, but she never noticed a half figure.

"Stop looking, I'm right in front of your eyes."

Just when Kai Ying thought it was just an illusion, the clear voice came out again without bounds.

As her pupils shrank, Kai Ying's gaze suddenly looked straight ahead, and she immediately felt a chill in her back.

A horrified sense of horror rose up.

In front of him, stood a ‘person’

A man in armor.

Dark green and black are mixed, and there is no trace of skin flowing out of the whole body. At the soft joints, there is a special black ‘leather’ with excellent toughness, but the defense power has reached the level of armor, which is very special.

What is peculiar is that on the opponent's armor, lines are outlined, and there is a faint flow of scalp-numbing energy.

What's even more strange is that the opponent's face is a very special visor. The eye part is similar to the shape of goggles. There are three semicircles in it, which are like human eyes, but they are half open and half closed. , As if despising all living beings, exuding a very terrifying, convincing imperial aura.

"Are you talking?" Kai Yingqiang resisted the panic in her heart and tried to calm her voice.

"The concentration is not bad, I didn't even jump down from being scared." In front of Kai Ying, a joke of laughter sounded.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

After a slight silence, Kay Ying asked clearly the key question.

Although he is useless, he is not stupid. The other party obviously wants to communicate, and he is a soul deity at best. It is not at all that the person who appears suddenly can resist, and simply opens the skylight to speak brightly.

"I'm here to meet my old friend." The mysterious man's voice suddenly became low, and his figure that was originally a distance away was suddenly blurred.

The next moment, he appeared three steps away from Kaiying.

The speed is so fast that Kai Ying doesn't even feel like a flower in front of him!

As if teleporting!

"Hiss" took a breath, Kai Ying couldn't help taking a step back, trying to keep a safe distance.

"Who is your old friend?" Kai Ying stopped and backed away, as if thinking of something in his heart, but still chose to ask.

At this moment, Kai Ying couldn't help but feel a trace of sorrow.

The weak really have no human rights, no matter what they say, others can know.

Obviously Laast is the secret in his heart.

Suddenly, Kai Ying glanced at the mysterious person with surprise. Somehow, Kai Ying could feel the excitement of the other person?

"It's called Raast. Your Martial Spirit is a sickle, isn't it?" The mysterious man slowly stretched out his hand and pointed at Kai Ying's palm.

"Let it come out." The mysterious man's tone was with unquestionable majesty.

This mysterious man is uranium.

However, in order to avoid embarrassment, he did not choose the black robe and white mask, which had already gained a certain reputation, but chose the Cronus Soul Guide armor, which had never appeared in the eyes of outsiders.

And the other reason was that the black robe and white mask was used by him to kill, not for another identity.

With a frown, Kay Ying felt uncomfortable instinctively.

But in the next moment, he overcame the discomfort of being instructed at will, concentrated his soul power in his hands, obediently doing what the mysterious man said.

"Darkborn Devil Scythe, come out." With a sigh, Kai Ying stretched out his palm, and a faint red light emerged on the surface of the skin. Then, the crimson and black scythe intersecting slowly emerged from the palm of his palm.

The clear yellow halo and the purple halo rose from his feet and hovered up and down around his body, which were the distinctive characteristics of the three-ringed spirit master.

His magic sickle spirit is very special, the whole body is dark red, the blade is black, and some special patterns or lines are engraved on the sickle handle.

The sickle blade is like a waning moon, and like the sharp claws of a certain monster, it bends an arc very exaggeratedly. Behind the sickle blade are two sharp blade tails that are sunken in and protrude again.

At the junction between the sickle and the sickle, there is a fist-sized vertical pupil, with a trembling sense of fear, like a killer, wanton display of his domineering.

But at this moment, this fist-sized vertical pupil is closed.

As if falling asleep.

"Raast, it really is you" Suddenly, Kai Ying heard a whisper from the mysterious population.

Uranium can now be 100% certain, Kaying and Laast are definitely not an illusion he heard, and they are definitely not the same names in another world!

Because that sickle is no different from the one he had seen in his previous life!

Except for the noisy dark descendant

At this time, Kai Ying was also a little unbearable with his curiosity. Although Kai Ying was his martial soul, the time for them to meet was not even a day. He was very curious about the mysterious person in front of him. Wuhun, what is the connection?

Even, can this mysterious person solve the problem that his soul power cannot be improved?

If you can

Thinking of this, there was a glimmer of hope for the future in Kai Ying's heart.

As if seeing Kai Ying's unconcealable expression, the mysterious man suddenly hummed, interrupting his reverie.

"How long has it been in deep sleep?" the mysterious man suddenly asked.

Uranium simply heard what Kay Ying said. When will Laastre wake up, naturally it can be inferred from this that it has fallen into a deep sleep.

And for more news, you need this stunned kid named Kaiying to speak, otherwise he would be embarrassed to continue to say that he and Raast are old friends.

No, I can say that. Anyway, in the past life, I still remember its lines, just say a few words to fool him, Uran thought to himself.

