Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 242: Raast vs Uranium! Absolute dominance!

A bewitching groan gradually sounded within the Darkborn Demon Scythe Martial Spirit.

Along with the fission of the earth, the red **** light in the sky gleamed, and Kai Ying's right eye flashed with blood unnaturally.

In the next moment, the right eye with a slight blush suddenly changed from a round pupil to a vertical pupil!

As dangerous as a dragon!

"This is..." Kai Ying still retained self-awareness. After feeling the unnatural fiery sting, he suddenly covered his right eye.

This familiar feeling, yes, it is Raast.

This is the power it said at the time to give me!

But after it fell into a deep sleep, the special eyes disappeared.

But now, Laast, seems to be awake!

"Yo roar! Kaiying! Long time no see!"

Suddenly, the Darkborn Demon Scythe in Kaiying's hand moved, and a hoarse voice rang from the Demon Scythe.

Only then did Kai Ying notice that the previously closed one eye on the sickle seemed to be completely opened, and the black vertical pupils in the blood-colored eyes were quite strange.

"However, there seems to be an outsider here... the food is delivered to the door by myself. I seem to have only seen it in my dreams, Jie Jie!"

The voice seemed to be sighing, and it seemed to be a little bit grateful, and said quietly.

As soon as the last words fell, that amazing killing intent rose to the sky!

Like a substantial red light, like a beam of light, one after another!

Kai Ying didn't know. If he stood in the distance and looked at him, he would find that at this time, a faint black mist hovered all over his body, which made him look extremely dark and cold, making him feel extremely palpitating. , Especially those eyes are pale red!

If some timid soul masters, they might faint just by looking at them.

"Raast?" The mysterious man seemed unmoved, he was not bluffed by the other's momentum at all. He pointed his finger at the Darkborn Scythe in Kaiying's hand, and suddenly asked.

"Where are you from? Osside? Or...Varoland!"

Uranium has long seen through Raast’s bluff at this time. Although the spiritual space is the opponent’s home court, Raast would rather use a little energy to disguise his strength, which proves that it is very weak at this time. .......

Therefore, Uranium seemed somewhat confident at this time.

The Osside universe and the Valoran universe are two different worldviews.

Raast in Osade is a dead sign that can swallow everything in the universe!

Naturally, this also includes radiant energy.

And Raast in the Valoran universe, it is the Darkborn.

He was an ascended during the time of Queen Setaka of the Shurima Empire!

However, what he hopes most is that Laast in this period is the worldview of Varoran's universe.

Because Raast of the Osid universe is very strong!

But right now, it is weak.

It has absorbed the spirit power of Kaiying for six years, but think about it, the power of Erayast is not enough to stuff its teeth!

Suddenly, Kai Ying, who was holding the Darkborn Scythe, paused.

In the next moment, Uranium felt something was wrong.

A terrifying sight stared at himself.

Without hesitation, Uran's figure was instantly blurred!

Just the second after Uran's figure disappeared, Kai Ying, who had stood beside him, came directly to the place where he had stood before. A sharp scythe, one person high, mercilessly slashed the newly standing Uran. !

The speed is so fast!


A piercing sound of gold and iron suddenly sounded!

Kai Ying's Darkborn Devil's sickle, which cuts gold and broken jade, was blocked by the black armband of Uran's left hand.


The extremely sharp sickle blade constantly rubbed against the arm armor made of unknown metal, and the two seemed to froze in place for a while.


Kaiying's arm suddenly showed an inch of ferocious black hand armor!

Step by step, the black light armor that looked like a knuckle continued to extend to the arm along the right hand holding the sickle!

Kai Ying's hair began to grow rapidly, and her eyes were full of evil spirits, as if an evil spirit was present.

"Is it going to become the main body of Laast? No, no, the struggle between you should not be over yet, this is just possession."

Seeing that Kai Ying's skin did not turn into a pure red energy texture, Uran's brow wrinkled slightly, and she couldn't help feeling a headache.

Is this all about Darkborn?

Without saying a few words, you are ready to give someone away in a hurry?

"Don't you realize that with your broken body, you are so different from me? Stupid trash, a fool who doesn't understand the form."

During the confrontation between the two, the mysterious person in front of Raast sneered suddenly, and an incomprehensible energy wave suddenly occurred in the opponent's body.

Although this is the spiritual world of Kai Ying, for Uranium, his spiritual power is enough to change everything here!

The difference between Kaiying and Uranium is huge after all!

"This energy fluctuation is you! The guy in the forest!" Raast's hoarse voice came from Kai Ying's mouth, but at this moment, only consternation was left for it.

How is this guy!

Although Raast only likes killing and has no brains, he understands that this kind of energy brings absolute dominance!

Six years ago, it was precisely because of absorbing this energy that it realized that the world was quite dangerous, so it took the initiative to fall into a deep sleep, in order to deeply awaken its own power!