Gently stretched her wrist, Kai Ying let out a long sigh, her eyes drooping and said: "Although I don't know who you are, I want to ask, I will die after I finish talking about what I know. ?"

It's not that he doesn't want to use Raast's information to ensure his safety, after all, no one wants to put his own life on the conscience of others.

Not to mention that the other party is a mysterious person, and every move is hard to guess.

However, what makes Kaiying desperate is that his own knowledge of Raast is very at least, and may even be less known than the mysterious person, that is to say, he may not have the information he can fight against.

As soon as he thought of holding the information he knew to fight the mysterious person, Kai Ying couldn't help but feel cold behind him.

He will definitely die. If you cheat, you will definitely die.

"Don't worry, I can erase your memory most of this time, but if you are useful, maybe I will help you, for example, wake it up." The mysterious man smiled in a low voice, pretending to be Uranium. Under the voice, there was a rather deep middle-aged man's voice.

Kai Ying is an outsider after all, and he has no idea of ​​revealing his true identity.

The corners of her mouth twitched, and the emotions were suppressed in Kai Ying's voice, "Really?"

If you can live, it doesn't matter if you have less memory.


"Of course." The mysterious man nodded. In the darkness, all the facial expressions of Kai Ying could be seen clearly in the special facial pupils of the Cronus Soul Guidance armor.

Hearing the accurate answer from the other party, Kai Ying frowned, and her mood gradually calmed down. After just finished suspiciously, joy followed. Now that he knows that Raast can wake up, now, his spirit power , Certainly can return!

As long as the thought of finally having a chance to get rid of the title of waste, Kai Ying's body, at this moment, almost feels relieved like a rebirth. The mysterious person in front of him who does not look like a good person does not seem to be that bad.

Some things can only be known as precious when they are lost! Lost and recovered will make people cherish even more!

But the ensuing questions filled Kai Ying's mind. He suddenly asked, "What do I need to pay?"

There is no free lunch in the world. Since the mysterious person is willing to do this, he must get something. Otherwise, unless he is his family, it is impossible to do such a good thing.

Lin Shan is indeed unique.

Kaiying's mind, in these six years of training, has been far more comparable!

"Do you want to know that? Hey I want you to be loyal to me."

Suddenly, the mysterious man gave a weird laugh, turned his head and looked at Kai Ying, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly rose from it!

Kai Ying's face changed immediately!

"What are you talking about! Allegiance?" Kai Ying, who didn't believe in evil, asked silently.

In an instant, as the mysterious man's request sounded, Kai Ying only felt cold all over, as if being stared at by the existence of life.

That is the huge momentum that connects heaven and earth!

As if the black cloud was pressing on the top, the pressing Kai Ying was a little out of breath!

"If Raast wakes up and absorbs your soul power without it, you must be able to become stronger soon with your talent? And if I don't help you, guess what, before you die, pull Can Yaster wake up?" The mysterious man slowly vomited the situation that was almost the same as reality.

The sharp words awakened Kai Ying instantly!

That's right, I have been waiting for Laast for six years!

God knows how many six years there are!

And now, he doesn't want to wait even one day! Wan'er is still waiting for herself

The mysterious man seemed to be sure that the Kay Shadow Club would surrender, and turned half of his body leisurely, looking towards the direction of the cliff, his low voice gradually sounded.

"As for the so-called allegiance, I will not let you fulfill it until you have no certain strength. You can rest assured that when Raast wakes up, it must be with its crazy temper. If you want to kill it, It's not something you can stop the baby."

"Of course, if you are loyal to me, I still have many benefits. It is definitely much better than what you are now. Think about it, the Soul Master Competition is here. What qualifications do you have based on your strength?"

Nowadays, Uran can't help but complain. This silly and silly named Kaiying has said everything along the way. Although the voice is very soft, most people can't hear it, but this self-talking character is true. Yes, it makes people speechless.

But it is undeniable that if this Kaiying can grow up with the help of Raast, besides himself and Tang San, he is definitely the person with the best talent!

Uranium had the idea of ​​soliciting his subordinates. After all, he couldn't do everything himself in the future, and he would always find a fighter who could beat him on the bright side, right?

With Kai Ying's talent, he can even surpass Douluo II's protagonist, Huo Yuhao!

Raast, not a silkworm baby like Tianmeng Ice Silkworm!

It is the Darkborn!

The mysterious man looked at Kai Ying, who was trembling all over, and a smile couldn't help but flashed across his mouth.

Then stretched out his hand from the Space Soul Guidance Device, took out a wooden walking stick, and threw it in front of Kai Ying.

"Then, make your choice. Is it to be loyal to me and gain the strongest strength? Or is it a waste and everyone is gone?"

Cool breeze blows past the silent mountain top.

Weeds swayed, branches and leaves fluttered.

The wind is shaking.

Kaiying's heart was also shaking.

Scenes and scenes of Lin Waner's companionship flashed through my mind.

The scenes of ridiculed scenes became clearer.

Scenes after scenes of the deputy dean, Uncle Lin’s good intentions flashed past his eyes.

After a long time, he made up his mind.


Suddenly, Kai Ying laughed!