Unexpectedly, the master of this energy has already come to him before his power has returned to its place!

What irony this is.


With the force of the arm, the tempering in Raast's hand was directly shaken by the uranium. Then, a hand wrapped in black hand armor suddenly moved towards Raast's neck!

In the spiritual space, the competition is no longer soul power.

It's mental power!

Seeing that the mysterious man's palm was coming in an instant, Raast was anxious!

Although it is self-reliant, it can hang up and beat the guy in front of it, but now, it can't even compare to the fraction it used to be!

Thousands of years of sleep is enough to wake up one's consciousness, let alone more power!


With the arm hard, Laast's other free hand, from bottom to top, firmly grasped the mysterious man's wrist and tried his best to resist it.

At this moment, the spiritual power of Uranium and Raast is obvious in this contrast!

There are no fancy spirit skills, only melee combat.

Although Raast resisted desperately, the strange power from uranium continued to stretch forward slowly and firmly.

"Damn human! I'm going to kill you!" After exhausting his last strength, Laast turned around in one breath and took a step back with the strength of Uranium. The Darkborn Scythe in his right hand was extremely sinister Licked his chin!

Suddenly, a tingling pain on the scalp pierced Uran's heart.

Let him feel cold.

"Damn it!" Seeing that Raast's attack has arrived, even if Uran understands that even decimation in the spiritual space will not cause damage to reality, he is still angry!

Without hesitation, Uran lifted his foot lightly and stomped downward!

The invisible power suddenly descended!

Along with this small stomping, Kay Ying's mental space was also a little shorter, visible to the naked eye!

As if the sky is falling down.

For the first time, the horror of extreme mental power has come.


A harsh sound rang under Uran's feet.

Laast's scythe was trampled under the feet by uranium, so he couldn't get in.

The strength of mental power is crushed in all directions.

Uranium originally planned to make Raast a little self-aware, but now, he is not going to keep his hands.

"How is it possible! A mere human!" Raast raised his head in disbelief, even if it exhausted all its strength, it couldn't move the Darkborn Demon sickle a bit!

The next moment, the sweeping leg descended.

Raast was kicked out!

Although it successfully pulled out the Darkborn Demon Scythe, there was a panic in Raast's heart.

This is the emotion that only arises when faced with being sealed to a weapon!

Uranium's figure suddenly blurred.

The speed is three points faster than before.

It seems that time has passed extremely long.

When Raast was still flying upside down in the air and before he had time to adjust his posture, uranium condensed in front of it.

What followed was a heavy punch!

A punch in the chest suddenly changed Laast's face!

Its figure flew upside down again uncontrollably.

Uranium seemed to be hitting continuously, constantly coming out in front of Laast, without pity for Kai Ying's body, constantly punching and hammering!

Until the end, he could clearly see that the one-eyed on the Darkborn Demon Scythe had dimmed to the bottom!

Obviously, in the constant mental power confrontation, Laast managed to accumulate, and the soul power used to awaken the energy in the body has been exhausted!

In the end, Uranium caught Laast, who was constantly flying upside down.

The outer eye pupils on the visor began to shine with disturbing light.

Uran casually grabbed Kai Ying's hair and forced him to the ground, kneeling on both knees.

"Raast, if you don't surrender, then Henggu's long sleep will greet will never have a chance to wake up!"

The terrifying spiritual energy began to gather in Uran's hands.

And has the urge to continue downward...

And below the energy, it was the head of Kaiying possessed by Raast.

"Give you two choices, surrender to me, you are qualified to survive, if I am satisfied, I will even give you energy. And if you don’t know how to promote, you have to face a bad ending. ."

The dangerous energy light began to move down along the uranium hand armor.

Visible to the naked eye, Kai Ying's blood-red eyes suddenly revealed an unyielding will!

"Damn human being, you actually want me to surrender!"

Raast's gritted teeth sounded!

"You bastard!"

"You want me to surrender, you said earlier! I surrender! I surrender!"

In the next moment, completely irrelevant words suddenly popped out of Kai Ying's mouth.

At this moment, it does not have the unyielding look just now!

Raast would always be wrong.

It always thought that the mysterious man came to take its life!

As soon as he spoke, he asked, what kind of ghost is he, or the continent of Valoran!

Considering that his reputation in Valoran Continent does not seem to be a good reputation, he has always been the endorsement of killing, so he met his deceased. It panicked.

It thought that it was the enemy who came to the door, so it simply didn't stop doing it, and started first.

But what makes Dark Yi desperate is that he is too weak and the opponent is too strong.

"What are you talking about?" Uranium seemed to have missed Raast's words, frowning and asked again.

"I said, I surrender! From now on, you want me to go east, I will never go west!" Raast's humble voice sounded from Kai Ying's mouth.

Photographed on the absolute dominance of the mysterious person and the lewd might of the other person.

Raast, surrendered.

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