Immediately afterwards, he knelt down on one knee, picked up the cane on the ground, and his hands could not stop shaking.

But in the next moment, it turned into a touch of determination.

Kai Ying stood up slowly, her eyes finally staying on Lin Wan'er's face.

"Then, I have only one answer!"

While talking, Kai Ying held the cane with both hands and suddenly raised one knee!

The cane was broken on the spot!

"I will be loyal to you!"

The loud voice is constantly hovering between the mountains!

Kai Ying has a hideous face and roars at the mysterious man!

The mysterious man slowly turned around, looked at Kai Ying with his head down, couldn't help but laughed, "Okay, okay. Then, let's start! Look into my eyes!"

Kai Ying raised her head with suspicion, and suddenly met the mysterious person's scarlet eyes. It was obviously just a decoration on the visor, but Kai Ying couldn't help but trembled.

"Let me take you into the most real spiritual space!"

Before Kai Ying wondered what mental space, his eyes darkened, his knees softened, and he slowly fell to his knees.

In contrast, the mysterious person's thinking has also entered the spiritual space, but with the Soul Guidance armor legs as support, he fell on the grass without embarrassment.

Uranium's mental power had already reached the level of Titled Douluo, and it was more than enough to invade a mere spiritual space of the Soul Venerable!

But what surprised him is that originally he thought it would be a little bit difficult, but after entering Kaying’s mental space without damage, he realized that it was not that Raast did not make defensive arrangements for the mental space, but did not need it. .

Because as long as it enters the spiritual space, then it is the home of Laast, and it is eager for more spirit masters to enter this space so that it can be used as food!

So there is no fortification!

Kai Ying opened his eyes in the dim world, observing the gray sky, black ground, and withered plants, all of which are almost the same as before, but there is no such strangeness in the surrounding air. Of discomfort.

As for Uranium, the existence of Laast was felt for the first time.

"Although it is not fortified, it is impossible to enter with the 30th-level spirit power of Kaiying. To enter, at least the 40th-level soul sect is required. However, he has been absorbed by Raast and naturally reaches Not this kind of soul power."

Uranium looked at this black land and the sky above the red haze sky, like the wasteland of the apocalypse, giving him a deep discomfort.

If you want to prevent Raast from absorbing the spirit power of Kaiying, then Kaiying must enter the spiritual space to talk to Raast.

And if you want to enter the spiritual space and talk to Raast, then Kai Ying must first reach the fortieth level of spirit power and become the soul sect.

And if you want to become a soul sect, you must stop Laast from absorbing Kaiying's soul power.

Thinking of this kind of matryoshka-like process, uranium can't be pumped from the corner of the mouth.

If you didn't guess wrong, Kai Ying might have to stay in the position of Soul Venerable forever.

Because the energy Raast needs, with the speed of Kaiying's cultivation, I am afraid that he will not be able to fill it for a lifetime.

But if Kay Ying can't fill it, it doesn't mean he can't do it.

Coincidentally, he lacked everything except energy.

Because uranium itself is a completely unreasonable chain nuclear fission reactor

"Show your martial soul, with your breath, it should be enough to stimulate him to wake up, but this waking up is temporary. He needs energy, and he needs extremely large energy to supply his activities." Uranium faced. Kai Ying, who was stunned, said.

"Oh, okay." Kai Ying nodded quickly, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in her heart.

Fortunately, the choice I made was timely.

He is not a blind person. After the other party asked for his allegiance, Kai Ying had already anticipated it, or in other words, this was completely in the direction of his thinking.

There are many reasons for allegiance, the most important of which is Kaiying's sad discovery.

I really have nothing at all

There is nothing that this mysterious person is worried about, and now the mysterious person has brought himself into his spiritual space, which proves the strength of the other party.

After much deliberation, Kai Ying can only be attributed to his talent.

As the mysterious man’s words sounded, Kai Ying immediately raised his right hand. As the spirit power condensed, a dark red and black killing sickle appeared in his hand. The spirit was about two meters long. The icy texture came with a biting chill.

However, as the cold touch in Kaiying's brain appeared, it slowly dissipated and gradually transformed into a warm feeling. Because the sickle handle itself was too large, it existed in his hand in an adsorbed state instead of being caused by He held it tightly.

"I have let it out"

The next moment, a deep and hoarse voice, with a wonderfully bewitching power, but a low groan like a devil, rang from the sickle, interrupting what Kaiying wanted to say.

"Why did I wake up?"

As this demonic voice sounded, it was visible to the naked eye.

The whole spiritual space is boiling!

Like endless red light, illuminating the whole world!

The impulse that can't be described in words suddenly surged from the depths of their hearts!

At this moment, Uranium and Kaiying all felt red in front of their eyes!

As if being killed by the endless blood, blinded my eyes

"I am! Raast!"

Raast's voice became agitated, not only Wuhun, but even the entire space had a tendency to collapse!

Endless firelight appeared from the gray sky, with a fiery killing intent!

In a daze, Kaiying seemed to be able to feel Raast's heart from this world!



Shattered! !

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